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Degrees of Comparison Presentation: Engaging English Lesson for 6th Grade, Adjective Comparisons

Explore degrees of comparison of adjectives with engaging examples like comparing apples, objects, animals, and more. Understand how to form comparisons and use them in sentences effectively.

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Degrees of Comparison Presentation: Engaging English Lesson for 6th Grade, Adjective Comparisons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The degrees of comparison Презентация к уроку английскогоязыка в 6 классе по теме: Степени сравнения прилагательных Морозова Л.Ю.

  2. Compare these two apples small, big

  3. Compare these things comfortable

  4. Comparethesethings bright

  5. Compare two animals old, dangerous, young, strong, weak…

  6. The…the… • The more we learn – • the more we know. • The more we know – • the more we forget. • The more we forget – • the less we know. • Why study?

  7. Complete the sentences, use the…the… • To be a good runner you must run… • Your parents want your marks to be… • Our birthday cake must be… • We want the weather to be… • To be a good weight-lifter you must be… • We want ice-cream to cost…

  8. Compare these objects high, tall, short

  9. Compare these pencils thick, thin, long, funny

  10. Compare these means of transport fast, slow, cool, difficult / easy to ride

  11. Compare three pictures Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3 beautiful, large, bright, interesting, small, nice…

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