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Title I Comparability Web-Based Reporting System Using EMIS Data

Title I Comparability Web-Based Reporting System Using EMIS Data. ESEA, Section 1120A(c) and (d) 34 CFR 200.79 Title I Fiscal Non-Regulatory Guidance , U.S. Dep’t. of Ed., Rev., Feb. 2008. Elena Sanders, Assistant Director, ODE, Federal Programs

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Title I Comparability Web-Based Reporting System Using EMIS Data

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  1. Title I Comparability Web-Based Reporting System Using EMIS Data ESEA, Section 1120A(c) and (d) 34 CFR 200.79 Title I Fiscal Non-Regulatory Guidance, U.S. Dep’t. of Ed., Rev., Feb. 2008 Elena Sanders, Assistant Director, ODE, Federal Programs Ed Peltz, ODE, Ed. Consultant, Federal Programs

  2. Query of LEAs required to submit comparability report • System-generated email notification to LEAs • Automated message on SEA Comparability website • System-generated admin district list (https://ccip.ode.state.oh.us/DocumentLibrary/ViewDocument.aspx?DocumentKey=78077)

  3. SW=Title I Schoolwide; TA=Title I Targeted; NONE=Non-Served

  4. Prevent local school districts from using federal dollars to replace state and local education funding. • LEA must use Title I-A funds to supplement, not supplant, regular non-federal funds.

  5. Data reliability • Data integration (ODE data sources and reporting systems) • Defining Business Rules • Identifying EMIS data elements (instructional staff and pupil count) • Source documentation • Efficiency/Customer service

  6. Comparability Prerequisite for receiving funds Fairness, equitable services Looks at current year state and local resources-not federal or private resources Excludes pre-school staff and enrollment

  7. An LEA may receive Title I, Part A funds only if it uses State and local funds to provide services in Title I schools that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to the services provided in non-Title I schools.

  8. If all schools in an LEA are Title I schools, an LEA must use State and local funds to provide services that, taken as a whole, are substantially comparable in each school.

  9. Because Title I allocations are made annually, comparability is an ANNUAL requirement.

  10. Early determination of comparability allows LEA to make adjustments with least amount of disruption.

  11. Type Comparison groups: • Grade span group (most common) or District-wide as a whole (less common) • May divide schools within a grade span or within the LEA as a whole by size – e.g., compare large schools with large schools and small schools with small schools (requires one school to be at least twice as large as another in the group)

  12. Develop & implement writtenprocedures for compliance annually

  13. Identify the measure and process used to determine whether schools are comparable. • Determine how and when the LEA makes adjustments in schools that are not comparable.

  14. Secure Application For Enterprise (SAFE) Authorized access only

  15. Building Internal Retrieval Number (IRN) • Building name • Building grade span • Personnel roles (access) • Personnel contact information

  16. Pupil count (October Count Week) • Instructional staff FTE (October Count Week) • Position codes • Assignment areas • Funding sources • Excludes preschool staff and preschool students

  17. 999370 General Ed • 999414 Special Ed • 999380 Gifted and Talented • 999800 Career-Technical Programs/ Career Pathways • 999050Art Ed K-8 • 999570Music Ed K-8 • 999418Physical Ed K-8 • 999365LEP Instructional Program Assignment Areas

  18. Fund Source Valid Options include: AState Auxiliary Funds BOther State Funds IState Poverty-Based Assistance Funds (formerly DPIA) LLocal Funds and/or State Foundation Funds TPrivate/Tuition UState Unit Funding (use funds source “Z” for preschool special education unit staff)

  19. Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP) Consolidated Application: • FY12 Title I Building Page Service Type • FY12 Title I Building Eligibility Page Low-Income Percentage

  20. Comparability Home

  21. Internal Navigation Users interface with left menu to navigate through system

  22. Administer Tools Allows ODE to generate reports and control functions within system

  23. Contact ODE/Help

  24. Search Allows ODE to search specific LEA or multiple LEAs in different fiscal years

  25. Comparability – District Report Section page Chillicothe City SD

  26. EMIS Data Verification Instructions Chillicothe City SD

  27. EMIS Data Verification Page Chillicothe City SD EMIS DATA

  28. Comparability – Report Form (part 1) Chillicothe City SD

  29. Comparability – Report Form (part 2) Chillicothe City SD

  30. Comparability – Report Form (part 3) Chillicothe City SD

  31. Comparability – Report Form (part 4) Chillicothe City SD Start to finish: 0.0312 seconds Provides detailed report showing steps system used to demonstrate comparability

  32. Comparability PDF Reports

  33. District Representative Approved Process

  34. Appendix A – Screen Shots • Carrollton Exempted Village SD Data Verification Page EMIS DATA

  35. Appendix A Screen Shots • Carrollton Exempted Village SD

  36. Appendix A – Screen Shots • Carrollton Exempted Village SD

  37. Self-Report Data

  38. Data Verification Page- Springboro Self-Reported Data

  39. Comparability – Report Form (part 1) Springboro SD

  40. Comparability – Report Form (part 2) Springboro SD

  41. Comparability – Report Form (part 3) Springboro SD

  42. Comparability – Report Form (part 4) - Springboro

  43. Comparability PDF Reports

  44. Appendix A – Screen Shots • Elyria City SD Self-Reported Data

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