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THE SPECTRUM OF SOLAR RELATIVISTIC COSMIC RAYS MEASUREMENTS AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION. A.I. Podgorny 1 , I.M. Podgorny 2 , Yu.V. Balabin 3 , N.S. Meshalkina 4 , E.V. Vashenyuk 3. 1 Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, podgorny@lebedev.ru 2 Institute of Astronomy RAS, podgorny@inasan.ru
THE SPECTRUM OF SOLAR RELATIVISTIC COSMIC RAYS MEASUREMENTS AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION A.I. Podgorny1, I.M. Podgorny2, Yu.V. Balabin3, N.S. Meshalkina4, E.V. Vashenyuk3 1Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, podgorny@lebedev.ru 2Institute of Astronomy RAS, podgorny@inasan.ru 3Polar Geophysical Institute KSC RAS, balabin@pgia.ru, vashenyuk@pgia.ru 4Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, nata@iszf.irk.ru MEPhI ICPPA October 2016
Solar Cosmic Rays (SCR) are caused by solar flares. Particles acceleration takes place during the explosive energy release in the solar flare. So to understand the physics of SCR origin and also, possibly, for prognosis of SCR events, it is necessary to study directly the explosive process in the solar flare and the process of particle acceleration, which takes place during it.
a=m/ Vin ; m= c2/4 After the quasi-steady evolution the current sheet transfers into an unstable state. As a result, explosive instability develops, which cause the flare energy release.
Electrodynamic model of solarflare Igor M. Podgorny using results of measurements on the satellite Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300
Now our aim is: To find solar flare mechanism directly by MHD simulation in real active region. Earlier: Hypothesized the mechanism of the solar flare, which is then tested.
The principal difference between the numerical methods implemented in the program PERESVET and others. The main goal is to build the mostly stable finite-difference scheme.Stability must remain for maximally possible step Δt, to accelerate calculations maximally. The scheme must be stable even, if the Courant condition (ΔtVw/Δx< 1) is violated, which is reached only for implicit schemes.But here there is no purpose to achieve high precision of approximation of differential equations by finite-difference scheme.
In the PERESVET program: • Finite-difference scheme is upwind for diagonal terms. • The scheme is absolutely implicit, it is solved by iteration method (ΔtVw/Δx<1 is not necessary). The scheme is conservative relative to magnetic flux[divB]=0 • Nonsymmetrical (upwind) approximationVB. Other methods: Explicit finite-difference schemes Often Godunov type (Riemann waves) • The special methods are used to obtain high order • approximation (FCT, TVD) Also Lagrangian schemes with further recalculation by interpolation on each step. Some schemes are also conservative relative to magnetic flux[divB]=0, but with symmetrical approximationVB.
AR 0365 SET OF FLARES MAY 27, 2003
The graphical system of search of current sheet positions is created to compare with observed positions of thermal X-ray emission.
Coincidence of position of the current sheet obtained by MHD simulation with the observed position of the source of thermal X-ray emission during solar flare is the independent evidence that the mechanism of a solar flare is an explosive release of magnetic energy stored in the current sheet.
W0=0.6 GeV The rate of reconnection for W0 ~ 0.6 GeV is order of 107 cm/s. E=VinB/c Подгорный, Балабин, Вашенюк, Подгорный Астр. Журн. Т. 87, C. 704 (2010) Podgorny, Balabin, Podgorny, Vashenyuk Journ. Atm. Solar-Ter. Phys. V. 72. P. 988 (2010)
At the nearest future it is necessary: to modernize the graphical system of current sheet search to parallelize calculations for numerical solving of MHD equations to have possibility to perform calculations for several active regions in real time scale for more detail grid andsimulation of particles acceleration in appeared current sheets.
Additional slides for answers on questions and conversations:
В ближайшее время необходимо: модернизировать графическую систему поиска токовых слоев распараллелить вычисления для численного решенияМГД уравнений чтобы иметь возможность провести расчеты для нескольких активных областей в реальном масштабе времени на более мелкой сетке и моделирование ускорения частиц в образовавшихся токовых слоях ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Дальнейшие планы . . . (пока только в стиле E. Pariat) . . .
THE SPECTRUM OF SOLAR RELATIVISTIC COSMIC RAYS MEASUREMENTS AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION A.I. Podgorny1, I.M. Podgorny2, Yu.V. Balabin3, N.S. Meshalkina4, E.V. Vashenyuk3 1Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, podgorny@lebedev.ru 2Institute of Astronomy RAS, podgorny@inasan.ru 3Polar Geophysical Institute KSC RAS, balabin@pgia.ru, vashenyuk@pgia.ru 4Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, nata@iszf.irk.ru MEPhI ICPPA October 2016
W0=0.6 GeV The rate of reconnection for W0 ~ 0.6 GeV is order of 107 cm/s. E=VinB/c Подгорный, Балабин, Вашенюк, Подгорный Астр. Журн. Т. 87, C. 704 (2010) Podgorny, Balabin, Podgorny, Vashenyuk Journ. Atm. Solar-Ter. Phys. V. 72. P. 988 (2010)
Solar Cosmic Rays (SCR) are caused by solar flares. Particles acceleration takes place during the explosive energy release in the solar flare. So to understand the physics of SCR origin and also, possibly, for prognosis of SCR events, it is necessary to study directly the explosive process in the solar flare and the process of particle acceleration, which takes place during it. Солнечные космические лучи (СКЛ) вызываются солнечными вспышками, и ускорение частиц происходит во время взрывного энерговыделения в солнечной вспышке. Поэтому, для понимания физики происхождения СКЛ, а так же, возможно, для прогнозирования случаев появления СКЛ, необходимо изучать непосредственно взрывной процесс в солнечной вспышке и происходящий при этом процесс ускорения частиц.
Для исследования физических процессов во время солнечных вспышек и улучшения качества прогноза вспышек на основании понимания их физического механизма, необходимо решение следующих задач: 1. МГД моделирование предвспышечной ситуации в активной области короны в реальном времени – применение суперкомпьютера, распараллеливание вычислений. 2. Создание графической системы визуализации, позволяющей быстро находитьвозможные положения источников вспышечного излучения по данным МГД моделирования.
Flare meshanizms Now our aim is: To find solar flare mechanism directly by MHD simulation in real active region. Earlier:Hypothesized the mechanism of the solar flare, which is then tested.
Examples of alternative models of the solar flare To our mind it is difficult to explain appearing of the rope. In any case to verify the validity of these models it is necessary to perform presented here MHD simulations for real active region.
SET OF FLARES MAY 27, 2003 AR 0365
Ускорение частиц электрическим полем -VxBв мощном импульсном разряде. Возможная роль неустойчивости типа перетяжек. Сжатие плазмы в пинче прекращается через ~3x10-6с, когда nkT>B2/8п. В ТС плазма выбрасывается вдоль слоя и не препятствует магнитному пересоединению.