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Tobias Knecht. X-ARF Extended Abuse Reporting Format. What it is?. Why do we need it?. How does it look like?. Where do we want to go?. Use Cases. Abusive Content Reporting. Sinkhole Cleanups. Use Cases. Law Enforcement. Attack Reporting. ... and many more. Sinkholes.
X-ARF Extended Abuse Reporting Format
Abusive Content Reporting SinkholeCleanups Use Cases Law Enforcement Attack Reporting ... andmanymore
How do we report? • Fetchinglogfiles on an hourlybase • Uniq IP addresses • Package all informationinto X-ARF • Lookup correctabusecontact • Send report
Decreaseof>25% in lessthan 8 weeks
Call for Action • Check out http://x-arf.org • Contributeideas, helpshapingit! • „Dirty“ Space? Sinkholes? Attack-Data? • Talk tous, weare happy toreportit!