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Florida Disaster Housing Strategy Module 4: Identifying Interim housing strategies

Florida Disaster Housing Strategy Module 4: Identifying Interim housing strategies. Module Objectives. Detail Federal Disaster Housing Assistance Programs Identity various interim housing strategies available to local communities

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Florida Disaster Housing Strategy Module 4: Identifying Interim housing strategies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Florida Disaster Housing Strategy Module 4: Identifying Interim housing strategies

  2. Module Objectives Detail Federal Disaster Housing Assistance Programs Identity various interim housing strategies available to local communities Explain wrap around services supporting the Disaster Housing Strategy Detail components of an exit strategy

  3. Disaster Housing Phases

  4. Federal Disaster Housing Assistance Programs Immediate Temporary Repairs Repair and Replacement Assistance Financial Rental Assistance Transitional Shelters Manufactured Housing Assistance

  5. Interim Housing Solutions Provide safe and secure housing for individuals and families Provide privacy for families Physical accessibility Provide sanitation and essential utilities Provide access to community services and life supporting supplies Locate in close proximity to home, school, and work environments Limited Timeframe up to 18 months

  6. Discussion Question: Interim Housing Options • Identify potential interim disaster housing resources available in your community. • List the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of these resources.

  7. Group Discussion Schools Convention Centers Community Centers Hotel/Motel Rental Properties Seasonal Properties Private Lots Commercial Property Warehouses Floating Options / Cruise Ships Foreclosed Properties Colleges/Universities Military/Government Lots and Facilities

  8. Public Schools

  9. Convention Center / Stadiums / Community Centers

  10. Hotels / Motels

  11. Discussion Question Who should have priority use of hotels and motels in the impacted area: the displaced survivors or the response and recovery workers? What role could/should the public sector serve in mediating this conflict of use?

  12. Rental Properties

  13. Seasonal Properties

  14. Mobile Housing Unit on Private Lot

  15. Military / Government Facilities

  16. Colleges & Universities

  17. Commercial Properties

  18. Existing Mobile Home Parks

  19. Planned Unit Development (PUD)

  20. Foreclosed Property / Vacant Property

  21. Floating Options / Cruise Ships

  22. New Group Sites

  23. Group Site Selection Criteria • Property Ownership • Current Use • Location • Traffic Impacts • Utilities • Public Safety • Environmental Impacts • Community Services

  24. Wrap Around Services • Public transportation assistance • Official document replacement • Job counseling • Mental health services • Mail services • Health and medical services • Childcare • Storage • Trash collection, others

  25. Environmental and Safety Concerns Protected Areas Historical Site Preservation Flood Zones Hazardous Materials

  26. Developing Planning Tools TBD: Insert Checklists and tools from template: TBD: Group Site Inspection Checklist

  27. Exit Strategy Develop timeframe to transition survivors back to permanent housing Federal Assistance provides structured timeframes (Up to 18 months) Discourage attitudes of permanency Avoid shifting settlement pattern Create a linkage to the Long-term Recovery Committee / Unmet Needs Committee

  28. Developing an Exit Strategy employment and maintain a consistent income; affordable permanent housing social services such transportation, medical care and schools; finance home repairs, locate necessary supplies and construction personnel; restore vital infrastructure

  29. Module Summary • At the end of this module students should be able to: • Implement an integrated planning process in the development of a local Disaster Housing Strategy • Integrate Disaster Housing in Other supporting plans, policies, and procedures • Employ strategy development tools designed to facilitate strategy development

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