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Welcome to the GOOGLE + Webinar. Hosted by: Kaitlyn Reim Wentworth January 19, 2012. Google +. Launched 6/28/11 Integrates across all Google products One key element of Google+ is a focus on targeted sharing within subsets of your social group, which are what Google calls Circles
Welcome to the GOOGLE + Webinar Hosted by: Kaitlyn Reim Wentworth January 19, 2012
Google + • Launched 6/28/11 • Integrates across all Google products • One key element of Google+ is a focus on targeted sharing within subsets of your social group, which are what Google calls Circles • Within Google+, Google has created a section specifically for viewing, managing and editing multimedia
Google + • “Hangouts,” Google’s new group chat feature • Instead of directly asking a friend to join a group chat, users instead click “start a hangout” and they’re instantly in a video chatroom alone
Google + & Facebook Similarities • Interface: The interface appearance of google+ is similar to facebook. Its functions are also quite similar to facebook. Some of the fans of facebook says that, google+ just copies facebook. Google+ has lots of features which are totally inspired by facebook • +1 and like: The like button of facebook and the +1 button of google plus are similar. Google has announced to use the data that are from +1 in various ways. Uploading the picture is similar • Spark and RSS feed: Spark of google+ and RSS feed of facebook are same. Spark as well as RSS feed gather great content from the web and deliver • Video upload: Video upload is similar. But as google owns youtube, the great video sharing site google+ has advantage to share youtube videos.
Google + & Facebook Differences • Circles: You are allowed to group your friends in google+, but facebook does not support this feature. This feature is called circle in google+. You can share your status to a specific group or to all of your friends. This feature offer much more privacy than facebook. • Hangouts: Google+ supports video chat. You can hangout with your friends by face to face video chat. It also supports multiple user video chat at the same time. There was no such feature in facebook but recently there is deal between facebook and skype which allows the facebook user one to one video chat. So, hangout is much more convenient. • Huddle in google+ vs Group Message in facebook: The feature hurdle allows sending group message to a circle. It allows including the friends of a circle in a group chat. In facebook, you have to create a group to send a group message. There are many annoying things in a facebook group. You have to select the group admin and so on. But the group chat is same for both. In both google+ and facebook, you are allowed to see live chat between friends. • Instant Upload of google+ vs Picture Upload of facebook: The instant upload feature of google+ is questionable. The pictures are not viewed instantly though the name is instant upload. It is similar to facebook upload. But the graphical interface during upload time is much more aesthetic than facebook’s picture upload. But of course the issue is privacy. You can share it in google+ through circle.
What’s the difference between Google + business pages & profiles? • Pages are for businesses, brands, orgs and public figures; Profiles are for people • Pages can’t add people to circles until the page is added first or mentioned • The default privacy setting for elements on your Business Page is public • Pages have the +1 button (similar to Facebook Page’s like button), Profiles don’t • Profiles can +1 Business Pages and any content on the Web with a +1 button, Business Pages can’t
What’s the difference between Google + business pages & profiles? • Profiles can mention people in comments, Pages can only mention people who’ve already added or mentioned them • Profiles can play games, Business Pages can’t • Pages don’t have the option to share to Extended circles • Pages CAN receive notifications via email, text, or in the Google bar – • Pages CAN join hangouts • Pages have no analytics module – yet
How to use your Google + Business Page • Regularly share content & keep it fresh • React and respond to your fans • Be engaging • Optimize for lead generation • Measure, adapt strategy, and optimize your presence based on goals
How to use your Google + Business Page • Step 1: login in
How to use your Google + Business Page • Step 2:select property
How to link you GOOGLE + to Website • To link your Google+ page to your website: • Go to your profile by clicking the profile icon at the top of the page. • Click Edit Profile. • On the ‘About’ tab, click Links. • Click Add custom link. • Enter a title for the link and a URL. • Click Save. • After you’ve linked your Google+ page to your website, make sure to also link your website to your page. Learn how to add the Google+ badge to your website. • Linking your page and your website is useful because: • It helps you connect with your friends, fans, and customers. • It provides Google with information that we can use to help determine the relevancy of your site to a user query on Google Search. • Your site will become eligible for Google+ Direct Connect.
Vanity URL to share • Head on over to http://plus.ly/
URL • https://plus.google.com/b/108903713309958749864/108903713309958749864/posts • http://plus.ly/fairfieldinnsuitesjupiter
Owners and managers on Google+ pages • Who is on your social media team • 2 types of Admins- Owners and managers
Invite Managers • To add a manager to your Google+ page: • Use the menu on the side of the page to switch over to the page for which you’d like to add a manager. • Click Settings at the top corner of the stream. • On the side of the page, select Managers. • Enter the email address of the person you want to invite to be a manager and click Invite. (Note: people can accept invitations to become managers, and sign up if they haven’t already, with a different email address than the one the invitation was sent to.) • Confirm that you want to invite that person. • When a person accepts an invitation to become a manager, the owner of the page will be notified via email. • The ‘Managers’ section of your page settings displays all the active managers, as well as the email addresses of people who have been invited. As invitations are accepted, the email addresses will be replaced with the names of the managers. The owner and all managers can view this information. • You can cancel pending invitations by clicking the X in the row with the invitation you want to remove.
Remove Managers • Remove managers from your page • Page owners and page managers can both delete managers from a page. • To remove a manager from a page that you own or manage: • Use the menu on the side of the page to switch over to the page for which you’d like to remove a manager. • Click Settings at the top corner of the stream. • On the side of the page, select Managers. • In the row with the name of the manager you want to remove, click X. • Confirm you want to remove that manager. • When a manager is removed, both the former manager and the page owner will be notified and told who removed them. • You can cancel pending invitations by clicking the X in the row with the invitation you want to remove. • When you remove a manager, they’ll no longer be able to act as that page, or take any kind of administrative actions. However, all of that manager’s past posts, comments, and other actions will remain intact.
Transfer Ownership • Transfer ownership of your page • Only the owner of a page can transfer their ownership rights. The person you transfer ownership to must be an existing manager of the page. If you don't have any managers, you must first invite the person to become a manager, then wait for them to accept their invitation. • To change who owns your page: • Use the menu on the side of the page to switch over to the page for which you’d like to transfer ownership. • Click Settings at the top corner of the stream. • On the side of the page, select Managers. • On the opposite side, click Transfer ownership. • Identify the manager whom you want to designate as the new owner and click Transfer. • Confirm you want to transfer ownership to this person. • When an owner transfers ownership to someone else, the old owner automatically becomes a manager of the page. The transfer of ownership happens immediately -- no confirmation is necessary from the new owner.
How to use your Google + Business Page • Step 3: updates
Don’t be Square • Use your circles • Whether you're grouping people by location, interests or other relevant categories, you can broadcast your brand's message in a tailored fashion to relevant circles • This will mean people are seeing content from you that is relevant to them, and will be more likely to engage with your brand
Visual Cue • Austin is correct • Boca needs to take the next step
1 2 3 4
1: Improving Google's intelligence • Improve search engine results • Helps understand trends faster • Google can better adjust its rankings to show what you are interested in
2: Improved search quality • Google can pin point spammers • Google + Pages help your hotel become more visible
3: Changing how you get traffic • +1 button (like shares or tweets) • The +1 button is placed where the web address is • Where the 1+ button sits can influence your web design • If you’re creating landing pages for paid search campaigns, and your pages have several variations, all of the +1 votes that you earn will be broken down separately for each page address • Every time you move a page or change the address of something, you’ll be resetting the +1 count for that page
4: Improved click thru rates • +1 votes are important • People might be more willing to share a piece of content if they have a chance to be one of the first people to spread the word • In any case, now Google+ gives us more opportunities to speculate about social proof and its effect on social and viral behavior online
5: Direct connect Has the power to affect our search habits, and the search engine giant is not afraid to use that to its advantage to penetrate the social media space.
How do I set up a Direct Connect? • Go to your Google + page • Click connect to website (under the get started section) • This will give you options for 6 different google + buttons • Pick a button • Then copy and paste the code into your website (send to emax)
Search + Your World • Three types of Google+ data that will start showing up in the new search plus Your World results: • Personal results • Profiles in search • Profiles & Pages
Personal Results • Personal results include data from your own Google+ photos and posts, as well as Google+ data that has been shared with you • These results may include non-public Google+ photos and posts that were shared with you or posts you shared with a select group of people. • For example, you do a search for Tahiti in anticipation of a vacation you're taking on the French Polynesian island. Photos of Tahiti posted by anyone in your Google+ circles could appear in your results
Profile in Search • Profiles in search will be just what it sounds like: more Google+ profiles appearing in your search results • Google+ profiles have been appearing in search for some time • But now if you type in the name of someone you're connected to on Google+, such as your friend Sam Clarke, his name will start appearing as an autocomplete suggestion as you type..
Profiles & Pages • People and pages results are simply results from Google+ business pages and notable Google+ users. Say, for example, you search for a generic topic in Google such as "music." You may then see results in the right-hand column of the search results page with links to people on Google+. In the "music" search, for example, Google says you might see links to the Google+ profiles of people such as Britney Spears, Alicia Keys and Snoop Dogg.
5 ways to use Google Search + Your World • People Search • Surface Great Content • Create Special Circles • Edit Circles • Turn it off