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Similarities and Differences between Plants and Animals

Explore the similarities and differences between plants and animals, including their life cycles, cellular composition, dependence on food, and growth factors. Also learn about different types of plants based on their life cycles and the various parts of a plant.

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Similarities and Differences between Plants and Animals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BELLWORK, What are similarities among plants and animals? Come up with a list.

  2. STANDARD AG-BAS-7: The student demonstrates an understanding of the basic principles of plant science. a) Distinguishes plants from animals and explains how they are alike.

  3. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are perennials, biennials, and annuals?

  4. TODAY About 45 minutes worth of notes….we may go to the greenhouse or watch a movie!


  6. HOW ARE PLANTS AND ANIMALS DIFFERENT ? • Plants take in nutrients and make their own food : Animals depend on plants for food. • Plants are not mobile,anchored in soil : Animals are mobile. • Plants have rigid cell walls : Animals have cell membranes (no cell walls) • Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen : Animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.

  7. HOW ARE PLANTS AND ANIMALS ALIKE ? • Both have life cycles. • Both carry on life processes: circulation, respiration and growth. • Both are made of cells. • Both plants and animals must have food.

  8. FACTORS THAT AFFECT PLANT GROWTH • TEMPERATURE - Some plants are cool season crops and others are warm season crops. • PRECIPITATION - Plants vary in the amount of water they need. • LIGHT - Plants vary in the amount of light they need: referred to as a plants photoperiod.

  9. TYPES OF GROWING SEASONS • COOL SEASON - Life cycle begins in the fall and ends when summer begins : examples include wheat, rye, oats and some varieties of vegetables. • WARM SEASON - Life cycles begins after last frost until the first frost in the fall : Examples include bananas, papaya, oranges, tomatoes, cotton, corn and soybean.

  10. CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS ACCORDING TO THEIR LIFE CYCLE • ANNUALS - Plants that complete their life cycle in one year. • BIENNIALS - Plants that complete their life in two seasons. • PERENNIALS - Plants that live more than two growing seasons.

  11. BELLWORK What is the difference in a perennial plant and an annual plant?

  12. BELLWORK What is the number one field of study at ABAC.

  13. STANDARD AG-BAS-7: The student demonstrates an understanding of the basic principles of plant science. a) Distinguishes plants from animals and explains how they are alike.

  14. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What are the three tropisms that some plants experience.

  15. College First two years of college are much like high school, you will take science, math, history, and english courses. Undergraduate Degrees: Associates: 2 years of college completed Bachelors: 4 years of college completed Graduate Degrees: Masters: 6 years of college completed w/research Doctorate: 8+ years of college completed w/research

  16. VEGETATIVE PARTS OF PLANTS • LEAVES - Make food for the plant through a process known as photosynthesis. • STEMS - Transport water and other material between the leaves and roots; supports the leaves, fruit and other structures. • ROOTS - Anchors the plant; takes in water and minerals and stores food.

  17. TWO MAJOR KINDS OF LEAVES • SIMPLE - Has only one blade; examples are corn, oak tree, sugar maple, elm tree and wheat. • COMPOUND - Divided into two or more leaflets; examples are clover, roses and locust trees.

  18. THREE PATTERNS OF LEAF ARRANGEMENT • ALTERNATE - Only one leaf is located at each node on a stem. • OPPOSITE - Leaves are attached at a node opposite each other. • WHORLED - Three or more leaves are attached at each node.

  19. FUNCTIONS OF THE STEM • Stems support the leaves and hold them so that they can get sunlight. • Stems support flowers, fruit and other structures. • Stems transport water and other material. • Stems grow. • Stems store food (potato).

  20. KINDS OF STEMS • AERIAL STEMS - Grow above the ground. • SUBTERRANEAN STEMS - Grow below the ground.

  21. SUBTERRANEAN STEMS • TUBERS - Potatoes • BULBS - Onions and tulips • CORMS - Gladiolus and garlic • RHIZOMES - Johnson grass

  22. STEMS CLASSIFIED BY AMOUNT OF WOODY MATERIAL IN THE STEM • SINGLE WOODY TRUNKS - Trees • WOODY STEMS - Shrubs and many crop plants • HERBACEOUS STEMS - Many flowering, vegetable and crop plants.

  23. KINDS OF ROOT SYSTEMS • TAPROOT - Has one main root that grows downward; pine trees, carrots and beets are examples. • FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEMS - Has many small roots and spread out through the soil; wheat, corn, soybeans and tomatoes are examples.

  24. COMMON KINDS OF TROPISM • PHOTOTROPISM - Plants growing or turning in the direction of light. • GEOTROPISM - Plants respond to gravity; involves the roots growing downward. • THIGMOTROPISM - Plants respond to solid objects; plants will grow around or over objects such as rocks and sidewalks; or a tree growing around a fence wire.

  25. NOW Finish the worksheet from Friday! Any questions??

  26. What is a Life Cycle? • from the time a seed is planted until the time that a seed is produced

  27. What is a Seed? • package containing an embryo (miniature plant) and food • seeds are alive, need air

  28. What is Germination? • process where embryo changes to seedling (growing plant)

  29. What conditions are necessary for germination? 1) moisture 2) correct temperature 3) air 4) some seeds need light 5) some seeds need help (break seed coat [sunflower], remove a chemical from seed, heat, chill [winter wheat])

  30. What are Warm Season Crops? • soil temperature must be 70 degrees F or more for germination (corn, rice, cotton, melons)

  31. What are Cool Season Crops? • soil temp below 70 degrees F (wheat, barley, beets)

  32. How deep do seeds need to be planted? • the size of the seed determines • larger seed = deeper • corn = 4" • bluegrass = 1/4"

  33. Germination Process 1) seed absorbs water, swells 2) water activates enzymes which help digest stored food 3) root grows 4) shoot emerges (is now a seedling)

  34. What is vegetative growth? • plant produces food for itself • extra food is stored in roots, stems, etc.

  35. How is food stored in plants? • form of carbohydrates (sugars)

  36. How does respiration work? Food + Oxygen --> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

  37. What factors can influence the rate of respiration? 1) high temps = high rate of respiration 2) high amounts of light = high rate 3) high amounts of water = high rate

  38. What is Photosynthesis? • process of converting water and carbon dioxide into food (sugar) and oxygen in the presence of chlorophyll and light • photosynthesis and respiration are opposite cycles

  39. What is Transpiration? • process of returning water to the air (in the form of gas) • 99% of water taken in by roots is transpired • Wilt = plant transpires more than it takes in

  40. What are Nutrients? • elements needed by plants to grow What are Macronutrients? • needed in large amounts • C, H, O, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S) • plants get C, H, O from air and water

  41. Nutrients What are Primary Nutrients? • N, P, K What are Secondary Nutrients? • Ca, Mg, S • needed less

  42. What are Micronutrients? • needed in small amounts, but essential • excess amounts are toxic • Fe, Bo, Mn, Zn, Mo, Cu, Cl

  43. 16 Essential Nutrients • C H O P K N S Ca Fe Mg B Mn Cu Zn Cl Mo • An easy way to help remember essential nutrients is with the help of this sentence (each word or letter stands for each nutrient): C Hopkins Café Managed By Mine Cousin Clomo

  44. Basic Parts of the Plant • Roots • Stems • Leaves • Flower

  45. Roots • 1. Anchor Plant • 2. Absorb water and minerals • 3. Translocate water and minerals to stem • 4. Store Food

  46. Stems • 1. Translocate water, minerals and food to the leaves • 2. Support the leaves and display them to light • 3. Store Food

  47. Leaves • 1. Make food through photosynthesis • 2. Provide site of gas exchange • 3. Store food

  48. Flowers • 1. Contain organs for specialized sexual production • 2. Produce seeds and fruit

  49. Different type of Roots • A. Tap Root • Continuation of the primary root • Ideal for anchorage • Penetration is greater for water • Storage area for food made by photosynthesis

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