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Lepton flavour and neutrino mass aspects of the Ma-model

Lepton flavour and neutrino mass aspects of the Ma-model. Based on: Adulpravitchai, Lindner, AM: Confronting Flavour Symmetries and extended Scalar Sectors with Lepton Flavour Violation Bounds, Phys. Rev. D80 (2009) 055031

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Lepton flavour and neutrino mass aspects of the Ma-model

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  1. Lepton flavour and neutrino mass aspects of the Ma-model Based on: Adulpravitchai, Lindner, AM: Confronting Flavour Symmetries and extended Scalar Sectors with Lepton Flavour Violation Bounds, Phys. Rev. D80 (2009) 055031 Adulpravitchai, Lindner, AM, Mohapatra: Radiative Trans-mission of Lepton Flavor Hierarchies, Phys. Lett. B680 (2009) 476 - 479 Alexander Merle Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics Heidelberg, Germany Southampton, Friday Seminar, October 30, 2009

  2. Contents: • Introduction • The Ma-model • Flavour and the Ma-model • The LR-extension of the Ma-model • Conclusions

  3. 1. Introduction: Particle masses

  4. the masses of the Standard Model particles seem to increase with the generation number • HOWEVER: neutrinos have masses that are (at least) a factor of 106 smaller than the one of the electron → neutrino masses do not seem to have the same origin as the other masses • there are different possibilities to generate small neutrino masses

  5. the masses of the Standard Model particles seem to increase with the generation number • HOWEVER: neutrinos have masses that are (at least) a factor of 106 smaller than the one of the electron → neutrino masses do not seem to have the same origin as the other masses • there are different possibilities to generate small neutrino masses

  6. the masses of the Standard Model particles seem to increase with the generation number • HOWEVER: neutrinos have masses that are (at least) a factor of 106 smaller than the one of the electron → neutrino masses do not seem to have the same origin as the other masses • there are different possibilities to generate small neutrino masses

  7. Tree-level diagrams: e.g. seesaw type I

  8. Tree-level diagrams: e.g. seesaw type I

  9. Tree-level diagrams: e.g. seesaw type I good: “natural” value for the Yukawa coupling “natural” explanation for large MR bad: scale for MR is arbitrary

  10. Radiative masses: e.g. Zee/Wolfenstein model

  11. Radiative masses: e.g. Zee/Wolfenstein model

  12. Radiative masses: e.g. Zee/Wolfenstein model good: neutrino mass loop suppressed bad: this model is ruled out…

  13. 2. Ma’s scotogenic model (Ma-model)

  14. 2. Ma’s scotogenic model (Ma-model) • Ingredients apart from the SM: • 3 heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos Nk (SM singlets) • second Higgs doublet η without VEV (with SM-like quantum numbers) • additional Z2-parity, under which all particles are even except for Nk and η

  15. 2. Ma’s scotogenic model (Ma-model) • Ingredients apart from the SM: • 3 heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos Nk (SM singlets) • second Higgs doublet η without VEV (with SM-like quantum numbers) • additional Z2-parity, under which all particles are even except for Nk and η

  16. 2. Ma’s scotogenic model (Ma-model) • Ingredients apart from the SM: • 3 heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos Nk (SM singlets) • second Higgs doublet η without VEV (with SM-like quantum numbers) • additional Z2-parity, under which all particles are even except for Nk and η

  17. 2. Ma’s scotogenic model (Ma-model) • Ingredients apart from the SM: • 3 heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos Nk (SM singlets) • second Higgs doublet η without VEV (with SM-like quantum numbers) • additional Z2-parity, under which all particles are even except for Nk and η

  18. Features of the Ma-model: • relatively minimal extension of the SM (essentially a 2HDM) • Z2-parity plays a similar role as R-parity in SUSY → stable Dark matter candidates: neutral scalar η0 or lightest heavy Neutrino N1 • tree-level neutrino mass vanishes → generated at 1 loop

  19. Features of the Ma-model: • relatively minimal extension of the SM (essentially a 2HDM) • Z2-parity plays a similar role as R-parity in SUSY → stable Dark matter candidates: neutral scalar η0 or lightest heavy Neutrino N1 • tree-level neutrino mass vanishes → generated at 1 loop

  20. Features of the Ma-model: • relatively minimal extension of the SM (essentially a 2HDM) • Z2-parity plays a similar role as R-parity in SUSY → stable Dark matter candidates: neutral scalar η0 or lightest heavy Neutrino N1 • tree-level neutrino mass vanishes → generated at 1 loop

  21. Features of the Ma-model: • relatively minimal extension of the SM (essentially a 2HDM) • Z2-parity plays a similar role as R-parity in SUSY → stable Dark matter candidates: neutral scalar η0 or lightest heavy Neutrino N1 • tree-level neutrino mass vanishes → generated at 1 loop

  22. The Ma-model neutrino mass:

  23. The Ma-model neutrino mass: Yukawa coupling:

  24. The Ma-model neutrino mass: Yukawa coupling: This part would lead to a neutrino mass. BUT: ‹η0›=0 → tree-level contribution vanishes

  25. The Ma-model neutrino mass: Yukawa coupling: This part would lead to a neutrino mass. BUT: ‹η0›=0 → tree-level contribution vanishes

  26. Leading order: 1-loop diagram

  27. Leading order: 1-loop diagram

  28. Leading order: 1-loop diagram

  29. Leading order: 1-loop diagram

  30. Leading order: 1-loop diagram

  31. Light neutrino mass matrix:

  32. Light neutrino mass matrix:

  33. Light neutrino mass matrix:

  34. Light neutrino mass matrix: Higgs masses:

  35. Light neutrino mass matrix: • Features: • “natural” Yukawa couplings • loop suppression 1/(16π2) • radiative seesaw → TeV-scale heavy neutrinos

  36. Light neutrino mass matrix: • Features: • “natural” Yukawa couplings • loop suppression 1/(16π2) • radiative seesaw → TeV-scale heavy neutrinos

  37. Light neutrino mass matrix: • Features: • “natural” Yukawa couplings • loop suppression 1/(16π2) • radiative seesaw → TeV-scale heavy neutrinos

  38. Light neutrino mass matrix: • Features: • “natural” Yukawa couplings • loop suppression 1/(16π2) • radiative seesaw → TeV-scale heavy neutrinos

  39. 3. Flavour and the Ma-model:

  40. 3. Flavour and the Ma-model: The Yukawa coupling that enters into the neutrino mass also generates LFV processes:

  41. 3. Flavour and the Ma-model: The Yukawa coupling that enters into the neutrino mass also generates LFV processes:

  42. 3. Flavour and the Ma-model: The Yukawa coupling that enters into the neutrino mass also generates LFV processes:

  43. LFV-processes are strongly constrained (MEGA experiment):

  44. LFV-processes are strongly constrained (MEGA experiment): BUT: these bounds only constrain combinations of Yukawa coupling elements → cancellations possible → no problem for the Ma-model

  45. LFV-processes are strongly constrained (MEGA experiment): BUT: these bounds only constrain combinations of Yukawa coupling elements → cancellations possible → no problem for the Ma-model

  46. What will happen if a (discrete) flavour symmetry is imposed?

  47. What will happen if a (discrete) flavour symmetry is imposed? • without symmetry, the combination of Yukawa coupling matrix elements can be zero • a flavour symmetry imposes structure on the Yukawa matrix → easy example: h11=h12=h13=h21=h22=h23=a, h31=h32=h33=0 → then, the above amounts to: 3|a|2 → trivial or non-zero → may get in conflict with the constraints

  48. What will happen if a (discrete) flavour symmetry is imposed? • without symmetry, the combination of Yukawa coupling matrix elements can be zero • a flavour symmetry imposes structure on the Yukawa matrix → easy example: h11=h12=h13=h21=h22=h23=a, h31=h32=h33=0 → then, the above amounts to: 3|a|2 → trivial or non-zero → may get in conflict with the constraints

  49. What will happen if a (discrete) flavour symmetry is imposed? • without symmetry, the combination of Yukawa coupling matrix elements can be zero • a flavour symmetry imposes structure on the Yukawa matrix → easy example: h11=h12=h13=h21=h22=h23=a, h31=h32=h33=0 → then, the above amounts to: 3|a|2 → trivial or non-zero → may get in conflict with the constraints

  50. What will happen if a (discrete) flavour symmetry is imposed? • without symmetry, the combination of Yukawa coupling matrix elements can be zero • a flavour symmetry imposes structure on the Yukawa matrix → easy example: h11=h12=h13=h21=h22=h23=a, h31=h32=h33=0 → then, the above amounts to: 3|a|2 → trivial or non-zero → may get in conflict with the constraints

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