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SST for CFSRR Diane Stokes and Richard W. Reynolds

SST for CFSRR Diane Stokes and Richard W. Reynolds. Brief overview of SST analyses used for Nov 1981-2006 Focus on Daily OI SST. SST for CFSRR. OIv2 1 Degree Weekly Analysis Optimum Interpolation Available: Nov 1981 – present OI 1/4 Degree Daily Analysis from NCDC Optimum Interpolation

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SST for CFSRR Diane Stokes and Richard W. Reynolds

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SST for CFSRRDiane Stokes and Richard W. Reynolds • Brief overview of SST analyses used for Nov 1981-2006 • Focus on Daily OI SST

  2. SST for CFSRR • OIv2 1 Degree Weekly Analysis • Optimum Interpolation • Available: Nov 1981 – present • OI 1/4 Degree Daily Analysis from NCDC • Optimum Interpolation • Currently available from 1985 - 2006 • Nov 1981-Dec 1984: Need daily AVHRR SST retrievals. (Pathfinder project may be working on this)

  3. OI SST Analyses Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007, modified

  4. Source: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/img/climate/research/sst/oi4.jpg

  5. Jan '03: Number of Days with Nighttime Obs • Top: AVHRR Pathfinder Bottom: AMSR-E • For AVHRR: • Absolute latitudes > 40° have roughly only 5 days of data • Number of days increases toward the tropics • Drop offs due to cloud cover • For AMSR: • Absolute latitudes > 40° have more than 20 days of data • Drop offs due to precipitation in ITCZ and SPCZ Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007

  6. Magnitude of Gradient:Gulf Stream • Daily OI using AMSR-E for January - March 2003 • Gradients have a stationary part due to topography • Thus, limited AVHRR data are useful Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007

  7. Data Anomalies: 11 Jan 2003Differences lead to day-to-day noise in OI • AVHRR day & night • Note data scarcity • Pathfinder: local time • AMSR day & night • Note swath width & precipitation • Day night differences not always diurnal warming Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007

  8. 4 Days of Buoy SST Data0Z 22 March 22 - 0Z 26 March 26, 2006 • Resolution • 1 minute • Averaged to • 1 hour • 1 day • Consider random sampling • AMSR could approach 2 obs/day • AVHRR would be lower especially in winter Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007

  9. Average Daily Spectra for 3 Years • Buoy spectra closer to daily OI spectra when 3-days of data are used • Note: AVHRR-only lower than AMSR+AVHRR spectra Source: Reynolds presentation at NOAA ARC PI Meeting, Sep 2007

  10. SST gradient magnitudes • Three-day averages centered on 1 Oct 2003 • AMSR&AVHRR Daily OI gradient most resembles AMSR data gradient • AVHRR-only Daily OI does well despite poor data coverage. Image Source: Reynolds, R. W., T. M. Smith, C.Liu, D. B. Chelton, K. S. Casey and M. G. Schlax, 2007

  11. SST gradient magnitudes3-day average As in previous slide, but for eastern Pacific cold tongue Image Source: Reynolds, R. W., T. M. Smith, C.Liu, D. B. Chelton, K. S. Casey and M. G. Schlax, 2007

  12. Running in Real Time In real time, a preliminary and final version of the Daily OI SST would be produced. The final version would be delayed approximately two weeks to provide the wider data window for the satellite bias correction

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