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Lobbyist Why Georgia Has One. Bob DeLorme Georgia. Lawyer Mice Type. This presentation deals with Georgia and why we use a lobbyist.
Lobbyist Why Georgia Has One Bob DeLorme Georgia
Lawyer Mice Type • This presentation deals with Georgia and why we use a lobbyist. • Georgia’s political environment may or may not apply to your state. Each state has a unique environment. May the Force be with you if it is anything like GA’s
General Information • Therapists fall under the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners. • There is a Respiratory Care Advisory Board made up of physicians and therapists who report to the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners.
40 Days of Controlled Mayhem • Georgia’s legislature only meets for 40 legislative days a year. Starts in January and runs through March. • Yea, I know this adds up to more than 40 days for they have recesses which extend the time into March.
During the 40 Days this is how we feel. Pure Frustration or Screaming at the Political Antics!
40 Days of Controlled Mayhem! • Anything can happen and often does. • You want to act fast and react fast to the changing dynamics. Remember only 40 days or you wait till next year. • Have to have a plan and everyone on board to act accordingly.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Mid to late 80’s GA saw the need to go for a licensure act. • Needed the expertise to help navigate the political waters for we were all novice. • With the help of our Lobbyist an unpopular Licensure bill was passed as a Title Protection act that defined our scope of practice.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Fast forward several years. Federal Courts ruled title protection acts were illegal. • Our lobbyist steps in to negotiate the move from a title protection act to a full licensure law. Our lobbyist, Lasa Joiner, helped select the right legislator to introduce our bill.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Even though there was opposition our lobbyist helped us to present the pros and cons of our bill to the various committees and we succeeded in passing a true licensure law. Lasa worked behind the scene with other lobbyists.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Our lobbyist helps make sense of the whole process. • Lasa’s task is to KEEP US FOCUSED on the job and not go down rabbit trails. • She can be objective while looking out for our patients’ and the GSRC’s interest. She keeps our focus on the patients!!! Not Turf battles- no win situation in GA. Seen as petty and they don’t like it.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • When we are all scratching our heads she is able to point us in the direction to proceed. • She knows the right people to contact and which committee folks to focus our attention. • She does most of the work behind the scene.
Bob is GA’s equivalent of Cheryl West when taking Bob is GA’s Cheryl West when she discusses Polysom Cheryl not Bob!!
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Lasa’s Job - Keep Bob and Cheryl in Check! • Seriously – Sometimes we are too CLOSE to the issue and need someone to keep us in check. Remember FOCUS on the task • Any lobbyist has to know the group represented and know them well or there can be miscues.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Lasa has represented the GSRC for over 20 years. While not a therapist she knows most if not all of our issues. She heads off potential issues before we even know they are coming. • Ex. Polysom. Feb 09 She knew the Polysom Physicians were approaching the Composite Board even before many of the Respiratory Care Advisory Board!
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • Allows us time to PLAN and get folks to attend the meeting. • She is our spokesperson. 1 person delivering a consistent message in the language the politicians and physicians understand.
We are very confident she will represent us well in GA politics. • Attends the Committee and Board meetings to represent us.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience KEEPS US FROM SPEAKING OUT WHEN WE SHOULDN’T!!!!! Sometimes you have to be quiet Knows when to speak up but even more importantly – KNOWS WHEN TO STAY QUIET. ie gag Bob
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • While Lasa is paid to represent our interest more importantly she is a friend. • This past year at the request of the GSRC she helped the polysom folks craft a bill that met most of our needs as respiratory therapist. SHE DIDN’T HAVE TO HELP! • The bill did not protect the patient as much as we would have wanted but Lasa advised we were starting to “meddle”.
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • She felt we were now trying to dictate to another group and politicians would not see this in a positive light. Remember she is there to advise us to back off when she thinks we are going to far. • We got a good bill crafted. One that gave therapists the exemption we wanted. • All was well in GA. YEA RIGHT!!!
Remember 40 Days of Mayhem The Governor stepped in at the very last minute to say he would not sign a new licensure law. Back to Screaming about @#$%&^(*& Politics!
Lobbyist – GA’s Experience • The medical practice act had been open for significant changes. • You guessed it. They just added the changes for the polysom folks into the new medical practice act. • Lasa had to use her contacts with the politicians and Composite Board of Medical Examiners once again to make sure Therapists were protected and exempt from the new changes. This all happened in less that 48 hrs. How many of us have time to spend at the state house trying to lobby and stay on top of a dynamic situation such as this.
Take Home Message The GSRC feels is it well worth the money to have an experienced lobbyist who can constantly monitor the political landscape for changes. When there are bumps in the road, she is well worth her weight in gold because of her years of experience, political contacts and just plain old common horse sense as we say back home.
Take Home Message • Experience with the right contacts. • Understands and talks the political language. • Is willing to tell you NO! You are on the wrong path. Honey is a lot better than Vinegar! Knows which battles can be won by fighting and which ones you win by seeming to watch from the sidelines. • Knows our profession and the type of issues that are hot buttons for us and our patients. • TRUST! You have to trust your lobbyist.