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Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules

Learn essential safety guidelines for a chemistry lab to safeguard your eyes and prevent accidents. Always wear appropriate eye protection, protective clothing, and closed-toe shoes. Follow protocols for handling chemicals, glassware, and equipment. Never taste chemicals, work alone, or remove chemicals from the lab. Be mindful of hazards and safety equipment, and seek assistance if unsure about cleaning spills or dealing with accidents. Prioritize safety to prevent harm to yourself and others in the lab.

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Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules

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  1. Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules

  2. Protect Your Eyes • Appropriate eye protection must be worn at all times! • Inform your teacher if you wear contact lenses.

  3. Wear appropriate protective clothing • Lab aprons can be used to protect good clothing and you • Loose clothing should not be worn because it may dip into chemicals or fall into a flame and catch fire

  4. Wear shoes that cover your feet. • Sandals and open-toed shoes do not protect your feet from broken glass or spilled chemicals!

  5. Do not apply cosmetics, eat, or drink in the lab. • These activities are ways by which you can accidentally ingest harmful chemicals

  6. Do not taste any chemical!

  7. Pour from large containers to smaller ones.

  8. Always ADD ACID to water acid water

  9. Work with volatile chemicals under a fume hood.

  10. Check glassware for stars or cracks.

  11. Heat test tubes at an angle. • Point the mouth AWAY from people!

  12. Handle hot glassware with gloves or beaker tongs.

  13. First light the match THEN Turn on the gas!

  14. Do not smell any chemicals directly! • Smell chemicals only if your teacher specifically tells you to do so, then use your hand to fan the vapor to your nose.

  15. Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving. • This rule applies even if you have been wearing gloves!

  16. Read and reread labels carefully to make sure that you are using the right chemical. Pay attention to the warnings about the chemicals used in the lab. Know the hazards of the materials being used.

  17. Tie Back Loose Hair • Dangling hair can fall into the burner and catch fire or can fall into a chemical solution • P.S. Burning hair REALLY STINKS!

  18. Know the safety equipment • Eye wash fountain • Safety shower • Fire extinguisher • Emergency exits

  19. Carry out only the experiments assigned by your teacher I wonder what he’s planning to do with that thing.

  20. Never remove chemicals from the laboratory This guy put chemicals in his locker!

  21. Never work alone in the lab • In case of a problem, you may need another person to prevent injury or even save your life!

  22. Remember that the lab is a place for serious work! Careless behavior may endanger yourself and others and will not be tolerated!

  23. Demonstrate safe behavior • Obey all safety instructions given by your teacher. • Clean up spills immediately; IF you know how. If you are uncertain how to clean up a spill or if a large spill occurs, notify your teacher immediately.

  24. Report any accidents or unsafe conditions immediately!

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