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Learn about disaccharides like maltose, lactose, and sucrose; polysaccharides including starch and cellulose; and various sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame-K. Explore the chemistry, function, and effects of these sugars.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Disaccharides

  2. Disaccharides

  3. Disaccharides - Maltose • Glucose + glucose; alpha acetal linkage

  4. Lactose

  5. Lactose • Galactose + glucose; beta acetal linkage

  6. Sucrose

  7. Sucrose • Glucose + fructose; alpha acetal linkage

  8. Sucrose

  9. Polysaccharides

  10. Polysaccharides

  11. Starch and amylopectin • Alpha acetal linkage

  12. Starch and amylopectin • Alpha acetal linkage

  13. Starch and amylopectin • Alpha acetal linkage

  14. Cellulose • Beta acetal linkages; Plant structures

  15. Cellulose • Beta acetal linkages; Plant structures

  16. Glycogen • Alpha acetal linkages; mammal storage form

  17. Blood Glucose Test • Oxidation of aldehyde --> acid

  18. Starch Iodine Test • Iodine goes into the spiral of starch

  19. Sugar and Tooth Decay • Bacteria hydrolyze sucrose to fructose and polymerize the glucose to stick to enamel.

  20. High Fructose Corn Syrup • Starch hydrolyzed, glucose isomerized to fructose

  21. High Fructose Corn Syrup • Starch hydrolyzed, glucose isomerized to fructose

  22. Sugar and Sweetners • Aspartame Synthesis: Ester and Amide

  23. Sugar and Sweetners • Aspartame and Sweetness Receptor Site

  24. Sugar and Sweetners • Aspartame and Sweetness Receptor Site

  25. Sugar and Sweetners • Saccharin or Sweet’N Low - 1907

  26. Sugar and Sweetners • Cyclamate - 1970 banned from use - caused bladder cancer in rats.

  27. Sugar and Sweetners • Sucralose or Splenda - can be used in cooking

  28. Sugar and Sweetners • Acesulfame-K - also known as Sunette, Sweet One, Sweet 'n Safe

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