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Can I offer you a WIN-WIN-WIN! A WIN Solution for your employees families A WIN For you as the employer A WIN Great deal for your employees All at no cost to you?. Let’s start with a…. WIN – WIN Situation A WIN for you because it won’t cost you a dime!
Can I offer you a WIN-WIN-WIN! A WIN Solution for your employees families A WIN For you as the employer A WIN Great deal for your employees All at no cost to you?
Let’s start with a… WIN – WINSituation A WIN for you because it won’t cost you a dime! A WIN for your employees because it will help them solve a huge problem!
Media is giving a lot of attention to LTCi now Your employees face the risk of needing LTC LTC could cause financial devastation – could lose their retirement savings, ability to work, etc. Voluntary benefits improve morale “Employers lose up to $25B in lost productivity due to LTC.”1 1 National Clearing House for LTC Information – 2008 US Dept. of Health & Human Services
Long Term Care Is A Big Risk “Long-term care is the notable remaining financial catastrophe against which employees generally have no protection. Indeed, the probability that an employee will one day face a nursing home stay is greater than either the probability of disability or premature death while employed.” 2005, “Long-term Care Coverage: The Missing Element in the Employee Safety Net,” Milliman Consultants and Actuaries
It Is YOUR Employees Largest Risk! 2005, “Long-term Care Coverage: The Missing Element in the Employee Safety Net,” Milliman Consultants and Actuaries
It Is YOUR Employees Largest Risk! But, It Isn’t YOUR Largest Risk! 2005, “Long-term Care Coverage: The Missing Element in the Employee Safety Net,” Milliman Consultants and Actuaries
Typical Sales Process Sounds Good… But, it doesn’t address your real issue Your biggest risk from Long Term Care is Presenteeism!
PresenteeismThe next component in the productivity equation Absenteeism – Tracking and managing the incidents of planned and unplanned employee absences Historically, a major focus of many employers Presenteeism – Loss in productivity that occurs when workers are on the job, or “present,” but not performing at their best The next logical step for employers to focus on
"When you look at total costs - meaning direct and indirect costs to a corporation in terms of medical expenses, absenteeism, short-term disability, long-term disability and presenteeism – our estimate is that presenteeism accounts for about three-quarters of the total." Dr. Wayne Burton, senior vice president and corporate medical director for Chicago-based BankOne, “The Dangers of Presenteeism”, Marybeth Stevens, Human Capital Consulting On-line News, October/November, 2004 Presenteeism and Long Term Care
Caregivers In The U.S. 2009 One third of American adults serve as a Caregiver today Caregivers report spending an average of 20 hours a week providing care The average length of caregiving is 4.6 years 30% say more than 5 years 73% of Caregivers are employed! How many of your employees are Caregivers? * “Caregiving in the US, 2009” National Alliance for Caregiving, AARP and MetLife, Funded by MetLife Foundation
Effects At Workplace 70% make some work-related adjustments to help the person they care for 66% of working caregivers go in (to work) late, leave early, or, take time off during the day to provide care “Caregiving in the US, 2009” National Alliance for Caregiving, AARP and MetLife, Funded by MetLife Foundation
Employers are beginning to feel the detrimental effects of long-term care in the workplace. Overall, one in four (26%) reports that their company has been negatively impacted in terms of productivity loss because employees are dealing with long-term care issues. “2009 Small Business Survey On Long Term Care” May, 2009, Mathew Greenwald & Associates for John Hancock Long Term Care
This is why employers are estimated to lose $25,000,000,000 this year!1 This is YOUR problem with Long Term Care! 1 National Clearing House for LTC Information – 2008, US Dept. of Health & Human Services
The WIN – WINWith our voluntary Long Term Care insurance offering,Your employees will receive access to
The WIN – WINWith our voluntary Long Term Care insurance offering,Your employees will receive access to Provide the help your employees need! 78% of Caregivers feel they need more help or information about at least one of 14 specific topics related to caregiving “Caregiving in the US, 2009” National Alliance for Caregiving, AARP and MetLife, Funded by MetLife Foundation
CareOptions OnLine (COOL) Offer this FREE unique benefit to all employees Whether or not they purchase coverage Just for attending our educational seminar on LTCi Can be accessed by employees and/or their family members of all ages Anytime - Anywhere(With internet access) Helps employees resolve care issues within their families
A Wealth Of Resources Find providers and facilities in their area Includes quality inspection reports, maps and more Not just for Long Term Care – for any medical care! Find the cost of care in their area Includes calculators to help estimate costs, as well as the financial impact to income and assets that care and caregiving can have Design their own personal care plan Or, design for their parent, grandparent, etc. Access a large library of care and wellnessinformation
Includes Invaluable Benefits FREE Living Will, Advance Directive, and Health Care POA Document Sets FREE Assessments FREE Family Caregiver Agreements A valuable employee benefit FREE to both you and your employees! A WIN – WIN for all!
It Gets Better! Here’s A… WIN – WIN – WINSituation Not only an incredible tool to help your employees struggling with family LTCand other care needs, butfor employees who desire, the best Long Term Care insurance policy available today!
A Revolutionary New Product Pays a Cash Benefit – Day One No restrictions on how cash can be used Cash can be used to: Replace income, Pay bills, Pay family members to provide care, Or, any other reason they desire! A policy that follows the true Long Term progression of care!
Cash Followed By StrongReimbursement Benefits Strong Home Health Care coverage including Care Coordination Benefits: Home modification Durable Medical Equipment Benefits to help people stay at home! Assisted Living Facility Coverage Nursing Home Coverage A policy that follows the Long Term progression of care… and cost!
WIN – WIN – WIN WIN: By giving your employees an invaluable tool when they face a caregiving situation WIN: By protecting yourself against lost productivity WIN: By offering the best Long Term Care insurance to your employees who desire it ALL AT NO COST TO YOU!
Additional Benefits Discount Lower cost than buying individually Underwriting May allow employees to get coverage they couldn’t get on an individual basis Family Members Discounts extended to other family members Class Act A low cost alternative to the government plan
And, It’s Easy!Steps Of The Process Submit to insurance company for approval A letter or email to all employees introducing the program Series of letters or emails to employees announcing education sessions Educational session Follow-up with individual employees A true WIN-WIN-WIN!