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You Bet Your Assessments

You Bet Your Assessments. DASA Presented by BASA February 25, 2014. GRF Revenues – Actual $ Received Comparing 01/14 with YTD Estimates. $ in thousands. GRF Revenues – Actual $ Received Comparing YTD 01/14 with 01/13. $ in thousands. SB 229 – Performance Evaluations.

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You Bet Your Assessments

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  1. You Bet Your Assessments

    DASA Presented by BASA February 25, 2014
  2. GRF Revenues – Actual $ Received Comparing 01/14 with YTD Estimates $ in thousands
  3. GRF Revenues – Actual $ Received Comparing YTD 01/14 with 01/13 $ in thousands
  4. SB 229 – Performance Evaluations Would create some flexibility on teacher evaluations by amending ORC 3319.111 and 3319.112 Board may adopt resolution to evaluate accomplished teachers every 3 years and skilled teachers every 2 years However, in any year teacher is not evaluated as a result of previous OTES, teacher must still receive observation and conference and may require use of student surveys, self-evaluations, etc. to ensure continuing success of teacher
  5. SB 229 – Performance Evaluations SB 229 – Performance Evaluations May reduce student academic growth from 50% of total evaluation to 35% Remaining percentage not attributed to student academic growth will include combination of: Observations and walkthroughs and/or; Student surveys; and/or Other factors deemed necessary and appropriate Board may require “ineffective” teacher to prepare and implement improvement plan
  6. SB 229 – Performance Evaluations Approved by Senate on 12/04/13 Sponsor and 27 co-sponsors The OAESA/OASSA Survey Issues in the House The 35% change Number of OTES evaluations Student learning objectives (SLOs)
  7. HB 237 - The Common Core Prohibits SBE from adopting and ODE from implementing Common Core Standards (CCS) Specifically English language arts & math Voids any prior action to adopt or implement CCS Prohibits SBE from using PARCC assessments or any other assessment related to CCS Prohibits any state official from joining an organization that requires “ceding control” over education
  8. HB 237 - The Common Core Adoption or revision of academic content standards by SBE Must provide public notice Must hold public hearing in each Congressional district in Ohio before adopting or revising No school district may be required to use statewide academic standards Several prohibitions on release of student and teacher personally identifiable information
  9. HB 413 – The Common Core (again) No district to administer in 2014-2015 any assessments developed by PARCC Instead, by 11/15/2014, ODE to recommend assessments for grades 3-8 and graduation to General Assembly and to standing committees Assessments must be approved by Controlling Board SSPI not to take steps to renew MOU with PARCC; expires end of calendar year 2015
  10. Diplomas HB 193 – High School Graduation Requirements Was a “placeholder” bill expressing intent of legislature to amend, enact, or repeal current requirements for diploma, including: Method and timeline by which end-of-course exams that are part of College and Work Ready Assessment System (ORC 3301.0712): Will be implemented and incorporated for graduation requirements and Applicability to, and “possible alternative conditions for, chartered nonpublic schools” Now in Senate Education Committee
  11. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 would require students entering 9th grade on or after 07/01/15 to: Score at “remediation-free” levels in English and math on end-of-course (EOC) exams Score at “remediation-free” levels in English, math, and reading on nationally standardized tests Attain cumulative passing score on all EOC exams Attain passing score on nationally recognized job skills assessment and obtain either industry credential or state agency or board-issued license
  12. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 would: Permit students scoring at a specified level on certain exams to earn course credit without completing the corresponding course Replace OGT with college and work-ready assessment system to begin: in 2014-2015 for students who have not yet entered 9th grade by 7/1/14 and for students in grades 9-12 wishing to earn credit by examination and In 2015-2016 for students entering first time ninth grade students entering on or after 7/1/15
  13. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 also would: Prohibit State Board of Education from creating additional diplomas Permit ODE to add 2 optional EOC exams (math and ELA) if funds are available Require ODE to create model textbook selection/ adoption process by 6/30/14 to allow for public input Reimburse districts for cost of EOC exams up to cost per pupil of state assessments
  14. Diplomas (continued) Under Substitute HB 193, State Board: May not create or require any additional assessment for granting any type of diploma Must compile list of equivalent assessments that districts can use instead of prescribed EOC exams EOC exams in college and work-ready assessment system to be in science, American history, American government, math (Algebra II or its equivalent), and English language arts III
  15. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 also would: Permit school districts to include remediation-free and work-force ready endorsements on diploma Require the end-of-course exams to be administered in American history and American government beginning in 2014-2015 Prohibit on-line administration of elementary and secondary achievement assessments prior to 2015-2016 Require ODE to conduct a survey of readiness for on-line test administration and issue report no later than 90 days after effective date of HB 193
  16. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 also would: Require ODE to recommend elementary level English language arts and math assessments by 11/30/2014 and SBE to adopt by 12/31/14 Require ODE to develop and publish estimated score for college and career ready for each graduation test no later than 30 days after effective date Changes scoring level terms from “advanced” to “superior” and “accelerated” to “commended”
  17. Diplomas (continued) Report card/safe harbor provisions in HB 193 SBE no longer must update report card performance indicators every six years Prohibits 2014-2015 report card ratings from being used to determine any sanctions/penalties Permits district to enter into MOU with teachers’ union to stipulate that value-added progress dimension rating will not be used in determining dismissal, retention, tenure, or compensation
  18. Diplomas (continued) Substitute HB 193 does not repeal the common core but: SBE must hold not less than three public hearings to allow public testimony before adopting or revising any content standards ODE, school districts, and third party contractors prohibited from providing student names and addresses to any multi-state consortium offering assessments without written permission from parents
  19. HB 193 Issues Are the timelines even possible? Should all four pathways require some minimum score – even if the scores are not the same? Is it possible to identify “equivalent assessments” whose scores can be aligned with the end-of-course exams?
  20. HB 296 – Epinephrine Autoinjectors Board may elect to have epinephrine autoinjectors on school premises (encouraged to have two) Policy on maintaining and using injectors after consulting with licensed health professional must: Identify one or more locations where stored Specify conditions under which injectors are stored, replaced, and disposed Specify who may access and use and their training Require immediate request for EMS assistance School principal could bypass required Board permission Grants qualified immunity in a civil action Donations of injectors by pharmaceutical companies expected in first year
  21. HB 296 – Epinephrine Autoinjectors (continued) Schools can receive financial donations from individuals for purpose of purchasing autoinjectors Grants immunity from liability in a civil action Principals could order autoinjectors even in the absence of a Board policy Passed by House on November 20, 2013; probable vote next week in Senate Medicaid, Health & Human Services Committee
  22. HB 343 – Non-High School Graduates Person who is at least 18 may take the GED if: Officially withdrawn from school Not a recipient of a high school diploma Person between 16 and 18 must submit written parent or court approval to ODE (but superintendent approval not required) Starting 7/1/2014, community school would be eligible for Adult Basic and Literacy Education (ABLE) program
  23. HB 343 – Non-High School Graduates Effective 7/1/2014, 22 to 29 year-old non-graduate (non-GED) could enroll for up to 2 years in: Dropout prevention and recovery program operated by community school A “challenged school district” ODE to credit formula amount ($5,800) adjusted by district’s state share index to district of residence
  24. HB 343 – Non-High School Graduates ODE then pays the dropout prevention and recovery program or the challenged school district the per pupil formula amount For FY 2015, combined enrollment under the bill’s provisions limited to 1,500 individuals on a first-come, first-served basis SBE must develop standards for reporting and measurement of academic performance enrolled under the bill’s provisions
  25. HB 342 – Straight A Fund As introduced, bill would add ESCs to eligible participants in the Straight A fund Passed House on January 15, 2014 Earlier amendments in the Senate: Emergency clause Reinstatement of 3313.482 (30 minute increments to existing school day)
  26. HB 342 – Straight A Fund Amendments in Senate Education $1 million limit on single district proposals In event of a tie, proposal that saves more money would receive priority Developmental disabilities programs added to eligible recipients in consortia If ESC is lead district, at least 1 district must be in ESC service area Broadens pool of eligible consortia members
  27. HB 416 – Calamity Days Amendment to reinstate ORC 3313.482 (half hour increments for make up) for this year added Amendment on House floor would provide two more days Amendment added this week would add two additional professional development days Delays state assessment score reports to 6/16/14 (grade 3) and to 6/27/14 (grades 4-8)
  28. SB 284 – Calamity Days Provides a local option for an additional four calamity days to the current five (days that do not need to be made up), to be used only after districts have utilized their required 5 contingency plan days; Permissive authority for boards of education to add thirty minute increments to existing school days to make up additional days (as in the House version);
  29. SB 284 – Calamity Days Provides a local option for an additional four calamity days to the current five (days that do not need to be made up), to be used only after districts have utilized their required 5 contingency plan days; Permissive authority for boards of education to add thirty minute increments to existing school days to make up additional days (as in the House version);
  30. SB 284 – Calamity Days Grants authority for a local board of education to include in its contingency plan (as a substitute for contingency plan make-up days), blizzard bags or online learning days in accordance with Ohio Revised Code section 3313.88 (a total of three days); Authorizes the Ohio Department of Education to accept and consider applications for such blizzard bags and online learning lessons at any time after August 1, 2013;
  31. SB 284 – Calamity Days Permits a local board of education to update its contingency plan at any time during the 2013-2014 school year (rather than by September 1, 2013); Permits local boards to excuse graduating twelfth grade students from attendance for any days that such students would otherwise be required to attend as a result of calamity days after the district’s scheduled graduation ceremony in the 2013-2014 school year;
  32. SB 284 – Calamity Days Authorizes a delay in the reporting of scores on the Ohio  Achievement Assessments in grades 3-8  by one week to reflect the delay in administration of the tests as recently authorized by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction; and Includes an emergency clause.
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