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Introducing OvidSP Resources. OvidSP Flexible. Innovative. Precise. OvidSP Access. Accessing Databases@Ovid. Linking into a database with a jumpstart http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&MODE=ovid&PAGE=main&D=medl&NEWS=n Ovid Medline
Introducing OvidSP Resources OvidSPFlexible. Innovative. Precise.
Accessing Databases@Ovid • Linking into a database with a jumpstart http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&MODE=ovid&PAGE=main&D=medl&NEWS=n Ovid Medline • Opening one or more databases from the selection screen
Basic Search The purpose of Basic Search is to provide a reasonable number of highly relevant documents from the most recent part of the database (not an exhaustive search) • Add related terms to include plurals and synonyms from the Ovid lexicon • Offers most relevant ranked results first • Can be limited (to full Text for example) Use Sorting option or year limit to select recent publications
Main Search Page for PsycInfo, Databases@Ovid (Ovid Advanced)
Mapping • Entering an exact match for a term in the controlled vocabulary; the term will appear and be selected, but other similar subjects will be listed (often a prompt to use “explode”) • Entering a synonym for a term, will direct you to the preferred term (use “explode” if it is a category or group of subjects) • No match – Frequency based listing If term is neither a direct match nor listed as a "used for" term ("see reference“ or synonym) then: • Ovid looks at citation where terms occurs in title or abstract or other fields… • Algorithm counts the occurrence of subject headings tied to those citations. • The most frequently occurring subject headings are presented to the user as choices. • In a frequency based list, one choice may be appropriate, or more than one or a combination of choices, or you may need to choose to “search as a keyword” • “Cannot map term to a subject heading” – check spelling, or “search as a keyword” if very new or rare, this is an unusual response for a large database
Linking within Ovid • Within any Ovid database, when you subscribe to an Ovid journal, links are automatically inserted to your journal full-text • Links will appear not just in citations, but also in the references and bibliographies of databases, journals and books (where available) External Full Tex links can also be inserted
Print/Email/Save – Results Manager • Output reference information (for a bibliography) • Select Titles • Select Fields • Select Format • Ovid to print/email, • Direct Export for reference management software • Select Action to Print/Email/Save (or export)
Introducing Journals@Ovid • Accessing Journals@Ovid • Linking to full-text from a database • Opening the journals database directly • Your Journals@Ovid (may be relabelled) • Journals@Ovid Full-Text (may be relabelled) • Browsing… • Later we will be looking at how you may create links which take you into a journal, using Open URL syntax – a jumpstart • But first, accessing Journals@Ovid...
Linking into Journals@Ovid – Jumpstarts and OpenURL • Jumpstarts… • Allows you to link into Journals@Ovid from other locations • OpenURL… • Allows you to use Journals@Ovid within other vendor’s products, Journals@Ovid can be linked into other results displays or accessed in other ways (requires administrator settings)
Database Selection Browsing Access Searching Access Linking Access ▼
Searching within Journals@Ovid • Searching for other fields within Journals… • Searching “subject words” Author keywords, Outline headings and Title fields • Searching Caption Text The words used to describe graphical content – graphs, tables, charts, pictures • Searching Byline Text For the institutional affiliation of the author(s)
Browsing Journals@Ovid • Browsing by Journal Name… • browse alphabetically and choose Issue List • Browsing by Subject… • browse by preset subject (journals may fall into several categories)
Introducing Books@Ovid • Accessing Books@Ovid • Searching within Books • Browsing the books • Books@Ovid (only subscribed or purchased books) • Jumpstarts and catalogue links
For more information… • http://www.ovid.com • http://resourcecenter.ovidsp.com