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Status of the DESPEC Neutron Detection Working Group D. Cano-Ott on behalf of the WG members

Status of the DESPEC Neutron Detection Working Group D. Cano-Ott on behalf of the WG members CIEMAT, IFIC, LNL, FYL, UPC, UU, UW…. Motivation. GOAL: to measure neutron emission probabilities and energies for neutron rich isotopes with relevance to basic nuclear physics and nuclear technology:

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Status of the DESPEC Neutron Detection Working Group D. Cano-Ott on behalf of the WG members

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  1. Status of the DESPEC Neutron Detection Working Group D. Cano-Ott on behalf of the WG members CIEMAT, IFIC, LNL, FYL, UPC, UU, UW…

  2. Motivation • GOAL: to measure neutron emission probabilities and energies for neutron rich isotopes with relevance to basic nuclear physics and nuclear technology: • Low production: 4p detector • High production: TOF spectrometer (in combination with a gamma ray setup)

  3. Activities • Monte Carlo simulations of the 2 types TOF array (GEANT4) and the 4p detector (MCNPX) for the design of the prototypes/setups. • Hardware acquired for the prototyping phase • 3 x BF3 counters • 3 x 3He counters • 1 m3 of polyethylene • 1 x BC501A (NE213) scintillator from St. Gobain with low background housing (5” x 5”) • 1 additional module from Scionix under discussion (P. Schotanus) • Computer driven CAEN HV Crate • 2 HV cards with 10 channels each • Test measurements in the next few months • Preparation of a test bench at CIEMAT. Calibration with g-ray sources. • Calibration of the BC501A module with a D/T source in Grenoble. Validation of the simulation tools. • Monitoring of a D/D and D/T source in Minsk (YALINA experiment) • Test of digital electronics (question to DAQ) for n/g discrimination

  4. 2R d L Neutron source (I) TOF Neutron Spectrometer (NE213)

  5. Possible 2nd layer of detectors for enhancing the efficiency H d L Neutron source (II) Position Sensitive TOF Neutron Spectrometer (NE213)

  6. First results on the TOF neutron spectrometer The Monte Carlo simulation tools have been setup up. A realistic geometry of the detectors has been modelled for the GEANT4 code. The efficiencies and energy resolutions of the two setups are in agreement with the initial estimates. As expected, they depend on the energy thresholds. Next steps -Inclusion of the light quenching effect: L(Z,Edep) -Inclusion of the position sensitivity resolution and flight path reconstruction. -Careful analysis of the effect of the cross talk. -Influence of the implantation setup.

  7. Monte Carlo Simulation of the NERO[1] 4p Neutron Detector (BF3 – 3He) A. Poch, G. Cortés, F. Calviño, C. Pretel Barcelona, Spain February 13, 2006 [1] Hendryk Schatz schatz@nscl.msu.edu http://www.nscl.msu.edu/tech/devices/nero/tech.html

  8. 1. INTRODUCTION In this work we have studied the neutron detection efficiency for a neutron detector based on a set of BF3 and 3He proportional counters, by means of Monte Carlo simulations with MCNPX. The neutron energy ranges from 0.1 eV to 10 MeV.

  9. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE DETECTOR Polyethylene (60cm x 60cm x 80cm) Ring A 3He prop. Counters Internal diam.:2.5 cm Length: 80 cm Pressure:4.1 bar Wall thickness:0.05 cm Ring B and C BF3 prop. Counters (99% 10B) Internal diam.: 5.08 cm Length: 80 cm Pressure: 0.7 bar Wall thickness:0.05 cm Hole (void) 22.4 cm diameter Boron Carbide layer 1 cm thickness

  10. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATION Source: Isotropic point source located at the center N=106 neutrons Neutron energy: 0.1 eV, 1 eV, 10 eV, 100 eV, 1 keV, 10 keV, 100 keV, 1 MeV, 10 MeV Tallies: Current integrated over a surface

  11. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATION Section of a proportional counter (BF3 or 3He) nin (incident neutrons at external wall) Point source n*in (incident neutrons at internal wall) nsource nout (Outgoing neutrons at internal wall) Absorbed neutrons: nabs=n*in - nout

  12. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMULATION Detector efficiency: (Efficiency for the counters in the rings A, B or C) Detection efficiency: (Efficiency for the counters in the rings A, B or C) Total Detection efficiency:

  13. 4. RESULTS

  14. 4. RESULTS

  15. First results on the 4p detector The first Monte Carlo simulation of the 4p detector has been completed. The efficiency of the detectors is compatible (according to the information available) to the available about NERO. Next steps -Refinement of the “tallies” (MCNPX output) and calculation of the efficiency.+ -Validation of the Monte Carlo results with experimental data. -Effect of the implantation setup. -Investigation of alternative geometries + algorithms for a “possible” energy reconstruction (deconvolution)

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