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Welcome. Ballentine Elementary School Sonia Clark AG Resource Habits of Mind As you walk in the room put a star by the “Habit(s)” that best describe you. Put a smile by the “Habit(s)” that you most desire to have.
Welcome Ballentine Elementary School Sonia Clark AG Resource Habits of Mind As you walk in the room put a star by the “Habit(s)” that best describe you. Put a smile by the “Habit(s)” that you most desire to have. Entrance activity 1
Habits of Mind Objective: • Provide parents with a description of each Habit of Mind and information that will support them in nourishing the Habits in their children • Provide ideas for infusing the Habits into their family life.
When to use the Habits of Mind? Habits of Mind is situational and transitory. You stop and reflect in middle of a problem, you notice how you are tackling an issue or concern, you think about the next best step and you are using your Habits of Mind. The more you use them, the more proficient you become.
What concerns us about our child? How we would like our child to be: Our Students Compare your list of attributes (How we would like our child to be) with the list of Habits of Mind. Share similarities. activity 2
Confident Take risk Think before acting Challenge assumptions Questioning Reflective Proactive Independent learners, thinkers, workers Taking charge of themselves (having a plan of action, self directed) Persisting (stick to it) Venture forth with ideas Make connections (interacting and learning with each other Connecting - feel-think-act. Complex thinkers Creative Inquisitive Emotional strength (control) HOW WE WOULD LIKE THEM TO BE:
You are developing skills for a lifetime Questions to consider- Do your family members? • Explore the consequences of their actions before they decide to do something? • Try to see things from other people’s point of view? • Tackle problems and try to figure things out for themselves? • Talk together about situations, asking questions and listening to each other? • Speak up in a courteous way for what they believe is right even when its not popular? • Realize that they can’t believe everything they hear, read and see on television? • Work hard, and not give up on a tough problems, puzzles, homework, jobs? • Examine assumptions on taken for granted ideas? • Develop a plan of action before they launch into a project? • Know why they believe what they believe?
You could Vote However you like… Look for HOM in these kids!
What did you see? Turn to a neighbor and discuss the habits that these students possess activity 3
Habits of Mind Discussion • Read and define the habit at your table in your own words. 2. Give examples: What do you hear people saying or see them doing as they use the Habit of Mind? 3. Describe ways to encourage or practice this Habit of Mind in your home. Create a chart to share your habit and your ideas activity 4
Tour the room • Look for ideas to use in your home to encourage and practice Habits of Mind with your children activity 5
Creating, Imagining, and Innovating Definition: Try a different way! Generating new and novel ideas, fluency, originality. What does it look like? • Generate options and possibilities • Constantly hunt for nubs and kernels of viable ideas. Strategies for practice: Provide opportunities for open-ended results. Challenge: Photo album of a family event, a scrapbook story, illustrate or create a montage for a story. ~BE CREATIVE~ Create a display of Habits of Mind demonstrated by your family or self.
The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.John Schaar, Political Scientist
Watch… What habit to you see? Bamboo 2 Video
Persistence Definition: Stick to it! Persevering in task through to completion; remaining focused. Persevering on a task even though the resolution is not immediately apparent. What does it look like? • Demonstrates systematic methods of analyzing problems • Distinguishes between ideas that work and those that do not • Considers many alternatives when solving a problem. • Continuously clarifies the task while monitoring performance Strategy for practice: Provide directions that include knowing where to begin, what steps must be performed, and that take time to complete and see results. . Talk to your children-“As you read, play soccer, etc what do you do when your mind wanders but you want to remain on task?” (Persisting; metacognition) Challenge: Stick to the Habits of Mind ! Grow a garden- it takes time and persistence. SHARE AN EXPERIENCE IN YOUR LIFE IN WHICH PERSISTENCE PAID OFF activity 6
Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes but they never quit. Conrad Hilton
Failed in Business, 1831 Defeated for legislature, 1832 Again failed in business, 1833 Elected to legislature, 1834 Defeated for speaker, 1838 Defeated for elector, 1840 Defeated for Congress, 1843 Elected to Congress, 1846 Defeated for Congress, 1848 Defeated for Senate, 1855 Defeated for Vice-President, 1858 Defeated for Senate, 1858 Elected President of the United States of America, 1860 Abraham Lincoln
Watch… What habit do you see or is missing? Trust Video
Managing Impulsivity Definition: Take your time! Thinking before acting; remaining calm, thoughtful and deliberative. Acting with forethought and deliberation. What does it look like? • Uses wait time as an opportunity to think through a problem • Attends to results of a trial and error efforts to determine a course of action • Pays attention to what is working and uses strategies for self management such as note taking
Managing Impulsivity Strategy for practice: Make charts to show the alternatives and consequences of several possible directions before child takes action. Role play possible situation BEFORE they occur. Praise kids when they manage their impulses and take time to think before they act. Challenge: Infuse this Habit of Mind into your discipline plan. Have children set long term goals that require managing their impulses and not instant rewards. Ask your child “When you find yourself tempted to respond emotionally to a situation, what alternatives do you consider?” (Managing impulsivity; thinking flexibly, metacognition)
Before you start up a ladder, count the rungs.Yiddish proverbIf you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow.Chinese proverb I f you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow.Chinese proverb
Watch… What habit to you see or is missing? Video coastguard
What Habits of Mind did you consider? • What are your thoughts after seeing these 2 video clips? • Review your HOM bookmark and as you discuss these video clips. activity 7
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Definition: Be clear! Striving for accurate communication in both written and oral forms; avoiding over generalizations, distortions and deletions. What does it look like? • Use correct names for objects, ideas and processes • Speak in complete sentences, provide supporting evidence for their ideas, elaborate, clarify • Speech is concise , descriptive and coherence
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision Strategy for practice: Have children give evidence and tell you “why” they want something. i.e. before purchasing an item, have them explain their Challenge: Language refinement-enrichment. Encourage the complexity and specificity of language as your child explains objects, ideas and processes. Use Habits of Mind language! Questions to ask- • How can I illuminate this problem to make it clearer, more precise? • Do I need to check out my data sources? • How might I break this problem down into its component parts and develop a strategy for understanding and accomplishing each step?
"If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation. If fifteen minutes, three days. If half an hour, two days, and if an hour, I am ready right now."Woodrow Wilson"I have made this letter long, only because I lacked the time to make it short."Blaise Pascal, French philosopher
Sometimes what matters is being heard….
Historia de un letrero (original video) The Story of a Sign
Listening w/Understanding and Empathy Definition: Understand Others! Devoting mental energies to understanding others’ thoughts and feelings holding one’s own thoughts in order to perceive another’s point of view and emotion. What it looks like • Children can paraphrase another person’s idea, students probe, clarify or pose questions that extend an idea. • Children respond to other’s thoughts and ideas • Your upset because • You’re confused about • you sure were happy about • Children look for more information to understand more fully • I’m not sure I understand • Can you explain what you mean by. • I see why ____ views it that way
Listening w/Understanding and Empathy Strategy: Practice strengthening listening skills by having children say what they heard from each other and adults. Look for examples in books and media for people and characters who listen and demonstrate understanding and empathy. Role play listening, responding and repeating to make sure you have heard correctly and that you have been heard. •“If you were John, how do you think you might react to what you said about him?”“As you listen to others’ points of view, what metacognitive strategies do you use to see the situation from their perspective?” Challenge: Practice listening to your children by telling them what you heard, empathize with them and show understanding for their point of view. *Listening Activity
I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen.Ernest Hemingway
Turn to a partner/neighbor. • What did you see in this video? What Habit did you see or what was missing? • What feelings did you have? activity 8
Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations Definition: Use what you learn! Accessing prior knowledge; transferring knowledge beyond the situation in which it was learned. What does it look like? • Transfer their knowledge to new situations • Parents and teachers report student’s thinking changed at home or in class • Children may plan better use of time or money • Student used a problem solving strategy originally learned elsewhere in another situation
Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations Strategy: Provide opportunities for students to explain what they are doing now with analogies about or references to their past experiences. Playing games like concentration- creating games like other games that you’ve played before. Making comparisons- This is like…. It’s different from…. Challenge: Strive to address what psychologists refer to as an “episodic grasp of reality”… (that is, each event in life is separate and discrete, with no connections to what may have come before or with no relation to what follows. Their learning is so encapsulated that they seem unable to draw forth from one event and apply it in another context. • Sending themselves a letter of advice, reminding themselves of what to look out for the next time they do something. Questions to ask • What are my resources? • How can I draw on my past successes with problems like this? • What do I already know about the problem? • What resources do I have available or need to generate?
Failures are but mileposts on the road to success.Italian proverbI’ve never made a mistake. I’ve only learned from experience.Thomas A. Edison
Thinking Flexibly Definition: Look at it another way! Being able to change perspectives, generate alternatives, consider options What does it look like? • Thinking Flexibly • Generate many ideas, brainstorm usually fluent and productive • Ask to think of more ideas before they decide • State several ways of solving the same problem • Evaluate the merits and consequences pf alternative courses of action.
Thinking Flexibly Strategies: Allow students exposure to a variety of perspectives and points of view (lateral thinking) Challenge: Think “outside” the textbook! • Changing perspectives, • generating alternatives, • considering options. Questions to ask • “How can I approach this problem flexibly?” • “How might I look at the situation in another way?” • “How can I draw upon my repertoire of problem solving strategies?” • “How can I look at this problem from a fresh perspective?” • “What might be some other ways you could solve this problem?”• • “As you listen to others’ points of view, what metacognitive strategies do you use to see the situation from their perspective?”(metacognition, listening with understanding and empathy; thinking flexibly) • ‘When you find yourself tempted to respond emotionally to a situation, • what alternatives do you consider?”(Managing impulsivity; thinking flexibly)
No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.Albert Einstein
Look for Habits of Mind traits in this video… what do you see?
Metacognition-Thinking about Thinking Definition: Know your knowing! Being aware of one's own thoughts, strategies, feelings and actions and their effects on others. • Being aware of your own • thoughts, feelings, and actions • and their effects of on others What does it look like? • Children are • Aware of the kind of thinking they are engaged in • Can describe how they engaged in this type of thinking • Evaluate whether the way they engaged in the thinking approach was effective • Plan how they will engage in the same type of thinking the next time it is needed • Say things like: • I have a theory that • I’m conducting an experiment • These sequence of steps • My strategy was first to.. and then…
Metacognition-Thinking about Thinking Strategies for practice: Make it a habit to offer time to reflect and talk about what you are doing as a family and what children are doing and why. Encourage discussion that describes how they feel and what they are doing and their decision making process. How did you figure that out? What steps did you take? What is your next step? What will you do next time? • Invite children to share problem solving strategies. Ask them to focus on how many different ways they can effectively solve a problem Questions to ask • •“While you were reading, what was going on inside your head to monitor your understanding of the story?” (Thinking about thinking) • • “As you listen to others’ points of view, what metacognitive strategies do you use to see the situation from their perspective?”(metacognition. listening with understanding and empathy; thinking flexibly) • •“As you read, what do you do when your mind wanders but you want to remain on- task?” (Persisting, metacognition) • What do I know or not know- What questions do I need to ask? • What strategies are in my mind now? • What am I aware of in terms of my own beliefs, values, goals that relate to this problem? • What feels or emotions am I aware of that might be blocking or enhancing • my progress? Challenge: Recognize the importance of the process as much if not more than the product.
METACOGNITION: Monitoring our Thinking • Being conscious and aware of our own thoughts, beliefs and behaviors and their effects on others and the environment.
Metacognition: • Think • Aloud • Problem • Solving
THINK ALOUDPROBLEM SOLVING Pose challenging problems then: • Invite children to describe their plans and strategies for solving the problem. • Share their thinking as they are implementing their plan. • Reflect on/evaluate the effectiveness of their strategy.