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Long Island Rail Road Shaping Transit Oriented Development on Long Island Past-Present-Future

Long Island Rail Road Shaping Transit Oriented Development on Long Island Past-Present-Future. Mineola Intermodal Center. Opened October 27, 2006. Mineola Intermodal Center. Mineola Intermodal Center. Main Line AM Reverse Peak Ridership. Number of riders between 4:55 AM – 9:30 AM.

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Long Island Rail Road Shaping Transit Oriented Development on Long Island Past-Present-Future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Long Island Rail Road Shaping Transit Oriented Development on Long IslandPast-Present-Future Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  2. MineolaIntermodal Center Opened October 27, 2006 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  3. MineolaIntermodal Center Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  4. MineolaIntermodal Center Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  5. Main Line AM Reverse Peak Ridership Number of riders between 4:55 AM – 9:30 AM Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  6. LIRR System Map - 1898 Past Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  7. Garden City – Planned 1870 Stewart’s Garden City Station Central Rail Road Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  8. Forest Hills – Planned 1906 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  9. Bellerose – Planned 1909 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  10. Post WW II Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  11. Present • Improving appearance and usability of stations • Creating intermodal centers to improve transit connections. • Turning stations into destinations • Planning for future projects Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  12. Hempstead Station Completed 1999 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  13. Long Beach Station Completed 2004 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  14. Jamaica Station Completed 2005 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  15. Atlantic Avenue Complex Scheduled Completion - 2007 Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  16. Private Sector Office Bldg – Melville Rte 110 Corridor Westbury Condominiums Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  17. Future East Side Access Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  18. Future Main Line Corridor Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  19. Future Mid-Suffolk, Yaphank Vicinity Potential Study Corridor LIRR Station County Land Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

  20. Conclusion • 170 years of TOD history • TOD – Sprawl – Return to TOD • Work closely with government and private sector to build TOD projects • Infrastructure investments for tomorrow’s TODs Transit-Oriented Development in the NY Metropolitan Region 11/1/2006

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