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Delve into the anecdotes, sayings, and teachings of Imam Al-Baaqir during his Imamah period, his significant works, and the influence he had on scholars and society. Explore the educational legacy and impact of Al-Baaqir and his students in the rich Islamic context. The presentation highlights his lineage, teachings, and interactions with knowledge seekers, offering a comprehensive view of his contributions.
Al-BaaqirAnecdotes and Sayings By A.S. Hashim. MD Sayings of Imams taken from: http://www.ezsoftech.com/islamic/infallible10.asp Ziyarah of Imams taken from: http://www.ziaraat.org/
About this slide show: • This slide show deals with: • Al-Baaqir during his Imamah works • A number of his Du’aas • Many of his sayings • Incidents and Anecdotes • Ziyarah for him with its translation • It also shows his burial place
Lineage Grandfather Al-Husain Father Zainul Abideen Al-Baaqir Grandfather Al-Hasan Mother Fatima
Al-Baaqir’s Imamah • Imamah from Age 38 Yr through 57 Yr • It Started in 95H • It Ended in 114H • Length of his Imamah: 19 years • Most recorded sayings were during his Imamah period
During Al-Baaqir’s Imamah • The institute of Ahlul Bayt grows • Up to 300 scholars graduate over a period of 18 years • Graduates write about 100 books • Al‑Baaqir himself wrote the book of Tafseer, in which he registered numerous Hadiths. • Numerous knowledge seekers traveled from far away (and lived in Medina) to attend Al-Baaqir’s discourses • He argued with the Kharijis (deviators) and Ghulaat (exaggerationists).
The Institute Expands • During Al-Baaqir’s time, 300 Scholars graduated. • The 300 Scholars wrote 100 books • The graph shows relative numbers
The Institute graduatesEducational works of Al-Baaqir versus Zainul Abideen • During Al-Baaqir’s time, 300 Scholars graduated. • During Zainul Abideen’s time 160 Scholars graduated • The graph on the right shows relative numbers • This is remarkable, since it was in spite of the heavy political pressure on Ahlul Bayt
Ali’s writings during: Abu Bakr, Omar, and Uthman’s Khilaafah: Corpus of Knowledge consists of the following: Quran in chorological order Tafseer (Mus’haf Fatima) Hadith (Saheefa of Ali) Ah’kaam Al-Jafr White Jafr: Prophets and early times Red Jafr: Rules of war in Islam Corpus of Knowledge
The Golden Chain of Narration • Numerous Hadiths were quoted through Al‑Baaqir. • He often said, "My Hadith is the Hadith of my father, and his is the Hadith of his father, then from Ali, who directly narrated the Hadith from the Prophet (pbuh)." • This became known as the Golden Chain of Narration. • The quoted Hadiths were of immense importance, since they corrected people who wrongly quoted Hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh)
Condition of the Ummah (at Al-Baaqir’s time) • Karbala kept haunting the Ummah • Yazid's bloodshed in Medina • Devastation done in Mecca • Al‑Hajjaj in Iraq and Persia • Public works and charities exclusively in Syria • Syrian Troops in Garrisons all over the Ummah • Mawaali: Deep Resentment of the Rulers
Al-Baaqir and his Students • Often surrounded by Knowledge Seekers of different ages, many of them scholars already, Al‑Baaqir was the haven to their inquiries. • No matter what questions they asked, Al‑Baaqir answered eloquently, always giving the Islamic detail necessary. • Al-Baaqir never got tired of their questioning, never said no, never absented himself; on the contrary, it was all his to give. • Intellectuals of various levels flocked to him, be it at Haj times or others. • He was the repository of Islamic knowledge, the one sought after by the notables of Fiqh specialists, the forerunners of intellectuals, as well as the ordinary seekers of knowledge
The Subjects Taught (Derived from the Corpus of Knowledge) • Tafseer تفسير of the Holy Quran. • Hadith, الحديثas quoted by each Imam from his father, up to Ali, then Muhammad (pbuh). • Al‑Ah'kaam, الأحكامwhich grew with time, since new religious problems were to be solved according to the Shari'ah. • Fiqh,الفقه as diversified due to the Ij'tihaad of the Jurisprudents. • Halal and Haram, الحلال والحرام • Ethics, Mu'aamalaat, الأخلاق والمعاملاتamong other important Islamic subjects. • Irfan العرفان (Islamic theological philosophy). • Adab: الأدب High forms of Arabic literature.
Subjects of Discussions Discussions
The Institute of Ahlul Bayt • Al-Baaqir: Quietly productive despite the jaundiced political atmosphere • 300 Scholars tutored • The 100 Books of Usool • He wrote Book of Tafseer • Categorization of Iman and Ibadat, and other subjects • Halal and Haram • Hadith and Ah’kaam
Close Students • Abban ibn Taghlib: Was an authority in jurisprudence, exegesis, Hadith, and language. • Zurara: An ample expertise in Hadith, Jurisprudence, and Shi’a leaning. • Kumait Asadi: A poet, unmatched in the language and literature, and in criticizing brutal rulers. He defended Ahlul Bayt by the mould of beautiful poetry verses. • Mohammad ibn Muslim: Earned the title “jurisprudent of Ahlul Bayt“. He was one of those about whom Imam Al-Saadiq said, "The knowledge and learning of Ahlul Bayt remained alive and was established through him.
Sample Books Written by his Students • Intricate diction of the Holy Quran written by a famous lexigrapher of the Quran. • Commentary for Tafseer of the Quran, written by an acclaimed scholar of recitation. • Biography of the Prophet (pbuh) by the renowned Al‑Du'ali. • Tradition, Tafseer, and Jurisprudence written by Al‑Ju'fi (quoted by Sahih Muslim). • Science of Kalaam (Logic and philosophy), also jurisprudence, by the distinguished A'yun. • Halal and Haram, the 400 problems, by the famous Ibn Muslim.
They say about him • Al-Makki was quoted, • "I never saw scholars shrink as I saw them in the presence of Muhammad Al‑Baaqir. I saw Ibn U'yainah, despite his greatness, looking like a young boy before his teacher." • Ibn Muslim, one of Imam Al‑Baaqir's students, was quoted, • "Every time I faced a complex theological problem, I had to seek its solution from Imam Al‑Baaqir, till I asked him about 30,000 Hadiths."—meaning numerous Hadiths.
Al-Baaqir about Karbala • Al-Baaqir emphasized on people to: • Hold Majlis on the anniversary of Karbala, • Visit the tomb of Imam Al‑Husain, • Understand the endeavor of Imam Al‑Husain, and • Understand and emulate the works of Imam Al‑Husain.
With Ibn Munkader: ابن المنكدر • Ibn Munkader ابن المنكدر was a notable mystic who spent a great deal of time in worship. He depended on other people for his livelihood. • One day Ibn Munkader saw Al‑Baaqir in a suburb of Medina. It was extremely hot, Al‑Baaqir was sweating profusely, since he had just finished working in his orchard. Ibn Munkader, said to Al‑Baaqir, "It does not behoove you to hanker after worldly matters in scorching heat while you are of the high ranking of Quraish. In what an unseemly condition should death find you, if it comes now." • Al‑Baaqir looked him in the eye and retorted, "If death visits me now, it will find me busy in a sublime form of worship, since I am worshiping Allah in earning livelihood and saving myself from dependence on others for the livelihood." • Thus Imam Al‑Baaqir had graciously reminded Ibn Munkader that work for livelihood was a sublime form of worship.
Anecdotes One day a Khariji asked, "Whom do you worship?" Al‑Baaqir answered, "I worship Allah Almighty." The Khariji retorted, "Have you seen Him?" Al‑Baaqir answered, "I have seen Him not with my physical eyes, but with my heart by the perfection of the faith. Allah can neither be traced by conjecture nor by physical senses. Allah has not the likeness of a human being. Allah's signs manifest only His attributes. Allah's gnosis can be secured by intellect. Allah does not commit injustice in His decrees. He is Allah, beside whom there is no deity."
Al-Baaqir’s advice to Al-Ju'fi "I admonish you regarding five points: • If your are maligned, do not malign or commit wrong‑doing to others, • If you are betrayed, do not betray others, • If you are called a liar, do not be furious, • If you are praised, do not glorify yourself, • If you are criticized, do not brood thinking it castigating.....”
Al-Baaqir Advices Omar (son of) Abdul Aziz • Pay heed to what company you like to be with when in the presence of your Lord, and • Look at what you loathe to be with when you are in His presence • Wish not to have a commodity that is of no use to those before you, since it won't be of use to you. • O Omar! Open your door to the public, be accessible, be just, and repeal all acts of injustice. • With three qualities you will have advanced your faith in Allah: • The satisfied person whose satisfaction does not lead him to commit falsehood [wrong doing], • The angry person whose anger does not lead him to commit wrong,
Select Sayings about Knowledge • Knowledge is the signpost of the Garden of Bliss. It is an intimate in loneliness, a companion in exile, a friend in estrangement, a guide to ease, a help against affliction, adornment with friends, and a weapon against enemies. • By knowledge Allah promotes some people to make them leaders for the good, so that people follow their example and report their works. • Learn, for learning is protection. Seeking knowledge is worship, studying it is glorification of Allah, looking for it is jihad, teaching it to others is alms, and giving it to those who are appropriate for the knowledge is nearness to the Almighty.
Select Sayings about Virtue of Scholars • Whoever teaches an avenue of guidance, will have the same reward of those who put that guidance into practice. Nothing of the rewards of those (who put guidance into practice) will be decreased. • Whoever teaches a gate to the wrong, will have the same burdens of those who put that wrong deed into effect. Nothing of the burdens of those (who put error into effect) will be decreased. • The scholar of whose knowledge people make use, is better than seventy thousand worshipers
Select Sayings about Appreciating Knowledge • The Zakat (alms) of knowledge is that you teach it to the servants of Allah • Whoever learns knowledge will have the same reward of him as he who teaches it, and will be better than him. Learn knowledge from scholars. Then teach it to your brothers as the scholars have taught it to you. • He who seeks knowledge to vie with the scholars for glory or to dispute with the foolish or to know the prominent figures, then he shall be doomed. Indeed leadership is inappropriate for anyone except those who are deserving of it.
Select Sayings about Some Attributes • Verily, the prayer which brings about an immediate recompense goes to the man who does good to his family relations. • It often happens that the people who are wicked, but do good to others, gain a lot of wealth and property. I swear by Allah that, when the people take false oaths and treat others unjustly, their families are ruined, and their houses become empty of their owners. • And also there is no one, who is niggardly in spending money in Allah's cause, but that he will perforce spend several times more than that amount in the way, which will bring about Allah's displeasure.
Select Sayings about Character • The acme of good character is reached when: • a person has attained full knowledge of religious matters, • When he faces the vicissitudes of life with patience and fortitude, and • He leads his life economically (That man should spend according to his means, so that he may not have to depend on others).
Select Sayings about Demeanor • There are three things which lead to distinction and eminence in the hereafter: • If somebody treats you unjustly, yet you forgive him. • If somebody does wrong to you, yet you show him kindness. • When your place and right is unknown and undermined, you show patience and forbearance.
Select Sayings about Etiquette • When two believers meet and shake hands, Allah will place his hand with them, favoring the one who loves his brother the most. • When you meet each other start with greetings of peace and shake hands, and when you part, do so with entreating Allah’s forgiveness. • The good deed rewarded promptly by Allah is when you keep communicating with relatives in gracious manner. • Imam Al‑Baaqir said: "My father, Imam Ali Ibn Al‑Husain used to tell his children to avoid big and small lies in earnest or in jest; for he who tells small lies will soon have the audacity to tell big ones." • Verily they fear Allah only those of His servants imbued with knowledge.
Ziyarah of Al‑Baaqir in Baqi’i • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَئِمَّةَ الْهُدَى السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَهْلَ التَّقْوَى • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَيُّهَا الْحُجَجُ عَلَى أَهْلِ الدُّنْيَا • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَيُّهَا الْقُوَّامُ فِي الْبَرِيَّةِ بِالْقِسْطِالسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَهْلَ الصَّفْوَةِ • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ آلَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ أَهْلَ النَّجْوَى • أَشْهَدُ أَنَّكُمْ قَدْ بَلَّغْتُمْ وَنَصَحْتُمْ وَصَبَرْتُمْ فِي ذَاتِ اللَّهِ وَكُذِّبْتُمْ وَأُسِيءَ إِلَيْكُمْ فَغَفَرْتُمْ • وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّكُمُ الْأَئِمَّةُ الرَّاشِدُونَ الْمُهْتَدُونَ وَأَنَّ طَاعَتَكُمْ مَفْرُوضَةٌ وَأَنَّ قَوْلَكُمُ الصِّدْقُ
Ziyarah of Al‑Baaqir in Baqi’i • Peace be upon you O Leaders of Guidance; Peace be upon you O Masters of Piety, • Peace be upon you O Proofs of Allah on the people of the earth; • Peace be upon you who were Steadfast in dealing with justice. • Peace be upon you O people of the Chosen One. • Peace be upon you the Family of the Prophet of Allah, • Peace be upon you O people whose souls converse to the Almighty, • I bear witness that you had Proclaimed and Advised and had Persevered for the sake of Allah • And that you were belied and mistreated, yet you forgave • And I bear witness that you are the rightly guided leaders; and that obedience to you is incumbent and that your speech is correct and you had invited to the Truth ……
Imam Al‑Baaqir dies • Just as Zainul Abideen and Al‑Husain, Imam Al‑Baaqir died at the age of 57 years. • Al-Baaqir’s death was mourned by numerous people • Al‑Baaqir designated his son, Al‑Saadiq, as the subsequent Imam • He gave him a will containing a treasure of wisdom • He handed him the books constituting the Corpus of Knowledge which Imam Ali had previously written. • Imam Al‑Baaqir was buried in Al‑Baqii, by the burial site of Imam Al‑Hasan and Imam Zainul Abideen.
In Conclusion • Al-Baaqir means: the one who has delved in Islam to its very heart • Discussed were the following: • Al-Baaqir during his Imamah works • A number of his Du’aas • Many of his sayings • Incidents and Anecdotes • Ziyarah for him with its translation • It also shows his burial place
Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and May God Bless you. Dr. A.S. Hashim