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This report discusses the fabrication and experimental results of GaAs samples for test beam measurements by the JINR DLNP group. The samples were presented at the FCAL Collaboration Meeting in June 2009 in Zeuthen.
Plan for future GaAs samples for TestBeam measurements JINR DLNP group (presented Z. Krumshteyn) FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
Table 1. GaAs samples 2008 FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
Table 2. GaAs samples 2008(Fabrication method) FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
Table 3. experimental GaAs detectors 2009 FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
160-200 µm 300 µm Shape of GaAs sample 2008 Shape of GaAs sample 2009 FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
In Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna the project of new Intense REsonance Neutron source (IREN) is under construction now. The IREN will be used as a neutron source of new generation for research of the broad spectrum of problems in fundamental and applied nuclear physics. The IREN source is intended for nuclear physic investigations by a time-of-flight on a place and in a building of LUE-40 + IBR-30 installation removed from operation, thus the existing infrastructure of eight neutron beams with fly paths from 10 up to 750 m, an experimental hall and measuring pavilions is completely used. The IREN source exploiting a booster principle should provide a fast multiplication of initial neutrons produced by an electron beam from a linear accelerator in electron-neutron converter.So its design has to ensure as short as possible time t <10 ns for one act of neutron multiplication into a subcritical blanket, the total duration of a fast neutron pulse about 400 ns with the repetition rate 150 Hz, and a neutron yield at a level 1015 n/s. The project will be implemented in two stages. At the first stage the linear accelerator and nonmultiplying target will be constructed. FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
COMPARISON OF THE IREN SOURCEWITH OTHER NEUTRON SOURCES AIMED FOR NUCLEAR PHYSICS t – duration of fast neutron burst ; dt – real duration of neutron pulse at En = 100 eV after moderation of neutrons; С is define by relation φ(En)=C/ En*L2 ,were φ(En ) – neutron flux with energy Еn (eV) on the 1 cm2 sample, located on the distance L meter from source, а <In >- total yield of neutrons per second. FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen
LINEAR ACCELERATOR The travelling wave electron linac LUE-200 was designed at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk IREN 1-st stage parameters FCAL Collaboration Meeting , June 29 -30, 2009, Zeuthen