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Explore the lavish world of glamour through the eyes of Victoria Aleksanyan. Enter the Hellfair where desires are fueled, and appearances are deceptive. Follow a man, a woman, and a dog on a journey to self-discovery on a mystical dock. Feel the winds of change in this whimsical narrative intertwined with reflections on life's fleeting moments and the pursuit of beauty. Join the author in a tale of decadence, dreams, and the relentless search for true identity.
PhilosophyofGlamourHideyourangelwings, you, golddigga! By Victoria Aleksanyan To all my girl friends dedicated
glamour…FEEL IT, baby CREEP BUCKLING (Ifyouhavenoidea… readbetweenthelines)
Once you all looked at me, I am never the same… I wannasingyouthe old-oldsongonhow it feels to be…
…OUT OF GLAMOUR… …Outofreach… …Outoftarget… …Outof …
Antiutopia …theyfilluswithdesiresthatmakeusupset… (SentimentalCrowd) BigBroisheretowatcheverybody’slookinniceandmakesureeverybodybuyshisbrand… ...wanna say you like your own person so much that you would’ve peed yourself to know your Jimmy Choo is fake?...
RSVP before entering the Hellfair... “Well, if you really decided to show yourself the hell, you’ll have to take a very long way there and still, in the end, the chances you’ll change your mind to enter are as big as they can be. Nodiscounts, noclearances, but a lot of crediting…”. The Hellfair... In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
MIDSUMMER FIESTA… Maningreysuitandaskinnyladyinpurple,withatinyterrier and a big brown Luis Vitton bag, just passed by the Hellfairon the 3rd Street and turned on South Beach Avenue to reach the coast at the end of the road…aroad, slightly turninginto a dock…. Theman, thewomanandthedogwenttothedock…tobewashedoutbythewaves…
Buymesome watermelon flavored slush…Thelifeislikeawatermelon…gotstripes, smellsgood, tastesgood…andgoesawaylikewater...just have to make sure you don’t choke on the seeds...
Daydream… All the sleepless nights I have beenthinkin’ about something or someone... are gonenow, I’m free, free like the wind… Do you like thebreezeslippingthroughyourlightshirt?...Do you? When coldwindrustlesthroughthewhitepines… douthinkthey stilllikethat? …Theyneverknewthegentlenessofthebreeze...Theycanonlydream and imagine…Andyetuntiltheydonotimagine, theyarefine…
http://froze in me. heart.sdklk;sldfk;sdlfks;dlf;dl;dlsdkfx,mvxsdkjhskdjfhsdfkjdmcxnvb,mbs,mnbs,mdnfbdmfnbkcjfh.kdjfs.fsfzmndsmfnsdkfjsz,.kdsmjbfc,,mfkiulzsiuf,eilri4tidg.kjdg.dksdfkjs.dskfjsdfms,dfmjsnbef,skjfbs,mdnfbs,mbfejs,fkjse.kfjb.skdjbfsdmjf.d.fkgdlfkgndf,kn,fnd.ff,judghlk.s,kjfkdjhksjeroiuoidlkjflkilove you ilove you I love youiloveyoudxkjfksdjhl,kjhksdjhdkfjhkdjrgkrihkekeihreiuthlkhslkdjfh kjsekfjvdjgd,fjghkjrhkgdjhkjhdkfjghdkfjdjfksa;fkgjghhkjdkww.ckggrogkjdkfjghkdjfgdkjfhgkdjfkdjfv,mx,dksz;.d;lkf;sldfdkjgfg fkjdghkdgrg.klshflkdjgkrkji love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love I love you I love you I love you I love you I lovili love you I love youdfxkdjgfhlfkgjlfdkgflkdjhglkfjglkfgdg lkjdr.glkfj.fdlkgjdlkfjglkfgdlfkgjtiyuoigdkf.s.d,lfnbvnkfotedkfjksrphlfjsjALFJkdgfngslfgkhfkSJFKGLHLFKWOGMFMSV<V<<<V<KFKTKDSKAFNGKDKSKRKTNDCKKDKSBVLDGHMF><MF<KNVKDKB>KDFHTI lksdjflkdsjflkdsjlkdfjlskdlksdjflkdsjflkdsjlkdfjlskdcslksdlkflkdjflkdjflksdjflkdsjflkdsjlkdfjlskdfjslkdfjlsdkfjldkfjlkdjlkjlkj>SKFJGBX>KJFB>XKJFBGV>LXDIGK>XK<JCFBV>XKFXJBGFIHG>XCKFB>XDKLGX>ldflkgjdlfkgjldkfjgldfkgddfglkdfjglkfgjlvnx,kmgs.kitgh.kdxjvbx. I just come to sYay I love you, I just call to syhow much I care, I just come to say I love you, and I need it from my bottom of the heart, no summers hight..skdfjhksdjfhkdsjfghkdsjfhskdjfhkdsjfhkjgdkirut;idfgh.xkdjhb.dskjghs.dkjhtender skjghskdjfhksdjfhaugustsdkjfsh.dkfjshg.fskjbreezesdkjgh.skjgh.fkjghf.gkjdgfhcANT forget you…. Sdjfhskdjfkhxvx,x,cmvxkjdfhkdjfhkjhgkmnjdfkjhkjkjkjhkjhkjkjhkjhkjkjcvfgcvmcvzcdd
Diamonds win the hearts…thisagame, lifeislife… Look at those stars, they shine like diamonds!!! Peopleputonsaleeverythingthathasbeentouchedbytheirhand , theirmindandsight…Surely, theywillsellallthestarsinUniverseiftheyareinneedofdiamonds… Their
Decadenceinpinksunglasses… ...So, I wassittinginacafe` at theWorld’sEnd, drinkingcoffee, havingcroissants with shark-infestedcustardand reading magazines... -Do you have any pink starglasses or do I have to paint thestars to watch them glow pink tonight? - Excuse us ma’am, but the stars are already reserved fortoday…Maybe You won’t mind watching the sky in “milky clouds”?...
I feel jazz down my stomach… …I am couple seconds away from my jump, why am I still running then..? I hear millions of voices… theyallseemcomingfromaback-room… but there is one that recalls… to starttheroundagainandagain… I smellthegrassoutsidethewindow….I feeltheJazz…. it bursts right from the speakersof your classy car, cleavingthewindonit’swayto THE END … Wut ‘scomingnext? …Thecredits?
High in the sky... Highinthesky Starsreallytry… Youknow, you know theytry… I wouldmakeadesperatewish But I don’t have a hookforagoldfish So, I’mgonnalet the tangle untie Waiting for last day’s goodbye, Yeah, waitin for you tell me good bye... I am quite simple , I am as I come I’m just makin my living and some I go on drivingmyoldbuddycar Notknowingwhoyoureallyare So, don’tletmeknowwho you are… Easyitis, liketwopointtwo So, whywouldn’t I do, ….why? Highinthesky Starsalsocry Buttheydontknowhow I ... Littlebylittle I die Oh, littlebylittle I die... Victoria A High in the sky Stars really try To make you look in my eye(s) Do you care about the sky?…. It has mercy upon you, when you ‘re so blind Don’t you see, I’vegotyou (up)onmymind Yeah,(got you) uponmymind… But I guess I’ll let this flow away I’m turning here my way Yeah, I’m turnin my way… Everyheart’sgot havin a patch So, I’mnotgonnareally clutch No, I’m not gonna clutch... I will close my eyes and throw the dice I risk no nothing , so let it be sice I’d hide you so nice in my world’s paradise Yeah, I’ll hide you so nice, oh so nice...
Damn it, did you see me crying??? Sorry, I think it’s cuz I’mjussaliloverflowedwithtears, butI’mreallysmilinginside… The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears. ~John Vance Cheney …I want to live in peace with windmalls in mybackground and watch the stars in the field at night...
Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them? ~Rose F. Kennedy …I am couple seconds away from my jump, why am I still running then..? …I hear millions of voices… theyallseemcomingfromaback-room… but there is one that recalls… to starttheroundagainandagain…
You take me on your wings and wefly away to a land,that maybe exists...OUT OF GLAMOUROUT OF REACHOUT OF TARGETOUT OF … <<<TO MY LONELYNESS>>> TheEnd