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C onditions

C onditions. Of. Shahada. 1 st declaration of faith. Lailallah illaallah 1 st declaration of faith means there is nothing truly deserving worship besides Allah. K nowledge. Knowledge: “Know that there is none worthy of worship but Allah” . C ertainty.

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C onditions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conditions Of Shahada

  2. 1st declaration of faith Lailallahillaallah 1stdeclaration of faith means there is nothing truly deserving worship besides Allah

  3. Knowledge Knowledge: “Know that there is none worthy of worship but Allah”

  4. Certainty Certainty: “Indeed the believers are those who believe in Allah and his messenger without wavering our doubt” Example: some people believe in our on lord Allah (swt) but are not certain that he is the one true god.

  5. Certainty Sincerity: “Indeed sincerity in religion is for Allah alone” Example: some people have much knowledge about Islam but they are not sincere enough to apply into to their daily life

  6. Truthfulness Truthfulness: “ did people honestly think that they would be left alone to say we believe without being tested, indeed Allah ahs tested those who cam before them Allah knows who are the trustworthy who are the liars”.

  7. Love If you try to count all of Allah's blessings you will not be able to add them up”. Example: To sincerely believe in the shahada you must be able to appreciate Allah's blessings

  8. Submission Example: Muslims who truly love their lord will submit to him and turn to him in repentance “And return to your lord in repentance and submit to him”

  9. Acceptance Acceptance: “It is not for a believer, man , or woman that when Allah and his messenger decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision

  10. Disbelief Disbelief: “ Whoever disbelieves in false gods and believes in Allah has indeed firmly grasped a trustworthy handhold”

  11. Second Declaration Of Faith States: Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

  12. Allah knows best • Allah knows best: “ Allah knows best with whom to place his message” • Example: Allah (swt) chose the prophet Muhammad (saw) because he was most suitable of all humans to be given the last message

  13. Infallibility • Infallibility: “ I will make you recite it without forgetting any of it except what Allah wills” • Example: This condition proves that the prophet Muhammad (saw) was a human being like no other, but he made very little errors

  14. Universality Universality: “ Say o mankind, I am the messenger of Allah to you all”

  15. Completeness Completeness: “ Oh messenger! Covey whatever is revealed to you form the your lord. If you do not do so (in it’s entirely) , you will not have conveyed the message (at all)”

  16. Finality Finality: “ No prophet will come after me” Example: Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last prophet and his message was preserved

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