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Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment - Modified (MCA-Modified)

Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment - Modified (MCA-Modified). 1/10/2011. Who are these students?. Not limited to students with disabilities achieving close to grade level May be in any of the disability categories listed in the IDEA May represent a range of educational needs.

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Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment - Modified (MCA-Modified)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment - Modified (MCA-Modified) 1/10/2011

  2. Who are these students? • Not limited to students with disabilities achieving close to grade level • May be in any of the disability categories listed in the IDEA • May represent a range of educational needs

  3. Student Characteristics • A range of disabilities • Require multiple academic supports • Have processing or attention- span related issues • Give up or are easily overwhelmed 4 Source: Minnesota Focus Groups, 2008

  4. Student Characteristics (cont.) • Use assistive technology • Can learn grade-level content • Limited exposure to grade-level content Source: Minnesota Focus Groups, 2008

  5. Source: http://education.state.mn.us/mdeprod/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=018792&RevisionSelectionMethod=latestReleased&Rendition=primary

  6. Eligibility Requirements for the MCA-Modified • Does the student have an IEP? • Does the student demonstrate persistent low performance on the MCA or • Has the student met or exceeded standards on the MTAS?

  7. Eligibility Requirements for the MCA-Modified • Does the student have access to instruction on grade-level content standards?

  8. Eligibility Requirements for the MCA-Modified • Does the student have a standards-based IEP?

  9. Eligibility Requirements for the MCA-Modified • Has the IEP team documented its expectation that the student will not achieve grade-level proficiency within the year covered by the IEP?

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