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Genetically Engineered Materials Science & Engineering Center

Genetically Engineered Materials Science & Engineering Center NSF-MRSEC at the University of Washington. A Seed Project - Silicon Nanophotonics for Ultrasensitive Biosensing. RESEARCH.

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Genetically Engineered Materials Science & Engineering Center

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  1. Genetically Engineered Materials Science & Engineering Center NSF-MRSEC at the University of Washington A Seed Project - Silicon Nanophotonics for Ultrasensitive Biosensing RESEARCH This seed project is developing a new generation of ultrasensitive biosensors based on the combination of novel integrated silicon nanophotonic devices and optimized surface functionalization for the presentation of biomolecular ligands and hybrid nanostructures. The silicon photonics ring resonator platform consists of 32 resonators arrayed on a 6 x 6 mm silicon chip which is coated in a non-reactive polymer cladding (gray/green), and individual resonators are revealed lithographically (blue). The surface consists of silicon oxide for quartz-binding peptide and silane functionalization for molecular adsorption, both for fundamental studies and practical implementation, beyond SPR or QCM. Supported by NSF via GEMSEC, MRSEC at UW (DMR-0520567). D. Ratner & M. Hochberg, 2010 For more information, visit the Genetically Engineered Materials Science and Engineering Center at: http://depts.washington.edu/gemsec/

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