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Dominique Rquibi and Michele Lintner Think the Box Outside

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Dominique Rquibi and Michele Lintner Think the Box Outside

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome…Parents ofAT StudentsFind the four-digit number in which the first two digits are the product of the third and fourth, and the fourth digit is six less than the third. The sum of all digits is 21.Another word for money,That banks keep in a vault;With ew I become a nut,That’s really good with salt.What amI?.... Dominique Rquibi and Michele Lintner Thinkthe BoxOutside

  2. Expectations • Come prepared to THINK • Be willing to SHARE your ideas, what you think matters • LISTEN thoughtfully when others speak • RESPECT all ideas

  3. How was my child accepted into the AT Program?

  4. Reading 92nd %ile and above (MAP) take the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)… includes 3 subtests To be further screened for reading, students need one of the following scores on the CogAT: Composite SAS minimum 120 and 120 SAS minimum Total Verbal or 126 SAS minimum Total Verbal or Teacher checklist Students earn points for each of these scores. Earning a minimum of 13 out of 22 points on the ID matrix identifies students for the AT Program. Math 92nd %ile and above (MAP) take the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)… includes 3 subtests To be further screened for math, students need one of the following scores on the CogAT: Composite SAS minimum 120 and 120 SAS minimum Total Non-Verbal or Quantitative Reasoning 126 SAS minimum Total Non-Verbal or Quantitative Reasoning or Teacher checklist Students earn points for each of these scores. Earning a minimum of 13 out of 22 points on the ID matrix identifies students for the AT Program. ID ProcessAll grades given Measure of Academic Progress (MAP achievement test) Total 92nd %ile in reading and/or math

  5. How often and when will my child be pulled out from the classroom? Depending on identified area: • 1 hr/ week Math • 30 minutes week “Math Investigations” (Based on score from TOMAGS) • 1 hr/ week Reading

  6. Math Problem Solving Steps & Strategies Logic Solutions in oral/written format New Concepts Reading Novels and Short Stories from Junior Great Books In-depth discussion stemming from critical thinking questions (student and teacher generated) Written responses to critical thinking questions Creative projects related to novel or story What types of activities will my child participate in while in the AT Program?hOur program emphasizes higher order thinking skills, NOT the re-teaching of specific skills taught in the regular classroom.

  7. Math Investigations Class • Use TOMAGS assessment • Focus is on investigating concepts. Whereas AT math is focused on extending the regular classroom learning. • 30 minutes a week for the year

  8. AT Reading Novels 3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade Stone Fox Tuck EverlastingBridge to Terabithia FrindleThe Green BookThe Cay Sadako and a Thousand Snow TreasureEsperanza Rising Paper CranesThe Lion, the Witch, andBoy in the Striped Pajamas One Hundred Dressesthe WardrobeSeedfolks Castle in the AtticChasing Vermeer Ice Worm

  9. AT Math Units • 5th Grade • Goldbach’s Conjecture • Fractals • Division of Decimals • Analyzing Misleading Graphs • Integers • Fractions • Percents • Algebra • Probability • Logic Grids • Problem Solvers • 4th Grade • Geometry Mean, Median, Mode • Order of Operations • Exponents, Powers, Scientific Notation • Fractions • Probability • Ration and Area • Decimal • Symmetry • Integers • Prime Numbers • Logic Grids • Problem Solvers 3rd Grade • Patterns and Sequences • Place Value • Money Unit • Magic of Multiplying • Logical Reasoning • Number Sense • Integers • Fractions • Probability • Logic Grids • Problem Solvers

  10. What supplies should my child have in order to be prepared for each class? • Folder (or tab in expandable folder) • Writing Utensil (pencil preferred) • Dry Erase Marker (for math) • Assignment Notebook • Spiral notebook • Post it flags (rdg only)

  11. What should my child do in order to be prepared for each class? • Homework should be complete every week (participation is very difficult if homework is not finished). • Discuss or re-read the reading assignment with your child the night prior to our class just as a “refresher!” This makes for an engaged class discussion • On the way to Grandma’s, at dinner, out for a walk, anywhere! There’s always a time to THINK! • Check Mrs. Lintner’s or Mrs. Rquibi’s website for the homework page.

  12. What is your homework policy? • Math consists mainly of logic grids or some form of brainteaser. However, at times, the assignment will reflect the lesson taught that week. If after 30-45 minutes of working on the assignment throughout the week your child cannot complete it due to the level of difficulty, you may sign off on it. • Reading consists mainly of active reading. At the end of a story, there will be a written assignment. In addition, they may be required to comment on a blog post. • In general, AT homework should not feel overwhelming. If it seems to require an excessive amount of time on a weekly basis, please contact us. If after spending a good amount of time on an assignment over the course of a week your child has still not completed the work (especially brain teasers), please feel free to sign the work to indicate that your child worked on it but was not able to complete it. • Please feel free to communicate to us about homework struggles. Our goal is to provide some brain work-out time, not to overwhelm. What takes 10 minutes for one child may take 30 minutes for another child.

  13. Math Encourage risk-taking Encourage independence Ask guiding questions rather than giving answers Play strategy games Reading Encourage debate Discuss the assigned reading Ask questions… critical thinking. Ask about reasoning on graphic organizer. Help proofread written responses What can I do at home to help my child?

  14. AT Assessment Students are assessed on effort and thinking skills! A report card will be sent home at the end of each quarter. They will be in a separate envelope marked AT. If applicable, reading and math will be on the same assessment card 3= beginning to develop 2= developing 1= meets

  15. Will my child stay in the program through elementary school? Points to Consider • We are always monitoring students’ progress in the program • Within the regular classroom, students must maintain an 85% in the subject they are identified. • AT Resource Teachers stay in communication with classroom teachers and parents when a student is struggling. • Grades and performance in AT pullout class can determine continuing placement in the AT Program. Options for struggling student: 1. remain in classroom as identified AT 2. exit from program

  16. Something to think about: • AT pullout is meant to be challenging! • Having questions is sometimes more important than having an answer! • The only difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the way you approach it. – American Proverb • The important thing is not to stop questioning. - Albert Einstein

  17. How can I contact you? Dominique Rquibi (rukeebee) Michele Lintner Lakewood Creek…636-3278 Lakewood Creek…636-3024 (Tues & Wed) (Mon only) Southbury Elementary…551-9859 Fox Chase…636-3024 (Thurs & Fri) (Tues & Wed morning) drquibi0417@oswego308.orgmlintner0516@oswego308.org When leaving a message, please leave your child’s name, grade, school, your phone number/email and the best time to reach you.

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