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This video lecture outlines the key concepts of Pierre Bourdieu and Anthony Giddens' theories of practice and their relevance to management studies. It discusses the interdependence of structure and agency, the role of practices in shaping actions and meanings, and the priority of practice in understanding social phenomena. The lecture also provides an overview of Bourdieu's conceptual apparatus including habitus, capital, and field, as well as Giddens' notion of structuration. It concludes with a task for students to develop a research proposal applying Giddens or Bourdieu's theories to study aspects of their student life.
Theoriesofpractice and process Elena Raviola Foundations in Management Lecture 4
Manytheories • Tryingtoovercome the opposition betweenstructure and agency (totality and individuality, macro and micro, determinism and freewill) • Structure and agencyareinterdependent • Practices(actions+meanings+time-space) • whatpeople do – ORDINARY ACTIONS • whatmeaningpeoplegivetowhatthey do • On an extented time-space dimension • Individual and collective • Account for power • Ontologicallypriorityofpractice
Twomaintheoristshaveinspired management studies • Pierre Bourdieu • Anthony Giddens
Conceptualapparatus • Habitus • Capital • Field Practice
Habitus • Internalized and forgottenhistory • Generating meaningful actions • Explaininghow the overall setting (structures and practices) perpetuatesitself Habitus is individual and collective, preconscious, embodied
Structuration Structure Agency
”Human social activities, like someself-reproducingitems in nature, arerecursive…theyare not broughtintobeing by social actors, butcontinuallyrecreated by them via the verymeanswherebythey express themselves as actors. In and throughtheiractivities agents reproduce the conditionsthat make theseactivitiespossible” (Giddens, 1984: 2)
Vocabulary • Structure = rules and resources • Structure is not social life • Practice = engineof social life • Structure, actions and practicesareontologically not discontinuous • STRUCTURES ARE ACTIONS • RULES ARE ACTIONS
Whoare the agents in Giddens’ view • Reflexive • Practical knowledge • Temporally, spatiallyparadigmaticallysituatedpractices
WorkingwithGiddens and Bourdieu • Giddens and Bourdieu havebeenhired as visiting professors at Handels • Youwriteyour master thesiswithGiddensor Bourdieu • In the master thesis, theywantyouto focus on someaspectsof student lifehere at Handels • Youwill pitch a themetoyour supervisor (Giddens or Bourdieu)
Your task is towrite a short proposal • Formulating a problem/issue in your student lifethatyoucanstudyusingGiddensor Bourdieu’sframework • Explainingwhy it would be usefultouseGiddens or Bourdieu’stheoryofpractice • Proposing a wayofconductingyour research • Formulating somequestionstoGiddens or Bourdieu abouttheirtheory and howtouse it