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QoS in IP over ATM Networks

QoS in IP over ATM Networks. The BTI field trials. Terena Networking Conference 2000 Lisboa, 22-25 May. ACTS BTI - Broadband Trial Integration. (May 98 – December 99). Objective: to setup and evaluate a concept for implementing Integrated Services in an ATM PON-based access network.

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QoS in IP over ATM Networks

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  1. QoS in IP over ATM Networks The BTI field trials Terena Networking Conference 2000 Lisboa, 22-25 May

  2. ACTS BTI - Broadband Trial Integration (May 98 – December 99) Objective: to setup and evaluate a concept for implementing Integrated Services in an ATM PON-based access network Participants: • DSC/Tellabs (Denmark) • Ericsson/Telebit (Denmark) • UNI-C (Denmark) • U. Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) • University of Edinburgh (Scotland) • Univ. Mining and Metalurgy (Poland) • TeleDenmark (Denmark) • Telekomunikacja Polska (Poland) • PT Inovação (Portugal)

  3. Summary Introduction QoS in IP over ATM multicast networks RSVP/Integrated Services ATM BTI field trials BTI network architecture Evaluation of field trials Conclusions

  4. QoS in IP over ATM multicast networks

  5. Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)

  6. RESV1 PATH RESV2 RSVP multicast reservation mechanisms sender receiver 1 receiver 2

  7. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

  8. multicast server multicast mesh ATM multicast

  9. {mcast IP address, atm1, atm2, atm3} MARS Request {mcast IP address} MARS Multi Multicast Address Resolution Server - MARS MARS server ClusterControl VC atm3 atm2 atm1

  10. Mapping service classes: RSVP GuaranteedService -> ATM CBR / rtVBR RSVP Controlled Load Service -> ATM ABR / nrtVBR Best effort -> ATM UBR / ABR • Mapping traffic descriptors: • IS model parameters • r – average token bucket rate • p – peak data rate • b – token bucket depth • M – maximum packet size • m – minimum policed unit size • ATM model parameters • PCR • SCR • MBS • CDVT RSVP with ATM multicast • Relationship RSVP flows/ATM VCs • Other issues (e.g. multicast heterogeneity, dynamic QoS)

  11. Register ATM(A) RESV1 DATA PATH RESV2 Pt-mpt ClusterControl VC Pt-pt VC with MARS server QoS pt-mpt VC BE pt-pt VC BE pt-mpt VC RSVP with ATM multicast MARS SERVER ClusterControl VC MARS_Join(B) B1 A B2

  12. BTI Field Trials

  13. BTI field trial sites • Aarhus, Denmark • Krakow, Poland • Aveiro, Portugal

  14. ONU ONU NT NT ATM PON architecture ONU OLT ATM25 ADM VDSL SDH OLM ATM25 NT VDSL • Up to 16 Optical Network Units (ONUs) • Customer interface - 25 Mbit/s ATM • Customers connected directly to ONU or through VDSL modem • PVC connection only ATM25

  15. Main BTI enhancements • Implementation of ATM signalling control in the ATM PON • Implementation of IPv6 in routers, application clients and servers • Integrationof RSVP, IPv6 and ATM multicast followingthe Integrated Services model • Implementation of MARS server and client components • Development of a Winsock2 compatible protocol stack running on Windows NT supporting IPv6, RSVP and ATM • Adaptation of IPv4-based user applications to IPv6 with QoS control through RSVP

  16. NT Server IPv6 Router (inc. MARS server) QoS Appl. QoS Appl. RSVP RSVP RSVP UNI4.0 UNI4.0 IPv6 Q.SAAL IPv6 IPv6 Remote sites/ Internet AAL5 AAL5 UNI4.0 ATM ATM ATM Ethernet Ethernet Q.SAAL PON VDSL ATM25 SDH AAL5 ATM ATM SDH PON ATM25 VDSL BTI architecture ONU ATM25 OLT VDSL ADM OLM ONU ASW ATM25 ONU NT VDSL ATM25

  17. BTI Field Trial – Global Overview PT ATM PVC + DANTE MBS + Nordunet Denmark trial network Telebit TBC2000 router Portugal trial network Telebit TBC2000 router 2 Mbit/s ATM link Poland trial network Telebit TBC2000 router

  18. Portugal Telecom ATM backbone IPv4-based Nordunet Dante MBS (TEN-155) ATM PVC ATM PVC IPv4 ATM IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling IPv6 Portugal trial network Denmark trial network Portugal-Denmark IPv6 interconnection

  19. ASW ONU ONU ONU ASW User evaluation - basic scenario Field Trial Site A Router IPv6/ATM Field Trial Site B Router

  20. BTI field trials: overall evaluation • BTI networking features were successfully implemented (e.g. IPv6, RSVP, ATM signalling, multicast); • IPv6 interconnection of field trials was achieved; IPv6-IPv4 cooperation via tunneling was demonstrated as an effective tool for interconnection of IPv6 islands; • Real users collaborated using QoS-enabled applications over IPv6 in the field trials; usability testing was carried out; • BTI Integrated Services over ATM PON network concept was demonstrated and validated by the field trials; • Complexityof RSVP/ATM integration may be a problem against widespread deployment of the solution.

  21. Topics for further study • Scalability evaluation of the BTI network concept • Interworkingwith diffserv-based backbone networks BTI domain 2 BTI domain 1 Diffserv domain BTI domain 3

  22. References • RFC 1821 – “Integration of Real-time Services in an IP-ATM Network Architecture” • RFC 2022 – “Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks” • RFC 2380 – “RSVP over ATM Implementation Requirements” • RFC 2381 – “Interoperation of Controlled-Load Service and Guaranteed Service with ATM” • RFC 2382 – “A Framework for Integrated Services and RSVP over ATM”

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