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NSPE, in partnership with State/Territorial Societies, is the recognized expert in licensure, ethics, and professional practice. We promote licensure, protect the value of licensing, and uphold the public health, safety, and welfare. Join us in building a stronger, unified, and more focused organization.
Our foundation NSPE, in partnership with the State/Territorial Societies, • Serves as the recognized and authoritative expert in licensure, ethics, and professional practice; • Promotes licensure and assists individuals in becoming licensed; and • Protects and enhances the value of licensure and the opportunities for the licensed engineer.
NSPE, 1934 • David Steinman • Protect engineers (and the public) from unqualified practitioners, • Build public recognition for the profession, and • Stand against unethical practices and inadequate compensation.
NSPE, Today • Being a licensed professional engineer means more than just holding a certificate and possessing technical competence. • It is a commitment to hold the public health, safety, and welfare above all other considerations. • NSPE is the only society focusing exclusively on this core principle, which professional engineers in all disciplines and practice areas hold in common. • NSPE is an integrated network of organizations, operating at the national, regional, state, and local levels, with a more than 80-year history of achievement. • By defining, promoting, and protecting the PE license, we improve the lives of both the public and the PEs that serve it.
NSPE is… Not Just Another Organization
NSPE is… Entirely committed to the professional concerns of licensed PEs across all disciplines.
NSPE Champions the PE License NSPE protects the integrity of the PE license in a changing world and promotes a constant focus on the public health, safety, and welfare. • Action on professional engineering issues • Latest legislative and regulatory news • Licensure resources, policies, and documents • Integrated network of state and national advocacy champions
NSPE Stands as theEthical Guide to the Profession NSPE gives voice and impact to the practice of ethical engineering and serves as the profession’s most respected ethics authority. • Engineers’ Creed • Code of Ethics • Board of Ethical Review • Ethics case studies and tools • On-demand courses
NSPE Powers Professional Advancement NSPE provides the tools PEs need to keep current in the profession and advance their careers. • 15 free PDHs • Professional Engineers Conference • Professional practice resources • NSPE-produced content such as PE magazine, NSPE Update, PE Scope, and Daily Designs • Career Center and Job Board • NICET certifications and programs to strengthen the engineering team
Connect with us to learn what’s new Social Media Newsletters PE Magazine Podcasts
NSPE Unites the PE Community NSPE connects like-minded professionals at all stages of their careers. • Online connection through NSPE Communities and social media • Interest Groups • State Societies and Local Chapters • Coalitions and collaboration with licensing boards and educators • Founder and active supporter of Engineers Week and MATHCOUNTS
NSPE’s Current Direction A transformation initiative to build a stronger, unified, and more focused organization
Create value • Create efficiencies • Provide a high level of minimum member experience • Set a single price point for membership and eliminate marketplace confusion
Apply resources where they are needed most • Eliminate redundancies and free up state staff time for value creation and engagement – NOT administration & billing • Shared responsibilities • Maintain a strong brand with a unified look and messaging • Reward state society activities and outcomes with a tier-based system of dues
Responding To Where Members Want Services
Value Propositions • Value propositions for all tiers and integration status have been established in the following areas: • Advocacy • Examples include legislative and regulatory tracking system, state-by-state assessment of key trends, and access to NSPE staff experts. • Branding and Communication • Examples include new state society websites, individual Community platforms, and customized digital products such as logos. • Content, Programs, Products, and Services • Examples include customized state newsletters, customized state webinars, and member discounts.
Value Propositions • Membership Services • Examples include billing and renewal services, use of NSPE database, and state-specific member recruitment campaigns. • Governance • Examples include instantly updated rosters of state and local members, NSPE speaker for state conferences, and state leadership training. • The full list of value propositions, including tier levels, availability, and/or potential costs is available at www.nspe.org/model.
We’re already seeing progress! NSPE’s Net Promoter Score increased by 22 points from 2016 to 2018
We Need You • If you are not a member: Join • If you are a member: Engage and share • Join a committee • Teach a seminar • Write an article or post on NSPE Communities • Write to your members of Congress • Bring a student, an EIT, a newly/long-time licensed engineer with you
www.nspe.org : memserv@nspe.org : @NSPE, @PEMag, @NSPENextGen : @nspe_hq, @nspenextgen : www.facebook.com/NSPEonFB : www.youtube.com/NSPEVideo : www.linkedin.com/company/national-society-of-professional-engineers