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français 5H le 29 août 2012

français 5H le 29 août 2012 . L-S-R-W. Listen Speak Read Write Never break the chain!!!. The Language Learning Chain. français 5H le 29 août 2012 . Les cartes. Complete the information card placed on your desk by Mr. DiNicola fully so you

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français 5H le 29 août 2012

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  1. français 5H le 29août 2012

  2. L-S-R-W • Listen • Speak • Read • Write • Never break • the chain!!! The Language Learning Chain

  3. français 5H le 29août 2012

  4. Les cartes • Complete the information card placed • on your desk by Mr. DiNicola fully so you • can be kept updated on all information for • this course!  • On the top of your card, answer the following: • If you could choose one of the following trips abroad, which would you choose? • 1. France: Paris, Loire River Valley, Nice • 2. France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain

  5. français 5H le 29août 2012

  6. Qui êtes-vous? Quoi de neuf? • 1. Répondez à la première question surQuestionnaire A / Bselon le cas. Ne prenezqu’une minute pour chaqueréponse. • 2. Échangezvotrepapier avec celui de votrepartenaire. • 3. En prenant des tours, lisez la question originale et vérifiez la structure de la réponse de votrepartenaire en la lisant à haute voix. • 4. Discutez les réponses un peu en conversation. (20-30 secondes) • 5. Faites la prochaine question sur la page quevousavezdevantvousmaintenant! • 6. Répétez les étapes 2-5 jusqu’àcequevousayezfinitoutes les questions! • Vousprenez le cours de français 5H…alors, suivez la bonne pisteappropriée pour me montrervos talents!

  7. français 5H le 29août 2012

  8. RELAIS!: Le présentindicatif

  9. français 5H le 29août 2012

  10. RELAIS!: Le présentindicatif • 1. Sur qui (compter)-vous? Pourquoi? • 2. Quelgarçon en classe(draguer) toujours les filles? • 3. (Refuser)-nous à M. DiNicola de mettre la poubelledans la corbeille? Pourquoioupourquoi pas? • 4. Qui (espérer) devenirmédecin? Avocat? Ingénieur? Infirmier? • 6. Est-cequetu(jeter) des avions en papier en classe? • 7. A quelleheure ta famille(se lever)-elletypiquement? • 8. Combien(payer)-on un billet de cinéma de nosjours? • 9. Quelssont des exemples de nourritureque nous (manger) le matin? • 10. Nous (commencer) cetteclasse à quelleheure? • 11. Vous(se brosser) les dents avant de vouscoucher? Pourquoi? • 12. Les personnesfolles(se parler) régulièrement, non? • 13. <<Je (ne jamaisfinir) mes devoirs. >>  Qui (dire) çasouvent en • classe? • 14. Nous (applaudir) les événementsheureux. • 15. Le président de la France, ___________________, (défendre) sapatrie avec fierté. • 16. Si voustravaillez à Starbucks, qu’est-cequevous y (vendre)? • 17. A quellevedette de cinéma(écrire)-tu? • 18. D’habitude, où(aller)-on en été? • 19. Quels aliments est-cequevous(prendre) de votrefrigo le soir? • 20. Qu’est-ceque nous (faire) sur internet? • 21. Quelleslangues(pouvoir)-on parlersi on (vivre) en Suisse? • 22. Quelle marque de voiture(conduire)-vous? • 23. Que(boire)-tutypiquementsitu(avoir) soif?

  11. français 5H le 29août 2012

  12. Votre page <<Twitter>>: Qui êtes-vous? • 1. Faites le brouillonsur le papierdonné en classe. • 2. Soyezsûrqu’un de ces messages n’est pas du tout vrai!! • 3. Finissez la version électronique et envoyez-la à M. DiNicola (Tripp.DiNicola@lcps.org) avant la prochaineclasse.

  13. français 5H le 29août 2012

  14. POUBELLE? : Mettez-la dans la corbeille!Merci!

  15. français 2 le 29août 2012

  16. Assignments and Grading • How will we be graded in this course? • The Loudoun County Grade Scale will be used in distributing all individual and final grades during the nine-week marking periods, semester averages, and year-end averages:

  17. Assignments and Grading • How will we be graded in this course? • Overall grades are based on the number of total points earned per nine-week marking period. All graded assignments will be worth 100 points and utilize the scale above for associations to letter grades: • 1. Summative assessments and special projects are weighted twice, making them worth 200 points. • EX: Summative assessment score: • 80B- x 2 = 160 / 200 points possible • 2. All other grades count once unless otherwise announced. • 3. Quizzes will be given on an announced and announced basis.

  18. Assignments and Grading • How will we be graded in this course? • 4. Homework will be assigned according to agenda listings. Students who fail to complete homework • will earn a double-zero on the check chart, eliminating ten extra credit points earned in class. All homework assignments will be assessed in class and many will subsequently be turned in for a grade. • 5. Time necessary to complete homework assignments will vary. • 6. Late assignments are given zero credit and will not be accepted unless related to an excused absence. (See next section)

  19. Make-Up Policy • What if I miss a class for an excused reason? • A. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work missed for any reason. B. Agendas posted in the classroom, at Mr. DiNicola’s website, and via e-mail can be used to check on missed assignments. • C. Be sure to get missed notes from a class mate prior to returning to class! It’s your job to stay focused on your education! • D. Students have the number of days missed plus one (+1) for making up • assignments stemming from excused absences. Extended absences will be • handled individually. • E. Students missing for any extracurricular activities or any other school-approved absence are responsible to retrieve their work before that class is missed. These students will have the same due dates and responsibilities as those attending class that day.

  20. The Check Chart..and beyond! • What types of extra credit can be earned in Mr. DiNicola’s classes? • A. THE CHECK CHART • The check chart is a record of student participation in class…and it is all EXTRA CREDITon other grades in class. • During the time checks are being recorded, students may volunteer or be called on involuntarily to answer questions or perform classroom tasks to receive extra credit checks (points). Students will receive checks only for perfectly correct answers. • Students will receive an extra credit A grade for every five (5) correct answers (checks) given in class for the first quarter: • EXAMPLE: A student gets 80 checks (correct answers) during the first quarter: • 80 / 5 = 16 extra As!

  21. The Check Chart…and beyond! • What types of extra credit can be earned in Mr. DiNicola’s classes? • The number of checks needed to get As and the percent value of each A rises every quarter. • 1st Quarter: 90 % A- for every 5 checks 3rd Quarter: 92 % A- for every 7 checks • 2nd Quarter: 91 % A- for every 6 checks 4th Quarter: 93 % A for every 8 checks • Students who have a higher average grade than the percentage value for checks during a marking period will receive bonus points as follows on their final nine week marking period average: • 75-100 checks earned = + 1 point • 101-175 checks earned = + 2 points • 176+ checks earned = + 3 points

  22. The Check Chart…and beyond! • What types of extra credit can be earned in Mr. DiNicola’s classes? • Students will receive a 0 on the check chart for every incorrect answer given in class under conditions designated by Mr. DiNicola. There are other reasons for 0s too… • ** A 0 cancels an entire A earned on the check chart!! ** • BE READY AT ALL TIMES TO PERFORM!! IT CAN EARN YOU POINTS! • B. In-Class and Out-of-Class Cultural/Academic Activities/Games: Students may be awarded bonus points on formative or summative assessments based upon the performance on in-class and out-of-class cultural/academic activities or special review games.

  23. Notebook Organization • How do I organize my notebook for Mr. DiNicola’s class? • A. Students should place the appropriate number of dividers in their binders and label them as designated above in section 3. • B. Students will place assignments in their notebooks in the appropriate sections by labeling them with the appropriate numbered page for that section in the upper-right hand corner (i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc.). A GoogleDocument will be kept online so that students can see section by section and in what order the assignments should be arranged. • C. Students should never remove anything from the notebook without the permission of the teacher. It will become a valuable resource for years to come. • D. Students will be given an unannounced notebook quiz and materials grade once per quarter. There are no make-up opportunities for this grade unless the student has an excused absence. • E. All loose-leaf paper assignments are to have the following heading: • EXAMPLE: François DiNicola • français2 / Classe4 • le 27 août2012

  24. Assistance/Enrichment • What if I need help beyond the classroom setting? • A. Mr. DiNicola is here for you!: You have many ways to reach Mr. DiNicola! If all else fails and you cannot reach him via e-mail and have a dire emergency, you may call him at 571-438-2739(personal number). This is to be used only in academic circumstances which are related to emergency situations only. • B. La Session 0 Française (8h15-8h45 du matin, Salle 122) : National French Honor Society Tutoring Availability: Starting on Monday, September 3, students may come to review with Mr. DiNicola and National French Honor Society students any questions or concerns they may have about their studies in French. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a National French Honor Society student for additional tutoring or assistance, please e-mail Mr. DiNicola and this can be arranged.

  25. READ CAREFULLY!: • THE KEY TO SUCCESS: DISCIPLINE • This course will undoubtedly be a very enjoyable one for you in many aspects, but will also require your hard work and dedication to succeed. We are a team with high expectations moving towards a common goal of learning as much as possible concerning the French language and culture. You will notice your skills becoming more and more proficient with the endurance required to succeed. Be confident and follow the instructions in this document carefully to provide yourself with the opportunity to achieve the best! You will do great work!

  26. Signatures Required byWednesday, August 29, 2012 (A)Thursday, August 30, 2012 (B) • I understand the guidelines listed above and will follow them completely for the duration of this course. I will also follow all other policies in our BRHS and LCPS handbooks, recognizing that they are in full effect in this classroom. • Please give me two checks for bringing this paper back signed by me and a parent/guardian by the next time we have class.  • STUDENT PRINTED NAME / SIGNATURE: ________________________________ • PARENT PRINTED NAME / SIGNATURE : __________________________________ • TEACHER INITIALS: ________ DATE: ______ • Bonne chance! / Good luck!

  27. français 2 le 29août 2012

  28. L-S-R-W • Listen • Speak • Read • Write • Never break • the chain!!! The Language Learning Chain

  29. français 2 le 29août 2012

  30. Les cartes • Complete the information card placed • on your desk by Mr. DiNicola fully so you • can be kept updated on all information for • this course!  • On the top of your card, answer the following: • If you could choose one of the following trips abroad, which would you choose? • 1. France: Paris, Loire River Valley, Nice • 2. France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain

  31. français 2 le 29août 2012

  32. Vocab:L’aéroport

  33. Vocab:L’aéroport

  34. Vocab:L’aéroport

  35. Vocab:L’aéroport

  36. Vocab:L’aéroport

  37. Vocab:L’aéroport

  38. Vocab:L’aéroport

  39. Vocab:L’aéroport

  40. Vocab:L’aéroport

  41. Vocab:L’aéroport

  42. Vocab:L’aéroport

  43. Vocab:L’aéroport

  44. Vocab:L’aéroport

  45. Vocab:L’aéroport

  46. Vocab:L’aéroport

  47. Vocab:L’aéroport

  48. Vocab:L’aéroport

  49. Vocab:L’aéroport

  50. français 2 le 29août 2012

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