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Welcome to the Sultans Team!. Ms. Lovell (Language Arts/Social Studies) Ms. Gupton (Math/Science). Who are we?.
Welcome to the Sultans Team! Ms. Lovell (Language Arts/Social Studies) Ms. Gupton (Math/Science)
Who are we? • As a member of this team and a student at TJMS , it is expected that you conduct yourself in a suitable manner. You will respect your teammates and teachers and you must follow directions in order to have a successful 7th grade year. If you choose not to do so, there will be clear consequences.
How is 7th grade different? • 7th grade is a huge step up from 6th grade. We will expect more from you academically. We will also expect you to be much more responsible and mature this year.
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • Be on time and prepared for class every day. • Week 1 is your grace period. After that, you will receive silent lunch if you leave belongings in class or in the hallway. You will also receive silent lunch if you forget materials in your locker. No exceptions. You should only have one binder (morning/afternoon), your agenda, two composition books, a pencil pouch, and a novel or two with you. Your book bag must stay in your locker at all times.
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 3. Memorize your locker combination and keep your locker neat and clean. If you see a lock left unlocked DO NOT FLIP IT. This is considered someone else's property and if you flip it you will receive a discipline form. • 4. You will have multiple scheduled locker and bathroom breaks throughout the day. Unexcused trips are not permitted.
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 5. Write your assignments in your agenda every day and complete your homework assignments for each class. • 6.Take your team pack home every Wednesday and return it signed (if it is not turned in by Friday, you will not participate in team time.)
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 7. When classes are changing, you must line up quietly at our doors and move WITHOUT talking between our classrooms. There is a 6th grade science class across from Ms. Lovell’s room this year and we will not disturb them. • 8. Leave the 6th graders alone. (You were one 2 months ago so don’t try to be a big bad 7th grader.)
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 9. Bathroom passes – 4 per quarter, use them wisely (don’t go to get out of class and go stare at your beautiful reflection in the mirror ) • 10. Snack time – beginning of 2nd period, come in sit down, get ready for class to start. You may eat your snack during the first 7 minutes. Snack will be over at 9:00. If we start to see trash and food on our floors or you play with your snacks instead of eating them, snack time will disappear and never return
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 11. Personal electronics are not welcomed in class. Cell phones, I pods, digital cameras, etc. are to be turned off and IN YOUR LOCKER during the school day. Any visible electronic device will be confiscated and/or sent to the office for a parent to pick up. Repeat offenders will be subjected to an office level offense.
Your responsibilities/Things to Know • 1. The school dress code for boys and girls will be strictly enforced. If you look in the mirror and there is any question about what you’re wearing that day, you should change clothes. • 2. If your clothes are inappropriate for school, you will have to wear something super ugly or call a parent for new clothes.. • 3. If we have to constantly address your clothing, a parent will be contacted by Ms. Lovell or Ms. Gupton.
Academic misconduct • Academic Misconduct is any intentional or unintentional occurrence of the following: • 1. Using the words or ideas of another, from the Internet or any source, without proper citation of the source(s), commonly called plagiarism. • 2. Receiving unauthorized external assistance during a test. • 3. Copying another students work/ allowing another student to copy your work. • 4. Attempting to influence or change any academic evaluation, assignment or academic records. • 5. Discussing a test or quiz that you have taken with a student who has not yet.
Consequences for academic misconduct • Automatic zero on the assignment • Parent contact/conference • D1 and office referral
Progress Reports • Progress reports are no longer printed because our grade books are available to you at all times. If you are making a D or F in one of our classes, we will print a progress report every two weeks for your parents’ signature. • ** We have switched to PowerSchool this year. We will be sending progress reports home until your parents can access your grades online.
Team Make-Up/Late Work Grading Policy • If a student is absent, they have how many days that they were absent plus one to turn in their work. Students will be responsible for checking the make-up work folders for all classes when they are out of school.Upon returning after an absence, students must follow up with their teacher on their own time regarding what they missed in class. If students are not absent and they do not turn in an assignment on time, points will be deducted from the assignment each day that the assignment is late. • Students may make up missing assignments or tests during tutoring time Tuesdays or Thursdays from 2:00 to 3:00. Students should always check with us before they stay after school to make sure that we are available.
Enrichment Period (E-Period) • This year at TJMS, our teams will be implementing an Enrichment Period in the mornings from 7:25 to 7:50. The Sultans will have two groups that will change throughout the year depending on what goals we have for our E-Periods. We will plan activities that offer opportunities from remediation and review to application and problem-based learning in all subject areas. • It is important for students and parents to understand that the work produced during this time will be graded; therefore, if students are absent or late, they are responsible for making up the work and turning it in on time.
Super sultans behavior/incentive program • Throughout the quarter, students may accumulate points. This program is like golf, you want the lowest amount of points possible. If students keep their points at 100 or below during a quarter, they will be qualified to attend a party or field trip at the end of the quarter.
How can you accumulate points: (remember – points are not a good thing!) • 10 points – having any zeroes in a class at the end of the quarter (this is not 10 points per zero – it is 10 points if you have ANY zeroes) • 10 points – silent lunch – students can earn silent lunch for leaving their belongings behind, having to return to their locker after class has started, excessive talking, etc. • 20 points – After school detention • 30 points per day of In School Suspension • 50 points per day of Out of School Suspension
How can students lose points: • - 40 points for straight A’s • - 10 points if students are observed demonstrating strong character (ex. Picking up books for another student)
End of quarter fun! • If you have less than 100 points at the end of each quarter, you will be able to participate in our incentive trip or event. Here is an example of what we have done in the past to celebrate our students: • 1st quarter – Movie and Popcorn • 2nd quarter – Out for Lunch • 3rd quarter – Rock Climbing • 4th quarter – Sultan Day • This program will begin on Thursday, August 29th.
Discipline • Step 1: Verbal warning • Step 2: parent contact/discipline form that must be signed • Step 3: parent, student, teacher conference • Step 4: D1/ISS/OSS
Sultan schedule • 7:00-7:20 Homeroom, breakfast, get ready for morning classes • 7:25-7:50 E Period • 7:52-8:52 1st Period • 8:53-9:53 2nd Period (snack ends at 9:00) • 9:56-11:29 Encore • 11:34-12:33 5th Period (you had better book it to get in class ON TIME) • 12:33-12:35 6th period class change – put your belongings away and line up for lunch • 12:40-1:05 Lunch • 1:10-2:00 6th Period
Team time schedule • 7:00-7:20 Homeroom, breakfast, get ready for morning classes • 7:25-7:50 E Period • 7:52-8:42 1st Period • 8:43-9:33 2nd Period (snack ends at 8:50) • 9:35-9:53 5th Period (you will need morning and afternoon binders on this day) • 9:56-11:29 Encore • 11:34-12:oo 5th Period • 12:02-12:35 6th period • 12:40-1:05 Lunch • 1:15-1:40 Team time • 1:45-2:00 TJ TV