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Managing for results & Mutual Accountability

Managing for results & Mutual Accountability. Basic Elements. Shared Goals Multi year strategic budgets Evidence based decision making Public accountability. SHARED GOALS. Derived and defined from SDS (inclusive of midterm reviews) and through wide consultative processes adopted

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Managing for results & Mutual Accountability

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  1. Managing for results &Mutual Accountability

  2. Basic Elements • Shared Goals • Multi year strategic budgets • Evidence based decision making • Public accountability

  3. SHARED GOALS • Derived and defined from SDS (inclusive of midterm reviews) and through wide consultative processes adopted • At sector level, derived from stakeholder consultations, situation analyses and defined within sector plans • At both national and sector levels, GoS and partners agree to goals and alignment of programs of assistance to SDS – these are defined in country strategies now progressively becoming jointly developed • Integration of other global development frameworks within SDS such as MDGs, EFA goals, international conventions

  4. Multi year strategic budgets • Priority sectors articulated in SDS are prioritised for development of sector plans • Sector plans with developed Medium term Expenditure Frameworks are the bases for the delivery of development assistance – shift to sector programming • Sectoral Medium Term expenditure frameworks integrated into the MTEF for national budget – introduction of forward estimates in the FY08/09 budget over 3 year period • Sector MTEFs signal prioritisation process done at sector level – suggests to MoF need to protect resources

  5. Multi year budgets cont’d • Development of sector MTEFs is important way to reflect development assistance in national budget • Utilise performance budget assessment framework to assess progress against sector programs and SDS – important when shifting to budget support • Consistent indicators developed for SDS, sector plans, country strategies and budgets • Most of development partners are engaged in forward programming – important because it provides security for forward planning

  6. Evidence Based decision Making • Situation analyses of sectors sets background for development of programs – provides baseline • Every sector (15) has a Steering Committee – provides oversight for sector program – has development partners representation (CDP) • Sector programs have a design Matrix framework developed by DPs and Government Coordinating Agency. This is separate to the ME framework developed to monitor sector program implementation • Monitoring frameworks provide the evidence on what works and what does not – budget shifts or reallocation

  7. Public accountability • Participatory process when reviewing SDS, involves government as well as general community and development partners • Each of sector programs has a joint review mission (GoS and partners) – assesses progress on a 6 monthly basis • At high level DP consultations, GoS reports on and discusses mutual performance as well as progress of implementation of principles aid effectiveness • CDC is the forum for internal dialogue on progress (CSOs/NGOs represented) • Donor sector consultations is the mechanism where DPs are involved together with GoS and civil society • Decision to be made on reviving DP Round Tables

  8. Public accountability cont’d • GoS publishes development cooperation handbook to coincide with midterm review of SDS and launch of new one • Budget is also published in public media once approved by Parliament • Joint country strategies are debated publicly • SDS is formulated using a participatory approach and uses community wide consultations • Parliamentary committees of DP countries visit to see first hand how their ODA are utilised

  9. Public accountability cont’d • GoS refining aid management systems to be made available on line for DPs to provide updated and timely information with regards delivery – requirement by GoS on a quarterly basis • At sector levels GoS uses a single format to report on progress of program – including against issues stipulated in partnership arrangements. MOU and Financing agreements • Such reports go to donors as well as sector Steering Committees and serves as progress reports to aid coordination structures such as CDC and ACC • GoS provides for greater visibility of DP contributions

  10. Issues • DPs are not wholly committed to accountability – situation is improving when they see efforts of GoS to provide for greater visibility • Managing for results – establishment of operational framework required capacity development through TAs • More realistic budgeting – consciousness of intended results and finding strategic fit with capacity available • GoS working to ensure that DPs are willing to share analysis results • Managing for results – a key issue to decision to shift to a sector wide approach - a few DPs are not so willing partners

  11. Issues Cont’d • Have set country targets – implementation of harmonisation roadmap, implementation of strategic response to PFMS assessment, completion of 15 sector plans, strengthened local capacity for planning implementation and accountability (dispensed with PIUs/PMUs) • Written officially to OECD to endorse Samoa as party to the Paris Declaration • Intention to complete the 2008 survey

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