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Plague Doctor 1656

Plague Doctor 1656. 2000 Global HIV/AIDS Estimates Children and Adults. 36.1 million 5.3 million 3.0 million 21.8 million. People living with HIV/AIDS New HIV infections in 2000 Deaths due to HIV/AIDS in 2000 Cumulative number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS. Click for larger picture.

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Plague Doctor 1656

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  1. Plague Doctor 1656

  2. 2000 Global HIV/AIDS EstimatesChildren and Adults 36.1 million 5.3 million 3.0 million 21.8 million • People living with HIV/AIDS • New HIV infections in 2000 • Deaths due to HIV/AIDS in 2000 • Cumulative number of deaths due to HIV/AIDS

  3. Click for larger picture

  4. Click for larger picture

  5. HIV/AIDS comes to China NY Times 5/27/01

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  10. Reduction in production in a household wi th an AIDS death, Zimbabwe Reduction in output Crops 61% Maize l 47% Cotton l Vegetables 49% l Groundnuts 37% l Cattle owned 29% l Source: Stover & Bollinger , 1999 00001-E- 26 – 27 June 2000

  11. HIV/AIDS Prevention • Condoms- accessible, cheap • Sex education, early & often • Counseling, testing • Prevent mother to child transmission • Reduce harm of drug use • Access to care, treatment

  12. PREVENTABLE DEATHS • Measles Child vaccination 98% • Malaria Pesticide bednets 50% • Tuberculosis DOT-S 60% • Diarrheas Oral rehydration 90% • Pneumonias Appropriate antibiotics 90% • HIV/AIDS Condoms, sex ed, etc 70%

  13. Costs of Prevention Strategies InterventionCost-$/personEffectiveness Tuberculosis Rx $20 95% HIV-condoms 1 yr $14 99% Malaria- bednets $00.05 50% Diarrhea- salts,H20 $00.33 99% Pneumonia- antibiotics $00.27 90% Measles- vaccine $00.26 98% Total cost to prevent infectious diseases-$7 billion

  14. Which way will the world turn? Will the nations of the earth make the resources available: “To prevent disease in the weakest to protect the strongest” ? ? ? ?

  15. Click for larger picture

  16. HIV prevalence in military personnel in Africa Nigeria: 11% among peacekeepe rs returning l from Sierra Leone and Liberia vs 5% in adult population South Africa: 60-70% in military vs 20% in l adult population Source: Nigeria AIDS bulletin No 15, May 20, 2000; The Mail & Guardian, Pretoria, 00001-E- 13 – 27 June 2000 March 31, 2000; UNAIDS/WHO 1999 estimate

  17. Life Expectancy at Birth(both sexes, years) Area1995-20002010-20152045-2050 World 65.0 68.7 76.0 Japan 80.5 81.5 88.0 France 78.1 80.3 84.0 USA 76.5 79.2 82.6 China 69.8 73.5 79.0 Russia 66.1 69.3 76.9 Sierra Leone 37.3 40.5 61.5

  18. Click for larger picture

  19. Life Expectancy at Birth (both sexes, years) Area1995-2000 World 65.0 Japan 80.5 France 78.1 USA 76.5 China 69.8 Russia 66.1 Afghanistan 47.0 Sierra Leone 37.3

  20. Infant Mortality Rate(infant deaths per 1000 live births) Area1995-20002010-20152045-2050 World 59.6 43.4 19.4 Japan 3.5 3.3 2.5 France 5.5 4.6 3.6 USA 7.6 5.8 4.4 Russia 16.7 14.0 7.2 China 41.4 28.6 13.3 Sierra Leone 165.4 124.0 53.9

  21. Infant Mortality Rate(infant deaths per 1000 live births) Area1995-2000 World 59.6 Japan 3.5 France 5.5 USA 7.6 Russia 16.7 China 41.4 Afghanistan 165.0 Sierra Leone 165.4

  22. Reduction in maternal mortality(%) from hand washing with a chlorine solution- Semmelweis,PI 1861

  23. Semmelweis before and after insisting on hand disinfection with chlorine and lime

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