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The Armutlu Network: An Investigation on S eismotectonic S etting of Armutlu-Yalova Region

This study delves into the seismotectonic setting of the Armutlu-Yalova region through a comprehensive investigation, focusing on seismicity patterns and fault structures. The research aims to provide insights into the geological complexities of the area and the potential risks associated with seismic activity, suggesting improvements in monitoring techniques and data exchange collaborations with neighboring networks.

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The Armutlu Network: An Investigation on S eismotectonic S etting of Armutlu-Yalova Region

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Armutlu Network: An Investigation on Seismotectonic Setting of Armutlu-Yalova Region Ş. Barış1, B. Tunç 1, H. Woith2, H. Grosser 2, S. Irmak 1, B. Lühr 2, D. Çaka 1, S. Tunç 1, E. Günther 2, M. F. Özer 1 and J. Zschau 2 International Seismological Workshop Managing Waveform Data & Related Metadata for Seismic Networks Helwan, Egypt, Nov. 8-17, 2009 1 Kocaeli University, Earth and Space Sciences Research Center-Turkey 2 GeoForschung Zentrum, Potsdam-Germany

  2. North-Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) Regional Focus on the Armutlu Peninsula! modifiedfromLorenzo-Martin (2006)

  3. Migration of large earthquakes along the NAFZ

  4. Nov. 2009 The Armutlu-Experiment Tectonic Situation

  5. October 2008 The Armutlu-Experiment Motivation – Coulomb Stress Change Wang et al., 2006

  6. Motivation - Clustering

  7. Polat 2002 Aftershock Studies of Izmit 1999 Özalaybey 2002 Cakir 2003

  8. October 2008 The Armutlu-Experiment Motivation - Seismicity between 2002-2007




  12. Seismicity in 09/2005-07/2007

  13. 1985-2006 ~8500 eqs TOMOG3D, Zhao, D., 2002

  14. ~2800 eqs TOMOG3D, Zhao, D., 2002

  15. Number of events-Depth Distribution Before TOMOG3D After TOMOG3D

  16. Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination Method, Hurukawa, 2009 (First Trial)

  17. SeisComp 3 (07/2009) – Trial and Learning Phase

  18. Tectonic model Eisenlohr (1995) Aftershocks of the Oct. 24, 2006 event Sept. 2005 – Feb. 2006 seismicity (Armutlu network, preliminary results) Aug. 1999 aftershocks (Task Force) 1999 aftershocks (Polat et al. 2002, Özalaybey et al. 2002, Karabulut et al. 2002, Örgülü & Aktar 2001) 1999 western end of the 1999 Izmit rupture (ARMIJO et al. 2002) geologos Iznik-Mekece fault status 2006 November First attempt of an interpretation based on Eisenlohr (1995). The active faults are Riedel shears Within a rightlateral shear zone which rotates clockwise. Tectonic model from EISENLOHR (1995) TR geology

  19. R E S U L T S • Tectonic structure is very complicated • Certain clusters, but mostly diffused seismicity • Clockwise rotation • Need better 1-D crustal model, seismic experiment, improvement location procedure by using crosscorrelataion metheod, HypoDD or similar algorithm • Data exchange necessary with surrounding networks • Add new station for better coverage • Online transmission is installing • SeisComp is installed and testing • Near future data exchange with ORFEUS/IRIS/FDSN or similar organizations, common research projects?


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