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Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Advancing Your Career by Looking Good

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Advancing Your Career by Looking Good. Josh Lord, M.B.A. Director of Membership and Strategic Initiatives Michigan Dental Association. Agenda. Mapping Ideal candidate Self evaluation Filling gaps Looking good on paper Looking good online

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Advancing Your Career by Looking Good

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Advancing Your Career by Looking Good Josh Lord, M.B.A. Director of Membership and Strategic Initiatives Michigan Dental Association

  2. Agenda • Mapping • Ideal candidate • Self evaluation • Filling gaps • Looking good on paper • Looking good online • Looking good as an applicant • Looking good in an interview • Looking good as a new hire • Looking good to find your next job

  3. Credentials • Hired to generate 33% of $6M operating budget @ 24 years-old • Launched MDA’s Career Services Center • Successfully supported aspirations of family, friends, friends-of-friends, dental students, new dentists • www.linkedin.com/in/joshuadlord

  4. Disclaimer • This presentation is not about

  5. Goal: layering

  6. Step 1

  7. Mapping the ideal candidate

  8. Step 2

  9. Step 3

  10. Looking good on paper Tips for writing effective cover letters/personal statements, resumes/CVs

  11. Cover letters/personal statements • Tell a story – one story • Use transitions • Link history/experiences/credentials and resume/CV to opening • Remember, the cover letter isn’t really about you – focus on how you intend to create value!

  12. Formula for cover letters/personal statements • The top of the document includes the same letterhead and styling that is used on the resume. Personalize the addressee. • Purpose = get someone to read your resume • Paragraph 1 – Brief intro, ability to create value for the practice • Paragraph 2 – Detail experience contained in resume that proves value proposition • Paragraph 3 – Repeat idea from paragraph 2 • Paragraph 4 – Link all content together, provide your contact info and when you will follow up

  13. Resumes/CVs • Designed to get you an interview • Read/judged by reviewer in six seconds – or less • Provides context for your experience and qualifications • Opportunity to position you as a clinical practitioner and business partner • Not about you!

  14. Compatible Experience • Does it relate in any way to practicing dentistry in a business setting? • Don’t worry about “lack of experience” • Experience is relative to the position you’re applying for • Follow this formula: • Lead with an action verb • Quantify it • Show results, don’t tell about responsibilities • Readers need context!

  15. Write with the right perspective • Your resume is not about you! • Resumes are designed to show a connection between the open position and your qualifications • Each bullet point should link you to the job • How relevant is the content you’re including? • Ask for feedback

  16. General formatting • Limit white space • One full page or two full pages • Nothing in-between! • Grammar • Spacing • Consistency • Font size • .doc or .docx to PDF • Limit use of templates/fancy graphics

  17. Looking good online Tips for creating and maintaining your digital presence

  18. Facebook • Employers check – does impact hiring decisions • Review, hide, delete content • Not (yet) the place to brand yourself as a professional • Create filters/groups if necessary

  19. LinkedIn • Build your presence early • Connect with influencers • Join groups and follow companies/organizations • Highlight beliefs and value proposition • Replicate content from resume/CV • Actively pursue relationships and jobs

  20. Looking good as an applicant • Customize your cover letter and resume • Generic versions are easy to spot • Develop based on role and link to candidacy • Communicate and demonstrate unique value • Have a presence on social media • Develop a diverse set of letters of rec • Follow up accordingly

  21. Looking good when you interview • Don’t be entitled • Your reputation precedes you • You won’t get the perfect job right out of school • Will likely change jobs 3-5 times in first five years • Be selective – not picky • Be prepared and do your research • Strategize for how to address compensation questions • Body language is key

  22. The “right” things to say • Keeping all options open • Open-minded, flexible • Team player, hard worker, committed • Impressed by this opportunity/fortunate to have the opportunity • Bright outlook, lots of possibilities • What are your expectations of me? • How do you define success? • What is your philosophy? • What distinct value you’ll bring

  23. The “wrong” things to say • Anything that makes you appear as a know-it-all • Doing this for the money • I need to learn more than what they teach in dental school • Never dismiss what you have learned in school or discredit academics/the process • Can’t/won’t/will not • When are you retiring? • This isn’t how I was trained in school • How much will I make? • What do you do? • How do I get your position? • Anything about your race, age, religion, sexual orientation, martial status, disabilities, etc. • Plans RE relocating, starting a family, purchasing a practice

  24. Looking good when you interview • Ask questions that decrease uncertainty • Interview them just as much as they are interviewing you • Make it a two-way conversation • Always ask what the next steps will be • Always send a hand-written thank you note • Email thanks are lazy and should only be used if hiring decision will be made immediately

  25. Looking good when you’re a new hire • Negotiate necessary details before arriving on Day One • Get a clear understanding of office expectations and cultural norms before starting • Flexibility on arrival time • Unspoken assumptions • Get advanced training on IT systems • Understand reporting and escalation structures

  26. Looking good to find your next job • Network – constantly • Become a member of an ADA-affiliated organization • Get involved in professional organizations • Show a pattern of leadership development • Keep social media presence fresh and appropriate

  27. Summary Critical to understand what you need to have to become who you want to be Maintaining image and reputation is constant work, and consistency across mediums is critical Don’t be entitled

  28. Contact me • jlord@michigandental.org • joshua.d.lord@gmail.com • 517-346-9415 • www.linkedin.com/in/joshuadlord

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