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Practical Technology

Ray Anderson CTO, Online IDG Communications. Practical Technology. You will never be happy but you can be successful. Key Success Factors. Hosting v. Co-location How can we create a stream of new ideas Which companies should we partner with for technology services

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Practical Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ray Anderson CTO, Online IDG Communications Practical Technology

  2. You will never be happy but you can be successful

  3. Key Success Factors • Hosting v. Co-location • How can we create a stream of new ideas • Which companies should we partner with for technology services • How to we build to scale • When should we use open source solutions • What should we outsource or offshore?

  4. Attributes: Acquisition; Very old, but decent technology (Vignette v5, Oracle DB), Small to Moderate traffic Goals: Keep current membership/traffic while face-lifting the site Create more reader engagement and increase traffic Case Study: ITWorld.com

  5. Used open source: 12 Week Design/Build Open source CMS, DB and web application layer Whitebox hardware; Linux operating systems No additional bandwidth charges Application of RIA to content management workflow simplified editorial efforts Converted to our standard Ad serving & CDN Outsourced: Local development partner complimented our resources (Optaros) Built to scale: Will handle 5x traffic before add’l monies required Case Study: ITWorld.com • Attributes: • Acquisition; • Very old, but decent technology (Vignette v5, Oracle DB), • Small to Moderate traffic • Goals: • Keep current membership/traffic while face-lifting the site • Create more reader engagement and increase traffic

  6. Case Study: ITWorld.com • Results • Traffic: UP! 36% in 2 months (no drop)Revenue: UP! (as a function of PVs)Editorial satisfaction: UP! Reader satisfaction: UP!Engagement: UP!Build expense less then half plan by blending resources

  7. accelerateresults • Attributes: • Custom pub; High levels of functionalityDistributed editorial & sales • Goals: • Launch full featured site Launch it fast!!Lightweight CMSMultinational accessibility

  8. accelerateresults • Results • Outsourced design and build:Local shop (Alternative Productions) - controlled expenseVery fast build: 10 weeks • Included a fully functional embedded CMS supporting market verticals, taxonomy, workflow, WYSIWYG editing, slotting, backfilling, targeted ad serving, lead gen etc. • Leveraged open source • Ruby on Rails; MySQL, nginx (as opposed to Apache)Hosted not co-located: EngineYard • RoR hosting specialistsExpense control; insulation from other co-located branded activity; speed to market

  9. Practical Technology Ray AndersonCTO, Online Publishing Group IDG Communicationsranderson@idgcommunications.com

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