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Payment Plan Provider (PPP) ISRS Process Overview. This presentation provides an overview of our Payment Plan Provider processes from the ISRS perspective. Student pays. Student pays. Student enrolls in Plan. Registration changes. Agreement Changes, Student notified. Refund overpayments.
Payment Plan Provider(PPP) ISRS Process Overview This presentation provides an overview of our Payment Plan Provider processes from the ISRS perspective.
Student pays Student pays Student enrolls in Plan Registration changes Agreement Changes, Student notified Refund overpayments Registration Determine Plans and Dates New agreements sent to ISRS Payments sent from PPP to ISRS Potential Agreement changes uploaded ISRS/ PPP / Student RelationshipsOverview STUDENT PPP MNSCU
Contents: Payment Plans and ISRS • Student Enrolls in Plan • New agreements sent to ISRS • Payments sent to ISRS • Creating agreement changes to send to PPP • ISRS Relationships & Other Important Stuff To Know • Getting Started Checklist
Student pays Student pays Student enrolls in Plan Registration changes Agreement Changes, Student notified Refund overpayments Registration Determine Plans and Dates New agreements sent to ISRS Payments sent from PPP to ISRS Potential Agreement changes uploaded 1. Student Enrolls In Plan STUDENT PPP MNSCU
Date type 0028 controls the “Enroll in Payment Plan” link. If this date is active at ANY school for which the student is enrolled they will see this link regardless of the institution website from which they entered. The “My FACTS Account” link is always displayed.
The links are also displayed on the “Balance Due by Term” page.
The links above are displayed for a college or university and term when both of the following items are true: • Date Type 0028 is active for the Term(s) • Registration activity or Housing assignment has occurred for the term.
Error message(s) are displayed when the student clicks on a Term if one of the following are true : • There is already a Payment Plan for selected Term • There is a Balance Due Hold (either 0031 or 0015)
The student can adjust their payment plan amount if some charges are not yet available or if they are receiving financial aid. After entering additional charges and/or Financial Aid amount, they click on the Calculate Button. Note: Financial aid amount is not calculated and need to be estimated and entered manually by the student.
PPP Examples • The following pages will give you an idea of what the student will see once they link to PPP site from the ISRS Student E-Services web page. Some data is passed from ISRS and is noted in these pages.
END: 1. Student Enrolls in PlanLinks to related documentation: • Web Guide: Setup to Allow Students to Enroll in a New Payment Plan.
Student pays Student pays Student enrolls in Plan Registration changes Agreement Changes, Student notified Refund overpayments Registration Determine Plans and Dates New agreements sent to ISRS Payments sent from PPP to ISRS Potential Agreement changes uploaded 2. New Agreements Sent to ISRS STUDENT PPP MNSCU
Agreement Download Start Up • Submit a help desk ticket notifying ITS that you wish for PPP agreement information to automatically load in to ISRS. • You will receive verification from that we have worked with PPP and the process is ready to begin. • PPP builds a file of contract data at 11:00 a.m. This file includes any eCashier agreements that went on the their system prior to midnight of the previous night. Paper agreements entered in to before 11:00 a.m. will also be included when the ftp file is generated. • MnSCU picks up this file and writes it to table PMT_PLAN_STUDENT at approx 2 P.M. • This data can be seen on the Payment Plan Contract Maintenance Screen (AR2217UG)
END: 2. New Agreements Sent to ISRSLinks to related documentation: • Payment Plan Contract Maintenance Screen (AR2217UG)
Student pays Student pays Student enrolls in Plan Registration changes Agreement Changes, Student notified Refund overpayments Registration Determine Plans and Dates New agreements sent to ISRS Payments sent from PPP to ISRS Potential Agreement changes uploaded 3. Payments Sent to ISRS STUDENT PPP MNSCU
DAY 1 Morning PPP creates electronic file of monies that will be sent to your bank. Payment TimelinePPP to ISRS
DAY 1 After 2 PM DAY 1 Morning PPP creates electronic file of monies that will be sent to your bank. School reviews info on AR2052UG Payment TimelinePPP to ISRS
DAY 1 After 2 PM DAY 2 Overnight DAY 1 Morning ITS runs AR2514CB Transactions Post Report prints. E-mail sent. PPP creates electronic file of monies that will be sent to your bank. School reviews info on AR2052UG Payment TimelinePPP to ISRS
DAY 1 After 2 PM DAY 2 Overnight DAY 2 Daytime DAY 1 Morning ITS runs AR2514CB Transactions Post Report prints. E-mail sent. School Staff corrects errors. School balances cash drawers PPP creates electronic file of monies that will be sent to your bank. School reviews info on AR2052UG Payment TimelinePPP to ISRS
DAY 1 After 2 PM DAY 2 Overnight DAY 2 Daytime Occurrence Date DAY 1 Morning Money transferred from PPP to your bank on AR2514CB Occurrence Date. ITS runs AR2514CB Transactions Post Report prints. E-mail sent. School Staff corrects errors. School balances cash drawers PPP creates electronic file of monies that will be sent to your bank. School reviews info on AR2052UG Payment TimelinePPP to ISRS
PPP Payments ReconciliationDaily Items to Complete • AR2514CB: Payment Plan Provider Posting will print at designated printer. Review the report for posted items that need attention. Resolve issues and manually post these transactions to a separate cash drawer according to instructions received in messages on the report. • AR2052UG: Data can be retrieved and sorted on this screen in a variety of ways to aid you in resolving problems or questions. You’ll see transactions as they were sent from the PPP along with their original posting status. (PMT_PLAN_TRAN) • AR2060UG: Resolve other issues and finish posting remaining transactions here. • AR2505CP: Balance Cash Drawer 97 along with any other cash drawer where manual entries were made.
AR2052UG: Payment Plan Provider Payment File Query(PMT_PLAN_TRAN)
ISRS Rules for Applying Payments: Payments are applied in the following order: • To charges related to the year term identified in the transaction from the Payment Provider. • To Year Term 00000 balances • To Prior Year Term balances • To Future Year Term balances • To Overpayment Transaction (only when all balances are paid in full) Note: Within each Year Term, payments are applied based on your established Funds Apply Pay Priority (AR0036UG).
AR0036UG: Funds Applied Pay Priority Within each YrTr, charges will be paid off in the order code sequence defined here.
Prepayments • Logic: • If a payment is received and the current date is before the begin date for Date Type 0030 – Tuition Calc Begin/End Dates (or if Date Type 0030 does not exist for the year term) and funds remain, the process creates a Prepayment transaction for the remaining amount of the payment using prepayment code 99903 (Tuition and Fees). • Set Up: • Setup Reference ID 99903 on the Fixed Account Setup for AR Charges (AR0122UG) screen. • Setup Prepayment process code 99903 on the Funds Apply Rules (AR0037UG) screen.
AR0122UG – Fixed Account Setup for A/R Charges Setup Reference ID 99903 using a local clearing account
AR0037UG – Funds Applied Rules Setup Reference ID 99903 on Funds Applied Rules.
End: 3. Payments sent to ISRSLinks to Related Documentation: • Payment Plan Provider Posting Report (AR2514CB) • Payment Plan Provider Payment File Query Screen (AR2052UG) • Payment Plan Contract Maintenance Screen (AR2217UG) • External Transaction Recovery Process (AR2060UG) • Cash Drawer Report (AR2505CP) • Fixed Account Setup for A/R Charges (AR0122UG) • Funds Applied Rules (AR0037UG)
Student pays Student pays Student enrolls in Plan Registration changes Agreement Changes, Student notified Refund overpayments Registration Determine Plans and Dates New agreements sent to ISRS Payments sent from PPP to ISRS Potential Agreement changes uploaded 4. Agreement changes sent to PPP STUDENT PPP MNSCU
4. Creating Agreement changes to send to PPP Pre-requisites • You have students who have signed up for payment plans. • Since enrollment, changes have taken place in ISRS that may affect their account balance and thus their payment plan. • UT3020UG: E-mail addresses have been set up so appropriate staff will receive AR2519CB interface notifications. Co-requisites • Training by PPP on updating contracts on the Provider’s site.
It is important that you work with PPP to determine the best times to change contract information.Some things to consider: • Cut-off dates in order to provide students with adequate notification of changes • Total ISRS obligation date • Application of Financial Aid • Timing of payments received from FACTS • Timing of FACTS withdrawal from student’s account • Be sure Prepayments have been applied
ISRS Steps to create file of possible agreement changes. • Run AR2519CB: Payment Plan Contract Change report. • Retrieve e-mail with .txt file attached. • Save .txt file to your computer or your network. NEXT Steps • Go to the PPP site and follow directions for completing the contract change upload process.
Academic Term: The report will only return information on students who have a Payment Plan for this term.
Student ID/SSN: If you want to only upload certain accounts, you may use this field to just limit to those records.
Report Sort Order: Identify the order in which you would like the report to sort.
Delivery Method: • No matter who is running the report or which deliver method you choose, only the e-mail addresses you set up on the UT3020UG will receive an e-mail with the .txt report attached. • Each delivery method will produce the same data as the .txt file but only the .txt file can be uploaded to FACTS.