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Learn about JAA's transition to EASA, CSSG responsibilities, cabin safety projects, and EASA's rulemaking plans for CS-25 at the 2004 Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference in Lisbon.
JAA Future Cabin Safety Plan Coordination with EASA Marnix van der Heijde CAA-NL Chairman JAA Cabin Safety Steering Group (CSSG) 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
Contents: • Transfer of responsibility from JAA towards EASA • EASA Rulemaking plan • JAA CSSG area of responsibility and current projects 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
JAA CSSG membership 37 Members representing organisations: • Authorities (JAA,FAA,TCCA) • Aircraft Manufacturers (AECMA, AIA) • Airlines (AEA, ERA, IACA) • Cabin Crew Organisations (ETF) 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
JAA CSSG area of responsibility (continued) Requirements for passenger cabin and cargo compartments • JAR 25 / CS 25: Airworthiness Requirements for Large Aeroplanes • JAR 26: Additional Airworthiness Requirements (ref. JAR OPS-1.005) • JAR OPS-1: Requirements for commercial operators of aeroplanes 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
USA Europe JAA FAA HMT Regulations OPS JSSI Research ARAC CSSG EQSC OPSG JSSI-OSS OS-PAG CrewSG JAA/FAA Joint New Rulemaking 15 WG’s JTSO WG Int’l Aircraft Materials Fire Test WG Aircraft Fire Systems WG JAA Cabin Safety related rulemaking Groups (situation until July 2004) Cabin Safety Research Technical Group 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
EASA cabin safety related planning for CS-25 : • Overhead bin safety precautions (CSSG DI #56) -NPA 4q 2004, CS 3q 2005 • Thermal / acoustic insulation material (CSSG DI #81) - NPA 4q 2004, CS 2q 2006 • Cabin Air Quality- Start 2q 2005, NPA 4q 2006, CS 4q 2008 • Aircraft cabin (pax convenience) systems- Start 2006, NPA 2007, CS 2008 • Type and number of passenger emergency exits (CSSG DI #59) - NPA 1q 2005, CS 4q 2006 • Type III exits (access and ease of operation)(CSSG DI #7) - NPA 2q 2005, CS 1q 2007 • Class B / F cargo compartments ("combi's") (CSSG DI #19) - NPA 2q 2005, CS 4q 2006 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
EASA cabin safety related planning for CS-25 (continued): • Child Restraint Systems (CSSG #77)-NPA 2006, CS 2007 • Burn through resistance of fuselage -Start 2006, NPA 2007, CS 2008 • Screening of current cabin safety paragraphs -Start 2006, NPA 2007, CS 2008 • Access Through bulkheads (CSSG DI #17)-RIA 2q 2005, NPA 4q 2005, CS 4q 2007 • Seat pitch (CS-25) (CSSG DI #39)-Start 4q 2004, NPA 2q 2006, CS 4q 2007 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG recommendations for CS-25: • Airworthiness Aeroplane Cabin Manual(CSSG DI #41) • Turbulence aspects(CSSG DI #76) • Direct View(CSSG DI #1) • Remote Compartments (CSSG # 73 and # 74) • Escape slides qualification above 25 knots wind • Standard list of questions after evacuation • Transportation of reduced mobility persons • Class E cargo compartment systems fire protection(CSSG DI #78) • Class E cargo compartments fire suppression/extinguishing methodology • Cabin Safety Interpretation and guidance material(CSSG DI #82) 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
Current CSSG priority items for JAR 26 and JAR OPS-1: • Raising JAR 26 in line with FAR 121:NPA 26-14 (CSSG DI #72) • Type III exits (access & ease of operation) (CSSG DI #7) • Face to face seating(CSSG #38) • Child Restraint Systems(CSSG #77) • Combi AD (CSSG DI #19) Recommendations: • Waste bags for use in the passenger cabin • ……and many more !! 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
End of presentation (more details in following slides) 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
JAR 26 New items up to level FAR 121 (CSSG #72 + 12) Task: Bring JAR 26 up to level of FAR 121 Airworthiness requirements • JAR 26.50 Direct View • JAR 26.120 Interior Emergency Lighting • JAR 26.125 Exterior Emergency Lighting • JAR 26.130 Means for Emergency Evacuation • “Seats, Safety Belts and Harnesses” (Ref. FAA Amdt. 121-155) 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
Child Restraint Systems (CRS) (CSSG #77) Problem areas: • Supplementary loop belt • Currently approved infant/child restraint systems (CRS) are designed primarily for use in cars. They may or may not be compatible in fit and function with aircraft seats. • Different automobile standards for CRS • Short Term outcome: allow the use of CRS 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
Face to face seating (CSSG #38) • Close proximity of Cabin Crew Member seats to passengers and aircraft structures, e.g. galleys. • FAA carried out research, leading to new criteria on this subject. • FAA AC 25.785-1A has been accepted by the CSSG. • The implementation of this new standard is under review:JAA consider the implementation of the above AC 25.785-1A to newly-manufactured aircraft by an amendment to JAR 26 • Major concern for “16 g” aircraft. 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG items on planning for CS-25 (2004): details • Overhead bin safety precautions(CSSG DI #56) • Proposed NPA by CSSG • Design improvements: • Visual indication of the lock/latch position of the door • Provide reliable (tested) means, restraining the maximum placarded baggage weight under the corresponding flight, ground and emergency landing conditions • Have a ramp-type design of the compartment naturally pushing the luggage to the opposite side of the door • Limit the door length to a maximum of 40 inches • Provide a pictogram or placard close to the release latch indicating that items may fall out during opening sequence 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG items on planning for CS-25 (2004): details • Type III exits (access and ease of operation) (CSSG DI #7) • NPA 25D-270, new issue to be published soon • Definition of minimum access dimensions • Seat back break over restriction • Proper design to avoid foot traps and protrusions. • Improved Type III exit design (hatch/door disposal automatically controlled) (20/41/61 pax and up), benefits: • Faster and more reliable availability of the exit opening for egress; • Avoid any possible hatch obstruction in the exit access path and outside the aircraft on the required escape route. 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG items on planning for CS-25 (2004): details • Symbolic exit signs (CSSG DI #4) • Graphical exit signs as an alternative to current red-text exit signs • NPA 25D-327: Final Rule (ACJ) approved by JAAC on 12/11/03 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG items on planning for CS-25 (2005-2007): details Access through bulkheads (30”) (#17) • AAIB recommendations in the accident report of the B 737-200 accident in Manchester, August 1985. • Cranfield University: competitive type passenger evacuation tests. • Conclusions: Width of aisles between rigid structure monuments, as opposed to between seats, should be increased from the existing minimum of 20 inches to a minimum of 30 inches. 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004
CSSG recommendations for CS-25: details Airworthiness Cabin Crew Manual (CSSG # 41) • Similar to Airplane Flight Manual Requirements for the pilots • Provides a formal means to transfer required actions from the airplane airworthiness approval to the operational user • Examples: • Limitation on number of young childs on the parent’s lap because of limited number of oxygen masks • Required seats for Cabin Crew (Direct View, 25.785) • Location of emergency equipment • Required briefings to passengers 4th Aircraft Fire and Cabin Safety Research Conference – Marnix van der Heijde - Lisbon November 2004