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Goals and Approach of the Course

Goals and Approach of the Course. Mission of PAF 101 and the Policy Studies Major. Do Well and Do Good. Meet Do-Gooders. Through Reading and discussing How You Can Help, learn about Mother Teresa Benjamin Franklin Ralph Nader Nelson Mandela

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Goals and Approach of the Course

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goals and Approach of the Course

  2. Mission of PAF 101 and the Policy Studies Major DoWellandDoGood.

  3. Meet Do-Gooders • Through Reading and discussing How You Can Help, learn about • Mother Teresa • Benjamin Franklin • Ralph Nader • Nelson Mandela • Wendy Kopp, founder of Teach for America • Through high level local politicians and leaders of non-profit agencies speaking in class

  4. Do Well • Skills and Character will determine your career success • Knowledge, networks and degrees are secondary

  5. Work Ethic Physical Skills Speaking Written Communications Working with People Influencing People Information-Gathering Number Crunching Asking/Answering the Right Questions Problem-Solving Develop Skills Employers Want

  6. What Employers from Your College Degree • A College Degree and a Dollar Will Get You Four Quarters • A College Degree + X = Satisfying Career

  7. Rank List of What Employers Want 1. Communication skills (verbal and written) 11. Detail oriented 2. Honesty/integrity 12. Leadership skills 3. Teamwork skills (works well with others) 13. Self-confidence 4. Interpersonal skills (relates well to others) 14. Friendly/outgoing personality 5. Strong work ethic 15. Well mannered/polite 6. Motivation/initiative 16. Tactfulness 7. Flexibility/adaptability 17. GPA (3.0 or better) 8. Analytical skills 18. Creativity 9. Computer Skills 19. Sense of humor 10. Organizational Skills 20. Entrepreneurial skills/risk-taker

  8. Philosophy of PAF101 To hear is to forget To see is to remember To do is to learn

  9. Learn by Doing To learn by doing, you will be playing three roles: • Doing Papers • PAF 101 as society & government • Member of _______ Community

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