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Tennis and Fitness T raining at the YvMar Tennis- Academy !

Tennis and Fitness T raining at the YvMar Tennis- Academy !.

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Tennis and Fitness T raining at the YvMar Tennis- Academy !

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tennis and Fitness Training attheYvMar Tennis-Academy! The YvMar Tennis-Academyoffersfromthiswinter 2013-14 on specialpackets, whichincludes Tennis-and Fitness Training. These programmsareyear-roundthroughandare also offeredthewholeyearthrough. Take thechancetomakeyourselfreally fit , it will beworthit! The Tennis-and Fitness Training will beadaptedtothelevelofeachsportsperson, so noreasonstogetnervous, you will benefitfromit a 100 %. ForOfferingtherearethefollowingpackets: - „Intensive“ (4 nights) – 12 hourstennistraining, 6 hoursfitnesstraining - „Academy“ (7 nights) – 20 hourstennistraining, 10 hoursfitnesstraining *Forevery packet thereisthepossibilitytotake a rent-a-car Forfurtherinformations, Prices, etc., pleasecontact Yvette: yvette@yvmar.com. In caseof individual wishes in mattersofthe Packet-Offers, as well asspecialtennisandfitnessexcercices, I will ofcoursetakecareofitand I will trytoincludeit in theprogramm.Ihopetobeabletoseeyousoon on oneofourfacilities, youcantake a lookatthesefacilities on theYvMar Tennis-Academywebsite: www.yvmar.com

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