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The 1920s Culture Wars: A Clash of Progressive and Traditional Values

Explore the 1920s cultural wars between liberal and conservative ideologies, science and religion conflicts, and urban versus rural tensions. Witness the clash between progressives and traditionalists in a period marked by immigration challenges and societal divisions. Learn about the Scopes Trial, Fundamentalism, Prohibition, NAACP, and Nativism in this era of changing values and beliefs.

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The 1920s Culture Wars: A Clash of Progressive and Traditional Values

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1920s: Culture Wars • Liberal vs. Conservative • Progressive vs. traditionalist • Blue state vs. Red state • Wet vs. Dry • Immigration vs. Nativism • Urban vs. Rural • Blacks vs. Whites • “New Woman” vs. old-fashioned family values • Science vs. Religion • Protestants vs. Catholics • The German term, Kulturkampf, was coined to describe the clash between cultural and religious groups in the campaign from 1871 to 1878 under Otto von Bismarck vs. influence of Catholic Church

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TObzZWVDHU&feature=related   1 min http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Kdc0LLSW8&feature=related    3 mins

  3. Although John T. Scopes was convicted in the 1927 Scopes trial, modernists won a major victory when A) William Jennings Bryan admitted that he believed in the theory of evolution B) Scopes’ attorney led Bryan to admit that not everything in the Bible was subject to a single interpretation C) the keen national interest in the trial persuaded the state of Tennessee to repeal its anti-evolution law D) the outcome of the trial resulted in no further states passing anti-evolution laws

  4. “Not six days of 24 hours” was the reply that seemed to damage the cause of A) Fundamentalism B) Prohibition C) The NAACP D) Nativism

  5. Just as the 20s was a time of mistrust of foreigners, it was also a time of skepticism of “new” ideas. This was exemplified by A) conviction of Bruno Hauptmann B) Palmer raids C) McCarthy hearings D) Scopes trial

  6. Intelligent Design

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