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Dr Aliyu Shugaba

Dr Aliyu Shugaba. Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. Ecosystem in Action - A Nigerian Model: Lessons Learnt.

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Dr Aliyu Shugaba

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  1. Dr Aliyu Shugaba Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development University of Maiduguri, Nigeria

  2. Ecosystem in Action - A Nigerian Model: Lessons Learnt. • In most parts of the world the entrepreneurial ecosystem has emerged as a benchmark for designing entrepreneurship policies, especially for new technology-oriented ventures.

  3. Ecosystems • Ecosystems generally consist of a set of different interconnected actors within a specific area, which includes the following components: • Universities and R&D institutions, • Qualified human resources, • Formal and informal networks, • Governments/government agencies, • Angel investors and venture capitalists, • Professional service providers, and • An enterprising culture which connects all of these factors in an open and dynamic way

  4. Considering the locally based nature of many of these components, each ecosystem would be characterised by the very specific and idiosyncratic way in which these factors are locally available and combined.

  5. Nigeria context • The policy thrust of the Entrepreneurship Programme in Nigeria is geared towards the development of entrepreneurial skills and competencies for people in areas such as creativity, leadership, business plans, and networking. • In 2007, the Federal Government of Nigeria directed the National Universities Commission (NUC), National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) and National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to ensure that institutions under their supervision establish Centres for Entrepreneurship Development as a matter of urgency.

  6. The strategic objectives of this National Policy are to: • Improve the capacity of youths to develop positive independent and innovative thought process and overall entrepreneurial mindset, and • Develop vocational skills as a way of stimulating future graduates towards venture creation. • By this policy, all tertiary institutions were expected to integrate entrepreneurship education into all curricula offered. The NUC, in carrying out this directive, had designated the courses and course synopsis for two benchmark courses and charged Universities to add a few more courses in accordance with their peculiar needs.

  7. University Of Maiduguri Centre for Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development

  8. Vision: To create an internationally recognized Centre of Excellence for spreading the spirit of enterprise through education, training and research using innovative, interdisciplinary approaches. • Mission: To enrich the knowledge horizon of students and staff in the field of entrepreneurship and nurture the development of high quality entrepreneurs with capabilities for creating employment through business venturing and strategic planning.

  9. Objectives: CEED is a multi-disciplinary, campus-wide Centre focusing on entrepreneurial education, training and research. The Centre seeks to create unique opportunities through partnerships among students, faculty members, community entrepreneurial leaders, and companies within and outside the catchment area. These partnerships are expected to leverage the strengths of all participants to develop the critical skills necessary to (1) identify new opportunities, (2) accelerate the development and commercialization of new technologies, and (3) create and grow successful new business ventures. The Centre will serve as the laboratory of the entrepreneurship programme and its major objectives are to:

  10. Create and promote entrepreneurial awareness and opportunities, • Nurture the talents and ideas of students to create and sustain businesses so that they emerge as business owners with professional skills, • Offer, through academic programmes, practical hands-on education in entrepreneurship and service-learning activities within the community and the region,

  11. Provide students with the necessary skills to think creatively, to successfully launch their own businesses, or to support an employer in launching and growing an entrepreneurial venture, • Offer mentoring and consultancy services to small and medium scale enterprises within and outside the catchment area of the University, • Transfer research efforts from the laboratory to the marketplace and thus, promote successful clusters ofentrepreneurial businesses, and

  12. Long Term Vision • Make University of Maiduguri the bedrock for developing, testing and actualising creative entrepreneurial skills within the North-Eastern region, which then moves into other parts of Nigeria’s socioeconomic environment leading to the export of knowledge exchange across Africa and on-going worldwide exploitation.

  13. Views of the Centre

  14. Our Partnership with Wolverhampton • Already established a framework for the development of entrepreneurial capacity. • This has to do with delivery of the local content for Maiduguri.

  15. Signing of MOU between Wolverhampton and Maiduguri

  16. Resources Available for Exploitation • Solar Energy • Bio-resources • Animal Resources • Sodom Apple (Calotropisprocera) • Natural Gums (Gum Arabic) • Vast Human Resources (About 168 million people)

  17. Utility Vehicles of the Centre

  18. Major Challenges of the Centre

  19. University of Maiduguri Microfinance Bank

  20. Visit to the Centre by Wolverhampton Team

  21. Nigeria • Thank you

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