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I-STAR LPM Initiation

I-STAR LPM Initiation. I-STAR 2004 April 24, 2004. Agenda. AKEB Structure What is I-STAR? I-STAR Strategic Direction LPM Experiences/Thoughts I-STAR Program Analysis Advantages of I-STAR I-STAR Timeline and Process LPM Roles and Responsibilities Student Academic Assistance

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I-STAR LPM Initiation

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  1. I-STAR LPM Initiation I-STAR 2004 April 24, 2004

  2. Agenda • AKEB Structure • What is I-STAR? • I-STAR Strategic Direction • LPM Experiences/Thoughts • I-STAR Program Analysis • Advantages of I-STAR • I-STAR Timeline and Process • LPM Roles and Responsibilities • Student Academic Assistance • A Possible Future Model of I-STAR

  3. AKEB Organization

  4. The I-STAR Mission • I-STAR aims to become thevehicle for educational advancement and recognition of middle and high school Ismaili students • Recognize students (motivates) • Provide Academic Assistance (supports)

  5. I-STAR stands for… • Ismaili • Student • Total • Achievement • Recognition Last year, I-STAR went through a drastic strategic redirection. The reasons for the change are available in last year’s RPM Training document.

  6. I-STAR is a Program that Values… • Learning which engages the Mind, Body, and Soul (Experiential Education) • A sound positive work ethic • A strong Religious Education foundation • Ismaili Ethics of the Faith • A balance between Din and Duniya • Teamwork and Scaffolding (vs. just individual achievement) • Leadership qualities • Service (community and jamati) • Special Recognition (for all students)

  7. I-STAR is a Tool with which students can… • Gauge their academic standings • Evaluate their potential for advancement • Receive community recognition for their achievements • Practice their presentation skills on a mock college application • Receive academic advising in their educational development

  8. Focus Areas of I-STAR • I-STAR focuses on three general areas of youth development: • Academic Achievement • Extracurricular and community service leadership • Writing aptitude

  9. College Prep I-STAR Career Planning Excellence Strategic Direction Maximize Your Educational… …Experience …Opportunity …Effectiveness

  10. Maximizing the Educational Experience • The goal of I-STAR is to make learning FUN • I-STAR is backdoor College Prep • as opposed to traditional College Prep • I-STAR focuses on Experiential Education • Learning through life experiences • Doing activities that maximize life-enriching experiences • Applying life experiences to traditional schoolwork and writing

  11. I-STAR Strategic DirectionYouth Development Matrix

  12. I-STAR Strategic Direction: Evolution • Started 13-years ago (by 4 potential Ivy Leaguers • Went from a single category to three categories • Went from Top 10% slice awards to Gold, Silver, Bronze awards based on standards • Removed National vs. Regional distinctions • Went from a paper-based application to an online application (gave access to more students) • Included opportunities for at-risk students • Roller-coaster reputation in the jamat

  13. I-STAR Strategic Direction • I-STAR is no longer for the elite A’s and B’s students • I-STAR is designed to attract students at all grade levels! • We aim to have 100% student participation in I-STAR (yes, really!) • Allows us to longitudinally track and provide ongoing tailored advice

  14. I-STAR Recognition Categories / Honors • Academic Performance (based on grades, extra-curricular activities, test scores, and an essay) • Summa I-STAR • Magna I-STAR • I-STAR • Performance Improvement (a 10% improvement in academic grades) • Summa I-STAR • Special Recognition (exemplify leadership or expertise in a particular activity) • Summa I-STAR

  15. You own the program too • What questions, suggestions, or general thoughts do you have regarding the I-STAR program and its strategic direction?

  16. I-STAR 2003 Program Analysis • Application Breakdown by Grade-level: • 6th grade (18% of total): 192 Applicants (All Brand new) • 7th grade (21.5%): 229 Applicants (35.8% brand new, 64.2% returning) • 8th grade (19%): 202 Applicants (27.7% brand new, 72.2% returning) • 9th grade (15.3%): 163 Applicants (24% brand new, 76% returning) • 10th grade (13.4%): 143 Applicants (23% brand new, 77% returning) • 11th grade (8.5%): 91 Applicants (19.8% brand new, 80.2% returning) • 12th grade (3.6%): 38 Applicants (15.8% brand new, 84.2% returning)

  17. I-STAR Performance • Currently we are hitting ~25% of the 6-12th grade students in the US jamat…what about the other 75%? • In a 2001 study, 92% of Gold Winners went on to Tier I & II universities

  18. Top 10 Reasons a student applies to I-STAR 10. Helps a student evaluate his/her own academic resume 9. Gives students practice filling out a college application 8. Helps consolidate registration for other jamati programs (like College Exp, SAT) 7. Guides students on a structured academic path 6. It gives students all the more reason to think about school during summer vacation

  19. Top 5 Reasons… 5. Students can be publicly recognized for their achievements 4. Writing the essay is great practice for the new SAT and college apps 3. The I-STAR Composite score 2. Every student receives private, personalized academic feedback 1. Just look at two sample results (a picture is worth 1000 words) Sample 1 Sample 2

  20. To Apply For I-STAR: • The student must currently be in the 6-12th grade • Students must have available the following documents: • Report Cards / Transcripts (2003-2004) • Also 2002-2003 if applying for Perf. Improv. • Letters of Verification / Certifications for all Extra-Curricular Activities • Official copy of Test Reports (SAT/ACT)

  21. I-STAR Process and Timeline • 6 phase process that goes on year-round • Once a student submits his/her application, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work • As an LPM, you should know this process and timeline by heart

  22. Application Period Sort & Package Advising Phase Audit Results Grievances Final Results April 18 – June 30 (I-STAR Workshops) July 13 – July 27 July 28 – August 17 Aug. 28 – Sept 14 Sept 15 Sept 16 – Oct 6 Advisory/ Year-Round Oct 13

  23. Application PeriodApril 18 – June 30 • I-STAR Launch: Announcements/Speeches • Students will complete their application on www.EduOnline.net • Every individual student should have an individual username and password • Students must collect all the necessary documents and submit TWO (2) copies of them in Jamatkhana (documents will not be accepted after July 2nd) • Lots of marketing should be going on in jamatkhana

  24. Sort & Package Phase • Each LPM will ship his/her region’s student documents to the I-STAR central office in Atlanta • The Atlanta office will sort the student documents and package them for the I-STAR Advisors • If an LPM forgets to mail any student’s documents, that student will not receive any award or feedback…so please make sure you keep track of all your documents

  25. Advising Phase • The I-STAR Advisors spend countless hours pouring over student documents and responses. • They try to provide as much feedback as they can • Please be supportive of all I-STAR Advisors…they are part of our team and we should never disgrace or demean them in jamatkhana for any reason

  26. Audit Phase • The I-STAR team performs a general audit of the Advising Phase to reassure the quality of the feedback • Yes, some poor Advising will slip through the audit cracks, but our goal is to limit those to a very small percentage

  27. Results and Grievances PhaseSept 15 – Oct 6, Oct 13 • On Sept 15, the I-STAR team will announce the availability of the I-STAR results and feedback • Students will receive their results on EduOnline • Make sure students remember their username/passwd • Students will then have 3 weeks to email the I-STAR team with specific grievances they have against their personal application results (istar@eduonline.net) • Results posters should be hung at each JK Center • On Oct. 13, the final results will be made available to the AKEB Chairs.

  28. The Advisory PhaseBegins Dec. 2003 • The Advisory is a 1-on-1 quarterly meeting between JK Advisors and each student who applies for I-STAR • Only students who score less than 70 points on the I-STAR application will receive 1-on-1 sessions. • The JK Advisors will be knowledgeable in I-STAR, College Prep, and Tutoring content • All advice given to students will be documented using an online case-management tool

  29. The Advisory Phase (con’t) • 3 quarters of sessions will be face-to-face • Dec, March, and June • The 4th quarter will be the personalized written advice a student receives from the I-STAR Advisor on EduOnline • The Advisory is a way for us to give short-term specific advice to a student, track him/her, and give follow-up advice the next quarter • The Advisories will eventually implement a team-based approached and a tool to set specific, measurable student goals

  30. Year-Round I-STAR • All students should apply for I-STAR during the recognition/feedback period • However, if a student wants to register for other jamati programs via I-STAR, we will keep open the Year-Round I-STAR application • Disadvantage: No feedback, No recognition

  31. Your ROLE as LPM • Hopefully you’ve already gotten a sense of your role as LPM • Three key terms describe your role: • Marketing • Motivation • Management • Whatever you do, just keep in mind that your role is for your ENTIRE REGION • That includes your main city plus all other jamatkhanas in your regional states • It is your job to develop and train your own “Jamatkhana coordinators” / “PDT” for I-STAR

  32. LPM Role: Marketing • Work with your regional PDT to develop your marketing strategy • You can develop posters, flyers, stickers, notice-board ads, etc… • After the National Announcement and Poster, other I-STAR jamati announcements are in your hands • Market your I-STAR Workshops • Direct your marketing to both ParentsandStudents • DO NOT market the JK Advisory

  33. LPM Role: Motivation • Constantly remind the students why they should apply • Motivate them by getting involved in different community service extra-curriculars yourself • Be positive about I-STAR and about the help that it provides • Get teams of students to apply together • Use your I-STAR Workshops to be inspirational

  34. LPM Role: Management • You must manage your team’s schedules • You must manage the Document Collection procedures (crucial!) • You must manage the necessary supplies your team needs (forms, envelopes, etc..) • You must log every hardcopy document that comes into your team’s hand so that you’re sure you’ve mailed them all • You must manage the Advisory schedule • You must manage the human resources of I-STAR in your region (including JK Advisors) • Someone has to be available at the I-STAR desk

  35. LPM Role: beyond I-STAR • Every one of you is an LPM because you believe in I-STAR and you believe that we can improve excellence within our jamat • Beyond the formal I-STAR application and the Advisory, you must play the role of the key secular education leader in your region • You must know the educational trends in your region and try to keep yourself up-to-date on different educational opportunities in your region • I-STAR Academic Assistance document on EduOnline – read it; know it; spread it • Become the point-person for 6-12th education

  36. Things to Watch Out For • Never compare the old Gold, Silver, Bronze awards with the Summa, Magna I-STAR system • Never tell the jamat that I-STAR is a pre-requisite for other jamati programs. We only ask that the I-STAR application be an initial registration form for other programs • We will never share personal, private data (such as a student’s grades) with other programs. • Never use the words “competition” and “I-STAR” in the same sentence. I-STAR is not a “competition”. If a student uses the word “competition”, you must change their thinking appropriately

  37. That was I-STAR; this is SAA • Student Academic Assistance (SAA) is the real content behind I-STAR • As the LPM, you should be extremely familiar with this content • There are two documents that will introduce you to SAA: • The Hub/Master Facilitator/I-STAR Training Presentation • The Student Academic Assistancedocument

  38. A Possible Model for the Future USA Jamat is not ready for this yet. We’ve made too many drastic changes recently

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