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A Roadmap for Using Technology with Struggling Learners. Supplemental Materials. Presenter: Dr. Allegra M. McGrew. Spreadsheet Software Activities. Most common type: Microsoft Excel Why Spreadsheet Software Works-
A Roadmap for Using Technology with Struggling Learners Supplemental Materials Presenter: Dr. Allegra M. McGrew
Spreadsheet Software Activities Most common type: Microsoft Excel Why Spreadsheet Software Works- • Allows users to organize data into rows and columns and perform calculations on the data. • Can be used for other types of data that need to be organized and manipulated.
How It Can Be Used • Alphabetize lists • Calculate sums • Create calendars • Write vocabulary words and definitions (can be alphabetized) • Keep track of assignments and due dates • Keep track of grades and averages • Record lists of books read by title, author, etc. • Create graphs • Compare information in various types of graphs • Create a multiplication table
How It Can Be Used • Record and organize scientific data from experiments • Compile a science dictionary • Record car expenses (car payments, interest, insurance, maintenance, gas, repairs, etc.) • Money management activities such as personal and class budgets • Record weather over time and create charts and graphs to illustrate • Record data for time management activities • Record how allowances are spent • Create a timeline • Create pie charts • Plot points on a grid • Classify items • Balance check books • Create inventories • Compile a foreign language dictionary
Database Software Activities Most common type: Microsoft Access Why They Work- • Allows users to organize collections of data in way that allows for the access, retrieval, and use of the data. • Users can select what types of content should be a part of each database or collection of data.
How It Can be Used • Create mailing lists • Create personal address books for family and friends (be careful about using student data) • Catalog DVDs, videos, CDs, or video games • Catalog collectibles with date and estimated costs • Create various types of inventories • Manage data for research projects • Search for information within a database
Presentation Graphics Software Activities Most common type: Microsoft Power Point Why They Work- • Lets users create slideshow presentations that can communicate ideas, messages, and other types of information. • Text, graphic images, audio clips, and video clips can be added to the presentations.
How It Can be Used • Field trip slideshows • Autobiographical stories • Interactive book reports • Class yearbook-type presentations • Flash card slideshows • Music class recitals • Group slide shows • Poetry readings • Science presentations • Social studies presentations • Student portfolios • Presentations for parents
Instructional Software Most common names: computer-assisted instruction (CAI), computer-based instruction (CBI), computer-based learning (CBL), computer assisted learning, and software learning tools
Drill and practice - Drill and practice software provides opportunities for learners to work problems or answer questions and receive instant feedback about their correctness. Tutorials - Tutorials provide information and instructional activities needed for learners to master a topic, including: step-by-step instructions, information summaries, explanation, and practice routines. Simulations - Simulations provide models of real or imagined systems to demonstrate how those systems or similar systems work.Instructional games - Instructional games are designed to create motivation through the use of the addition of game rules to learning activities. Problem-solving programs - Problem solving programs are designed to teach the steps involved in problem solving through explanation and/or practice. Five primary types of instructional software: Roblyer, M. D. (2003). Integrating educational technology into teaching (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc./Merrill Prentice Hall.
Search Engine Activities Search engines can be used to locate information for a variety of student activities. There are an abundance of search engines on the Internet and some are designed specifically for student use.
How They Can be Used • Monitor the weather • Read the local, state, national, and international news • Use the Alabama Virtual Library • Search for product information • Locate additional information about topics covered in class • Search for additional information about current events • Take a free online course to learn more about a topic • Search for graphic images to enhance reports, stories, and poetry • Search for information about report topics • Conduct surveys to compare items around the world • Look for information about jobs • Locate hardware and software reviews
WebQuests A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity that requires students to interact with or analyze web-based resources about a specific topic. The goal is for students to complete an in-depth investigation about a specific topic and create a project that demonstrates their understanding of this topic.
The Anatomy of a WebQuest • An introduction to set the stage and provide background information about the topic. • A task that is doable and interesting. • A set of information resources for students to use to complete the task. • A description of a process for students to follow ask they strive to accomplish the task. • Guidance about how to organize the information that is found. • A conclusion to bring closure to the WebQuest.
How They Can be Used • Compile information • Solve a mystery • Design a product • Design a plan • Build consensus • Persuade others to believe a specific point of view • Make judgments about a controversial issue • Have students create a WebQuest
Looking For A WebQuest or WebQuest Resources?? • Cool Lessons WebQuest Units – (http://www.coollessons.org/coolunits.htm#WEBQUESTS) • EduHound WebQuest Search – (http://www.eduhound.com/showlinks.cfm?subj=WebQuests&skey=Webquests) • TeachersFirst WebQuest Collection – (http://www.teachersfirst.com/webquest.htm) • The WebQuest Page – (http://webquest.org/index.php)
Virtual Field Trips A virtual field trip is a pre-planned visit to the web site of a place of interest to accomplish specific educational objectives, rather than a visit to an actual place. Virtual field trips can provide opportunities for students to get a feel for a place and see what it is like without actually being there. Students can gain experiences and bring back facts and information.
How They Can be Used • Create a multimedia presentation about the experience • Write a report • Create a travel brochure • Design a poster • Develop a travelogue • Write a newspaper article • Present a simulated newscast • Estimate the cost of an actual trip including travel, lodging, and food • Research the weather or the climate • Explore other web sites for information about the physical location • Check for possible traveler’s warnings and medical requirements for that area • Research area food and recipes • Research area demographics
Looking For A Virtual Field Trip or Virtual Field Trip Resources?? • Ancient Greece-http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/Main_Page/ • Asian Arts- http://www.asianart.com/ • Atlapedia (maps)-http://www.atlapedia.com/ • Biographical Dictionary-http://www.s9.com/ • Birmingham Zoo-http://www.birminghamzoo.com/ • California Academy of Sciences-http://www.calacademy.org/ • Castle of Spirits-http://www.castleofspirits.com/ • Civil War -http://valley.vcdh.virginia.edu/ • Colonial Williamsburg- • http://www.history.org/Almanack/places/places.cfm
Looking For A Virtual Field Trip or Virtual Field Trip Resources?? • Economic History-http://eh.net/ • Encyclopedia Mythica (Mythology, folklore, and legends)– • http://www.pantheon.org/ • England-http://www.britainexpress.com/Where_to_go_in_Britain/tour/ • Explore Science-http://www.explorescience.com/ • Germany– • http://www.thepoint.net/%7Estbar/tours/europe/germany2/germany.htm • GOALS – Global Online Adventure Learning Site– • http://www.goals.com/Index.htm • Greatest Places-http://www.greatestplaces.org/ • How Stuff Works-http://www.howstuffworks.com/
Looking For A Virtual Field Trip or Virtual Field Trip Resources?? • Human Anatomy– • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html • Human Ear-http://ctl.augie.edu/perry/ear/ear.htm • Human Heart-http://www.fi.edu/learn/heart/index.html • Internet Medieval Sourcebook– • http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/sbook.html • Israel-http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vie/vietoc.html • Jordan-http://www.panoramaproductions.net/tours/jordan/ • Library of Congress Online Exhibitions-http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/ • Los Angeles -http://www.mstay.com/pcp_examples/walking_tour.html
Looking For A Virtual Field Trip or Virtual Field Trip Resources?? • Metropolitan Museum of Art-http://www.metmuseum.org/ • Microbes-http://commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/dlc-me/zoo/ • Middle Ages-http://www.learner.org/interactives/middleages/ • Mount Vernon-http://www.mountvernon.org/ • National Gallery of Art-http://www.nga.gov/ • National Geographic’s Amazing Travel Bureau– • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/bureau/ • National Zoo-http://nationalzoo.si.edu/ • Ocean Planet – Smithsonian- • http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/ocean_planet.html • Oregon Trail-http://www.isu.edu/%7Etrinmich/Allabout.html
Looking For A Virtual Field Trip or Virtual Field Trip Resources?? • Pakistan -http://www.virtourist.com/asia/topoftheworld/index.html • Robin Hood-http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/rh/rhhome.stm • Roman Empire-http://www.roman-empire.net/ • South Africa-http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/8240/savtour.htm • Space Race– • http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal114/SpaceRace/sec300/sec300.htm • U. S. Capitol-http://www.senate.gov/vtour/index.html • United Nations-http://www.un.org/english/ • World War I -http://www.worldwar1.com/sfguide.htm
ELA Resources • Jazzle’s Kids Section- http://phonics.jazzles.com/html/kid.html • Kidscribe- http://www.kidscribe.org/ • Kids On The Net- http://kotn.ntu.ac.uk/index.htm • Comma Rules- http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/punct/comma.html • The Five Paragraph Essay- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Atrium/1437/ • Wacky Web Tales- http://www.eduplace.com/tales/ • Grammar Glamour- http://library.thinkquest.org/2947/ • Verb Songs- http://www.songsforteaching.com/sarajordan/verbsong.htm • Spell Check- http://www.funbrain.com/spell/index.html • Spelling Songs- http://gardenofpraise.com/spell1.htm
Math Resources • Ask Dr. Math- http://mathforum.org/dr.math/index.html • Create a Graph- http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/ • Math Central- http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/ • MathRealm- http://www.mathrealm.com/ • Mega Mathematics- http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/ • Rainbow Lab- http://www.geom.umn.edu/education/calc-init/rainbow/ • GoMath- http://gomath.com/
Science Resources • BrainPop- http://www.brainpop.com/ • ReviseWise Science- http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/science/ • Bill Nye The Science Guy- http://www.nyelabs.com/ • NASA Kids- http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsclub/flash/index.html • Neuroscience for Kids- http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/interr.html • Cool Science for Curious Kids- http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/ • Rock Hounds- http://sln.fi.edu/fellows/payton/rocks/expert/index.html
Social Studies Resources • America’s Roof- http://americasroof.com/ • Geography World- http://members.aol.com/bowermanb/101.html • Greatest Places Online- http://www.greatestplaces.org/ • National Geographics Kids- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/kids/ • What Do Maps Show?- http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teachers-packets/mapshow/mapshowindexpdf.html • Kids Travel- http://www.kidtravels.com/ • World’s Largest Roadside Attractions- http://www.wlra.us/ • Clothing- http://www.civilization.ca/aborig/stones/clotref/climage.htm
Art Resources • Online Picasso Project- http://picasso.tamu.edu/picasso/ • Sculpture (From Windmills to Whirligigs)- http://www.sci.mus.mn.us/sln/vollis/ • Metropolitan Museum of Art- http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/index.asp • Salvador Dali Museum-http://www.daliweb.tampa.fl.us/ • Art Safari- http://artsafari.moma.org/ • WebMuseum: Impressionism- http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/glo/impressionism/ • Haring Kids- http://haringkids.com/ • KinderArt, Art Education- http://www.kinderart.com/ • Women Artists in History- http://www.wendy.com/women/artists.html
Music Resources • Essentials of Music- http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/ • Mozart’s Magical Musical Life- http://www.stringsinthemountains.org/m2m/1once.htm • Instrument Encyclopedia- http://www.si.umich.edu/chico/instrument/ • Musical Instruments of Native Americans- http://www.civilization.ca/aborig/stones/instru/inmenu.htm • Children’s Music Web- http://www.childrensmusic.org/ • Musical Mystery Tour-http://www.childrensmusic.co.uk/ • DiscoverESO- http://www.discovereso.com/ • The Orchestra- http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5116/orchestra.htm • PlayMusic- http://www.playmusic.org/
Physical Education Resources • Sports Illustrated for Kids- http://www.sikids.com/index.html • USA Gymnastics Online- http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/ • Bodies In Motion, Minds at Rest- http://library.thinkquest.org/12153/ • Ninja Kids- http://www.winjutsu.com/ninjakids/index.html • Judo Information Site- http://judoinfo.com/ • The Olympic Museum- http://www.museum.olympic.org/ • Kids Running- http://www.kidsrunning.com/
General Resources • SMARTBoard- www.smarttech.com • Microsoft Word’s resources • Investigate software capabilities • Scholastic Key’s • Thesaurus software • Marco Polo website-content area resource links • United Streaming • BrainPOP / BrainPOP Jr.