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This workshop will provide an update on the Community Needs Assessment, proposed citizen projects, and input received from public meetings. It will also cover the Draft MYIP without Projects and Decision Points.
RESTORE Act Multi Year Implementation Plan: Status and Development WorkshopMonday, November 20, 2017 @ 3:00 PMWakulla County BOCC Chambers
WORKSHOP PURPOSE To provide an update to the Board on the following: • Community Needs Assessment • Proposed citizen projects • Input received from public meetings and comment period September 19 – October 6, 2017 • Proposed MYIP Project • Draft MYIP without Projects • Decision Points
Community Needs Assessment (CNA) • Phase One: Staff completed an initial analysis of existing local documents and approved state plans. The list of documents and plan is included in the CNA appendices. • Phase Two: Staff solicited input during public meetings and during the public comment period for gap analysis. No public input was received. • Phase Three: The final CNA is attachment number 3 of the Agenda.
Proposed Citizen Projects …a snapshot of each project submitted
Project Title: Septic Tank to Sewer and Retrofit Assistance/Connection to Sewer Assistance • Submitted by: Stan Derzypolski • Project Objective: Inspect failing septic systems, both residential and commercial, in the BMAP area for operational failure. Assist with implementation of retrofit to reduce nitrate load into aquifer, extend sewer system and assist with existing residential connection. • Estimated total cost: $500,000 • Staff met with Mr. Derzypolski regarding his proposed project. He agreed that the project is very similar to another county project, however, believes that his project should add an educational component to it.
Project Title: Panacea Head Boat Educational & Eco Tours • Submitted by: Maureen Mitchell, Panacea Waterfront • Project Objective: To purchase a head boat to be located at Rock Landing Dock that will create employment; to promote and operate the boat and bring visitors to the area. • Estimated Total Cost: $300,000
Project Title: St. Marks Sewer Upgrade/WWTP • Submitted by: Bob Phillips • Project Objective: Make all of St Marks sewer system gravity drain to central pumping station – taking out all grinder pumps thereby stopping raw sewage from being washed into the watershed during storms and high water events. • Estimated Total Cost: $3 million
Project Title: A Partnership for Reviving Apalachee Bay Oyster Reefs • Submitted by: John Taylor * Wakulla Fishermen’s Association, Inc. • Project Objective: Provides shoreline restoration on hard-bottom Apalachee Bay oyster reefs to enhance commercial and recreational fisheries, including Wakulla’s commercial fishing heritage; strengthen tidal, storm surge and coastal erosion protection; improve water quality’ strengthen economic, social and environmental capital with a team approach including seafood-dependent workers. • Estimated Total Cost: $2.6 million • Staff met with Mr. Taylor and Ms. Dana Peck regarding the project. Staff will contact FWC to arrange a meeting with all parties involved to discuss the potential of FWC’s involvement and services available to facilitate the project.
Project Title: St. Marks Fishing Pier • Submitted by: Zoe Mansfield • Project Objective: Provide recreational opportunities in the areas that are not available by allowing the public access to pier fishing and increase birding opportunities for views and photographers. • Estimated Total Cost: $290,000
Project Title: St. Marks Boardwalk • Submitted by: Zoe Mansfield • Project Objective: Complete an existing phase of boardwalk and expand the existing trail to develop a trailhead. The project is shovel ready with plans and permits. • Estimated Total Cost: $900,000
Project Title: ADA Compliant Kayak & Canoe Launch • Submitted by: Zoe Mansfield • Project Objective: To enhance recreational opportunities on the St Marks river by allowing for a low-impact access to coastal and river areas. It will be located next to San Marco de Apalachee Fort and will help boost tourism for canoeist, kayakers, stand up paddlers, fishermen, birding and environmental viewing. • Estimated Total Cost: $65,000
Project Title: Convert Grinders to a Gravity Sewer System • Project submitted by: Zoe Mansfield • Project Objective: Replace grinders with gravity drain to reduce operational cost and malfunction of units. This would benefit ecological resources with restoration and protection of the natural resources ,ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats and help with public safety and welfare. • Estimated Total Cost: $5.5 million
Input from Public Meetings and Comments Public meeting and comment period was from September 19 thru October 6, 2017
Comments Received: Eighteen (18) Citizens provided an array of comments on array of projects and ideas, but did not submit project forms or supporting documentation. Comments were received on the following topics: • Dredging and Channel Markers – support, received from Robbie Lowther • Observation Tower near Panacea – support, received from Robbie Lowther and Jack Rudloe • Community Center Pool – support, Denise Spivey • Sewer Connection in older neighborhoods, specifically Ameliawood Subdivision – support, received from Denise Spivey • Extension of deadline for comments on proposed projects – support, received from Wakulla Springs Alliance • Installation of barriers to deter vehicle traffic on private land (Pine Island) – support, received from Bradley Hartman • Water quality study of Oyster Bay and Skipper Bay – support, received from Bradley Hartman • Sponsorship of a one time oyster relay from closed waters to open waters, support received by Bradley Hartman • Minimize/eliminate development along the shores of Skipper Bay – support, received by Bradley Hartman
Comments Received Regarding SEP Projects • Artificial Reefs – support, received by Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Panacea Waterfront. Opposes, received by Bob Phillips. • Bayside Marina – support, received by Matt Michalski. Oppose, received by Robbie Lowther, James Hennessy, Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Bob Phillips • Coastal Sewer (Shell Point, Spring Creek, Oyster Bay) – oppose, received by Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance • Coastal Storm water Panacea – oppose, received by Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance • Mashes Sands Park – support beach renourishment and park improvement, received by Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Panacea Waterfront. Oppose dredging of sand flats, Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Panacea Waterfront.
Comments Received Regarding SEP Projects Continued….. • Otter Creek WWTP – support, received from Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance. • Oyster Bed Restoration – support, received from Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance. • Skipper Bay – support, received from Bradley Hartman. Oppose, received from Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Bob Phillips. • Spring Creek – support, received from Bradley Hartman. Oppose, received from James Hennessy, Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Bob Phillips. • Trail Head Oaks Property – support, received from Panacea Waterfront. Oppose, received from Jack Rudloe, Wakulla Springs Alliance and Bob Phillips. • Wakulla Gardens septic to sewer – support, received from Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance • WINCO St Marks – support, received from Jack Rudloe and Wakulla Springs Alliance
Proposed MYIP Project Selection Criteria • RESTORE Act Criteria: infrastructure projects benefitting the economy or ecological resources, including port infrastructure • Included in the Community Needs Assessment • Contributes to activities that are focused on water quality and marine life habitat within County Waters (e.g., reduces non-point pollution or provides/restores habitat), which was a recurring theme of needs at Public Meetings • Projects that cover an initial 3-5 year period (2018-2022) for sequencing and phasing purposes. • Projects partially funded from other State or Federal grants • Can be leveraged or matched with other State or Federal grants. • Necessary to continue a current septic-to-sewer project and sewer expansion. • Essential to water quality and marine life habitat within county waters. • County resources can support and maintain projects.
Proposed MYIP Projects 2018-2022 PROJECT: Wakulla Gardens/Grieners Addition Septic-to-Sewer (SEP priority project #1, #2 and Citizen Ranking #7 and #10) • Activities: • Connection Fees for septic-to-sewer projects – property agreements and connections • Otter Creek Retro fit – Planning, design, procurement and construction • Lift Station, located on US98/Spring Creek (referred to as Jerry Moore Lift Station) – Planning, design, procurement and construction. PROJECT: Artificial Reefs (SEP priority project #9 and Citizen Ranking #5) • Activities: • Identification and analysis of viable reef areas • Permitting • Construction
RESTORE POT 1 FUNDING MATRIX • Spreadsheet will be presented at meeting.
Draft MYIP without Projects • Included with Agenda Package is draft MYIP w/o projects. • US Treasury has reviewed and advised we are on right track • Draft MYIP w/Projects and all attachments will be presented in January • Questions or changes to the draft?
DECISION POINTS and BOARD DIRECTION • Approve the Community Needs Assessment • Approve the proposed recommended MYIP Projects and Ranking • Approve the draft MYIP without projects • Other?
WAKULLA MYIP PLAN OF ACTION • January 8, 2018 BoCC MEETING; Present draft MYIP with projects for board input (Task 3-4) • January 22, 2018 or February 5, 2018 BoCC MEETING: Present FINAL MYIP for Board approval and to start the 45-day (Task 5) comment period. • April 2, 2018 BoCC MEETING: Present summary of comments received and proposed responses for board approval/discussion and approval to submit FINAL MYIP to US Treasury (Task 5)