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中性子過剰核における ピグミー共鳴の集団性について. KEK 研究会 現代の原子核物理 - 多様化し進化する原子核の描像 - 2006 年 8 月 1 日 -3 日. 稲倉恒法 ( 筑波大 ). neutron skin. neutron halo. Pygmy Resonance. collective? pygmy. IVGDR. Experiments. Z=50 116, 124 Sn : K. Govaert et al., PRC57, 5. 130, 132 Sn : P. Adrich et al., PRL 95, 132501.
中性子過剰核における ピグミー共鳴の集団性について KEK研究会 現代の原子核物理 -多様化し進化する原子核の描像- 2006年8月1日-3日 稲倉恒法 (筑波大)
neutron skin neutron halo
Pygmy Resonance collective? pygmy IVGDR Experiments Z=50 116,124Sn: K. Govaert et al., PRC57, 5. 130,132Sn: P. Adrich et al., PRL 95, 132501. N=82 140Ce: R.-D. Herzberg et al., PLB390, 49. 138Ba: R.-D. Herzberg et al., PRC60, 051307. 138Ba,140Ce,144Sm: A. Zilges et al., PLB542, 43. Z=82 208Pb: N. Ryezayeva et al., PRL 89, 272502. 204,206-208Pb: J. Enders et al., NPA724, 243. 26Ne: J. Gibelin et al.
78Ni Relativistic RPA calc. Vretenar, Paar, Ring et al. Fully self-consistent calc. Harmonic Oscillator basis Pygmy Resonance Giant Resonance NPA692, 496 9.0 MeV, 4.3% EWSR 68Ni IVE1 78Ni IVE1
Skyrme-RPA(+phonon coupl.) Bortignon, Colo, et al. Skyrme HF-BCS Fully self-consistent calc. Harmonic Oscillator basis Relativistic QRPA Vretenar, Paar, Ring et al. Fully self-consistent calc. Harmonic Oscillator basis 132Sn 132Sn PLB 601, 27 At low energy, no single “collective” states. PRC 67, 034312
Motivation • What is the nature of the pygmy resonance? • How about in deformed nuclei?
平均場に基づく 不安定核の低励起状態の記述に向けて 変形自由度 GOAL 連続状態 3次元座標表示 HFB 自己無撞着 連続状態 QRPA計算 対相関 自己無撞着性
R. H. Lemmer and M. Veneroni, PR 170, 883. A. Muta et al., PTP 108, 1065. H. Imagawa and Y. Hashimoto, PRC 67, 037302. H. Imagawa, Ph.D. thesis, 2003. T. Inakura et al., NPA 768, 61. Mixed Representation RPA The coordinate representation is used for particles, while the HF basis for holes Including of continuum states
68Ni EWSR up to 10MeV:1.7% of the TRK sum rule. SkM* interaction • = 1.0 MeV Rbox= 12 fm
68Ni 8.3MeV 1.0% of TRK positive dr negative dr protons neutrons
72Fe SkM* G= 1.0 MeV Rbox= 12 fm
K=0 state at 8.1 MeV in 72Fe 0.4 % of TRK Excitation to Continuum : 0.152
Summary • The fully self-consistent Skyrme-RPA calculations. • Low-lying E1 states are obtained. • Superposition of some neutron excitations to loosely bound and resonant states. • Moderate collective states. • Small contributions of continuum states. • Coherence of transition densities. • The deformation hinders the collectivity.