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Middle School Assessment Practices for Student Success

Join us on June 30, 2018, at the National Conference to explore standards-based assessment practices in middle schools. Our journey at Bull Run Middle School in Gainesville, Virginia, focuses on strategic implementation through collaborative learning teams. Our mission is to ensure every student achieves high levels of reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking. Discover our strategic plan emphasizing assessment quality to enhance student achievement and close achievement gaps for diverse learners. Engage in professional development sessions on key assessment competencies and participate in implementing classroom assessment practices as part of our 5-year plan. Let's work together to elevate every student to excellence!

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Middle School Assessment Practices for Student Success

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  1. Standards Based Assessment Practices: A Middle School Journey School’s to Watch National Conference June 30, 2018

  2. Standards Based Assessment Practices: A Middle School Journey Objective: The purpose of today’s presentation is to assist school leaders and teacher leaders with the development of a strategic implementation of standards based assessment practices.

  3. Bull Run Middle SchoolPrince William County Public SchoolsGainesville, Virginia Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic – 25.7 % Asian – 9.1% Black/African-Am. 11.4% White 46.2 % Two or more- 7.4% Special ServicesGifted: 23% Special Education: 14% ESOL: 13% Economically Disadvantage: 28%

  4. Bull Run Middle School Vision Soaring To Excellence- “Every Student Learning at High Levels Every Day”

  5. Bull Run Middle School Mission • Mission Statement: The Bull Run Middle School community strives to ensure that every student can read, write, speak, and think at high levels across the curriculum to ensure they are prepared to successfully function at the next level.

  6. Bull Run Middle School Strategic Plan Overview

  7. Bull Run Middle School Strategic Plan Overview Teachers will work in collaborative learning teams to increase knowledge and skills of the five key components to classroom assessment quality. Teachers will continue to develop the assessment process as a technique to improving student achievement. The effectiveness of formative, interim, and summative classroom assessment practices will require ongoing monitoring and review through the collaborative learning team process and discussions with the leadership team.

  8. Bull Run Middle School Strategic Plan Overview • The staff will participate in on-going school based professional development with a focus on developing the skill and craft of quality classroom assessment. • Under the Keys to Quality Classroom Assessment, Staff will Incorporate Key Assessment Quality #5 as a strategy (Student Involvement) to close the achievement gap of ELL and SWD.

  9. Bull Run Middle School Strategic Plan OverviewClassroom Assessment Competencies Keys to Quality Assessment: Key 1: Clear Purpose Key 2: Clear Targets Key 3: Sound Design Key 4: Effective Communication Key 5: Student Involvement

  10. Bull Run Middle School Strategic Plan Overview • Bull Run Middle School 5-year Strategic Plan: • School Years 2016-2020 • Strategic Plan was developed with input from the the School Advisory Council and is updated yearly. • Bull Run is beginning year 4 of the 5 year plan during the 2018-2019 School Year.

  11. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 1 • The Bull Run Middle School Faculty Meeting Schedule was structured in a way to provide meaningful professional development for staff that is on-site and job embedded with a focus on Collaborative Learning Teams using Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. The school based PD during this year was part of the year one of a five year plan of implementation. Our School Improvement Plan Priority by following this model is to: • Objective 1.1: Increase the percentage of students who meet or exceed achievement performance levels. • Objective 1.2: Provide equitable access for students to challenging opportunities resulting in increased participation and achievement.

  12. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 1 • Review one of the twelve chapters of learning from Classroom Assessment for Learning, 2nd Edition: Faculty Meeting • Content Learning Teams had the opportunity to meet and review text, discuss ideas for implementation, share idea and reflections for actions. Follow-up: Discussion at PLC meetings and classroom observation feedback to teacher. Date_________Meeting Topic___________________________ • August 24, 2015 Classroom Assessment: Every Student a Learner • September 28, 2015 Clear Purpose: Assessment for and of Learning (all meetings at 3:15) • October 26, 2015 Clear Targets • November 24, 2015 Sound Design • December 14, 2015 Selected Response Assessment • January 25, 2016 Written Response Assessment • February 22, 2016 Performance Assessment • April 25, 2016 Personal Communication as Classroom Assessment • May 23, 2016 Record Keeping: Tracking Student Learning Year One Product: Discussion in PLC’s and leadership team and the creation of one unit plan with student friendly learning targets that were deconstructed into knowledge, reasoning, skill and product based targets.

  13. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Classroom Assessment Competencies • Clear Purpose: Assessment processes and results serve clear and appropriate purposes. (formative and summative uses) • Clear Targets: Assessment reflect clear student learning targets (posted for students and include language objectives) • Sound Design: Learning targets are translated into assessments that yield accurate results • Effective Communication: Assessment results function to increase student achievement. Results are managed well and communicated effectively. • Student Involvement: Student are active participants in the assessment process.

  14. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning • Staff reviewed samples of student friendly learning targets. • Template for classifying learning targets • Template for identifying clear learning targets • Temple for deconstructing content standards • Template for creating student friendly learning targets • BRMS Unit Plan Sample in Year 1

  15. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 1 Results of Year 1 Standards-based Learning and Assessment Implementation: The practice and focus of the staff for closing the achievement gap with our students was to develop clear learning targets of intended learning for students. This took practice and gaining background information through reading and discussing Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. The staff spent time during year 1 reviewing connections of learning targets as they align with assessment quality and develop student friendly versions of learning targets. The intent of this focus will be to ensure students a clear sense of directions so they can set academic goals and reflect on their own learning frequently.

  16. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • The Bull Run Middle School Faculty Meeting Schedule was structured in a way to provide meaningful professional development for staff that is on-site and job embedded with a focus on Collaborative Learning Teams and Interdisciplinary Teams working together to enhance student achievement. • Teachers continued to develop their skills in the area of student centered assessment practices as techniques for improving student achievement. The staff will use Grading Smart Not Harder, Assessment Strategies That Motivate Kids and Help them Learn, (Myron Dueck, 2014) as a guide for a focus on standards based learning and assessment for learning. The staff took part in summer reading of 3 hours to prepare in advance. The entire PD provide 15 credits of recertification points.

  17. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • August 22, 2016 (2 hrs) Unit Plans: Introduction and review in understanding learning targets and effective unit plans. Staff will also plan and develop a flexible schedule for remediation and enrichment for the 1st quarter. • September 13 and 14, 2016 Student Friendly Unit Plans: Working with consultant from ASCD (1 hour each day)

  18. Student-Friendly Unit Plan Review and Reflection: Worksheet Date: Teacher Reviewers: Unit/s: Explained (add’l information provided) Notes, e.g., ideas, questions, resources, etc. Unit Plan Criteria Explicit (stated in unit plan) 1. Learning Targets are explicitly stated in the unit plan, organized by the categories, i.e., knowledge, reasoning, skill, and product. 2. The unit plan Is developed by populating the Learning Targets. 3. “I can” statements are written for each of the Learning Targets. 4. The unit plan is shared with students at the outset of the unit. 5. The unit tests are planned with the end in mind, i.e., test description, rubric, model examples of student work, etc. 6. Key academic vocabulary is identified in the knowledge LT section. 7. Unit plan is shared with parents. Draft September 3, 2016 Resource: M. Dueck. Grading Smarter Not Harder. ASCD.2014

  19. Student-Friendly Unit Plan Review and Reflection: K-W-L Date: Teacher Reviewers: What do you know and understand about unit plans? Process: What’s confusing? What needs clarification? Next Steps Draft September 3, 2016 Resource: M. Dueck. Grading Smarter Not Harder. ASCD.2014

  20. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • Staff meet by grade level and department in small grade level content groups. • Work time was provided for staff to prepare, collaborate and create unit plans. • Work was to continue in content level meetings. • Time was built into the planning schedule. Sample 6th grade language arts plan Sample 7th grade language arts plan Sample 8th grade math plan

  21. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • September 26, 2016 (1 hr) Re-testing: Identify challenges and solutions to developing a reassessment structure for all unit tests. Create a uniform reassessment structure for Bull Run Middle School. Construct two differently formatted assessments that evaluate the same learning outcomes • October 24, 2016 (1 hr)Retesting: Continue to identify the issues with the traditional one shot test structure and continue to develop assessments aligned with learning Targets. • Sample retesting plan 1 • Sample retesting plan 2 • Sample retesting plan 3

  22. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • November 28, 2016 (1 hr) Grading: Learn about the importance of separating behaviors and academics when reporting student achievement. Departments will review their own grading structure, analyze practices and make modifications. • December 19, 2016 (1 hr) Grading: Departments and Collaborative Teams will continue to develop evaluation tools that support the separation of behaviors and academics. Teams will assess if their grading practices meet the CARE criteria for students. • January 23, 2017 (1 hr) Homework: Analyze the purpose of homework as it relates to practice, reinforcement and preparation. Is the practice aligned with our PWCS homework regulation.

  23. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 • February 27, 2017 (2 hr) Myron Dueck is visiting: Target based reporting: Linking testing questions to learning outcomes, student involvement in these practices, parent information and understanding. • March 27, 2017 (1 hr) Homework: Develop an in-class assessment procedure that intended to measure the understanding of an academic element that was reinforced by a homework activity. • April 24, 2017 (1 hr) Creativity: Collaborative Learning Teams will reflect on why creativity and student ownership is an effective way to increase student motivation.   • May 22, 2017 (1 hr) Creativity: Teams will look at a current approach that might be traditional in the context of instructional delivery and use a different approach that is student centered to make more engaging.

  24. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 2 Accomplishments towards Year 2 goals: • Successfully Created Unit plans written with clear and student friendly learning targets. Unit plans were deconstructed into Knowledge, Reasoning, Skill, Product categories. • All departments and teams created and implemented reassessments plans. • The concept of a flexible schedule was implemented at different levels to allow teachers to adjust schedule, groups of students, and develop intervention, remediation, and enrichment opportunities for students.

  25. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 3 • Grading: Staff started working on aligning grade book with the learning targets in your unit plans. No more NHI’s. • Staff would work together to address assignments that were not completed and use the teaming process to address these issues. • Intervention strategies were used to address incomplete assignments.

  26. Grading Practices: Important Factors • Standards-based grading practices considers the importance of separating behaviors from academics when reporting student achievement. (Effort and Conduct) • Use an evaluation tool that will report on behavior without grading. • Determine your grading rules meet the CARE criteria for students.

  27. The CARE Guidelines Care: The student must care about the consequences of the penalty. Aims: The results of the penalty must complement the overall aims of the teacher. Reduction: The penalty must result in a reduction of the negative behavior. Empowerment: The student must feel empowered regarding the actions that he or she is being penalized. (poverty, ability, confidence, environment, emotional struggles, parental support).

  28. Strategies for Addressing Uncomplete Work Strategy #1: Use Incomplete and Interventions Rather that Zeros’ Step 1: Set due dates and Time Spans Step 2: Use Late or Incomplete Assignment Forms

  29. Strategies for Addressing Uncomplete Work Step 3: Implement Intervention Strategies • Homework during lunch or after school • Saturday School • Team Intervention • Tutoring or Homework Club • SOAR School Step 4: When Necessary Assign Incompletes. Success through Organization Attitude and Respect

  30. Strategies for Addressing Incomplete Work Benefits of Strategies: • Student have to work hard to achieve zeros. • System results in accurate grades(aligned with expected learning targets) • Student results will improve. • Responsibility and accountability will increase. • Interventions can be personalized and equitable: (Teaming process) • Strategy #2: Institute Two Tiered System • Strategy # 3: Match Consequences to Behavior.

  31. Strategic Plan Implementation: Year 4 and 5 Year 4 • Align gradebooks with unit plan learning targets. • Enhance Student Centered Formative Assessment Techniques. • Communicate Grading Practices with Students and Parents. Year 5 • Student Involvement in assessment • Students will be tracking progress and involved in goal setting strategies • Students have a voice and choice in learning opportunities based on assessment.

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