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CRCT and CRCT- M PRE-ADMINISTRATION WORKSHOP. AIC Auditorium March 27, 2014 1:00 P.M. AGENDA. Reminders for School Test Coordinators General Administration Information – CRCT & CRCT- M General Testing Guidelines and Requirements Contact Information Questions and Answers.
CRCT and CRCT-M PRE-ADMINISTRATION WORKSHOP AIC Auditorium March 27, 2014 1:00 P.M.
AGENDA • Reminders for School Test Coordinators • General Administration Information – CRCT & CRCT-M • General Testing Guidelines and Requirements • Contact Information • Questions and Answers
Reminders for ScTC Follow all regulations and procedures concerning the administration of any standardized test exactly without variance including any DCSD standard operating procedures; Read the Test Coordinator’s and Examiner’s Manuals thoroughly. Seek guidance from Research, Assessments, and Grants with any unclear items; Re-deliver all training to local school on Wednesday April 16, 2014. Re-deliver the Accommodations In-service on or before April 18, 2014. Maintain a signature log (sign in/out) of those individuals trained; Allow for all accommodations to be correctly provided. Consult the GaDOE’s Student Assessment Handbook and the Accommodations Manual for Students with Disabilities as well as Research, Assessments, and Grants for assistance; Provide correct versions of tests for each student; Organize school security plan: Report any irregularity to the Research, Assessment, & Grants Department and the local school Principal; Review page 44 and 45 of the GaDOE’s Student Assessment Handbook for further guidance.
IMPORTANT DCSD DATES: CRCT & CRCT-M April 22 – May 1 Tuesday, April 22 READING CRCT/CRCT-M Wednesday, April 23 ELA CRCT/CRCT-M Thursday, April 24 MATH CRCT/CRCT-M Friday, April 25 Make-ups CRCT/CRCT-M Monday, April 28 Make-ups CRCT/CRCT-M Tuesday, April 29 SCIENCE CRCT Wednesday, April 30 SOCIAL STUDIES CRCT Thursday, May 1 Make-ups CRCT Due Dates for Scorables to Warehouse: Monday, April 28 – CRCT-M 12:00 - 4:00pm Friday, May 2 – CRCT – see schedule
CRCT Test Constructs • Basic Reminders: • Content Areas – Reading, ELA, Math, Science & Social Studies • Grades being tested: • Spring Main Administration: Grades 3 – 8 • Summer Retest Administration: Grade 3 – Reading; Grades 5 & 8 - Reading and Math • All items are “Selected Response” (multiple choice)
CRCT Test Constructs • Test Items are based on the state-mandated content standards • Cut scores are the same as the past several administrations;a scale score of 800 is minimum for Meets the Standard, 850 is minimum for Exceeds the Standard • Continued field testing of content for next generation of Grades 3 - 8 assessments • CRCT Content Descriptions and CRCT Study Guides are available in the CRCT section of the Testing/Assessment Website and DeKalb Discussions
CRCT Key Points The last day of the GaDOE’s window for the CRCT is May 2, 2014. If you have a Grade 3, 5, or 8 student miss the district’s full window, then there is the possibility that the student may still take the Reading and/or Mathematics test (as appropriate) on May 2. Contact Research, Assessment and Grants if this RARE situation occurs. Testing on May 2 is only permissible with approval from the RAG Department.
CRCT-M Key Points • The CRCT-M is only available for students who: • have not achieved grade-level proficiency on the previous year’s state-mandated test (i.e. CRCT) in the content area under consideration. • are receiving special education services. • meet specific eligibility guidelines. • have not achieved basic proficiency for 2 or more consecutive years. • whose IEPs reflect this assessment. • Special care must be taken to ensure students get the right assessment.
CRCT-M Key Points Students who achieved Basic Proficiencyfor 2 or more consecutive years on the CRCT-M in the same content area are ineligible for the CRCT-M in that content area for 2014.
CRCT-M Test Constructs • Basic Reminders: • Content Areas – Reading, ELA, and Math only; • Grades being tested: • Spring Main Administration: Grades 3 – 8; • Summer Retest Administration: Grade 3 –Reading; Grades 5 & 8 - Reading and Math ; • Like the CRCT, all items are “Selected Response” (multiple choice); • What is different: • A student may take between one to three content area CRCT-M tests; • There are 10 fewer items than on the CRCT per content area; • Students will take CRCT in any content area that is not assessed by CRCT-M (therefore, all students will take the CRCT in Science and Social Studies)
CRCT-M Test Constructs Field Test items help to create a pool of items for future test administrations. They are included with Operational items in all content areas at all grade levels, but are not reported as part of the student’s score.
Types of Revisions Simplify language in question/stem and/or distracters Simplify graphics, visuals, etc. Eliminate extraneous information Substitute another (more familiar) word without changing the construct Reformat items or passages (e.g., adding more white space, size of text) Adjust layouts (e.g., reorder items or passages) Separate reading passages into segments, followed by related items CRCT-M Test Constructs
Receipt of Materials • Delivery of materials April 15 - 16, 2014; • Upon receipt of materials, inventory all items – if any errors are present, contact Research, Assessments, and Grants immediately; • Boxes are labeled for each school and include: • School Packing List & School Security Checklist – both will be returned to Research, Assessments, and Grants • School Group Lists (CRCT-M will not have School Group Lists) • Group Information Sheets (GIS) and coding instructions • Test Coordinator’s Manuals & Test Examiner’s Manuals • Test booklets & answer sheets • Stack Cover Cards & paper bands (CRCT only) • Schools will receive an overage of materials from the vendor; • If additional materials are needed, School Test Coordinators should contact Research, Assessment and Grants. • Retain boxes for return shipping! All boxes must be returned!
Pre-Administration • All schools must adhere to the district’s testing window for each test (eight days for CRCT, five days for CRCT-M); • Materials should be kept in secure storage before, during, and after testing – this location should only have two keys available – one for the Test Coordinator and the other for the Principal; • Student Test Booklets are presorted into class packs of 20 and 5 and must remain in their shrink-wrapped packages as late as possible to avoid security concerns; however, it is understood that test materials will need to be assembled into appropriate containers for Test Examiners;
Security • School Test Coordinators should use the Materials Verification Formto check materials out to Test Examiners daily. All materials are returned to the School Test Coordinator for secure storage at the end of testing session • Security wafer seals on all test books cannot be broken until testing begins • Each classroom must have adequate staff to monitor testing • Should any test irregularities occur, contact Research, Assessment and Grants for instruction • There should be no weekend activities or entry at any school between April 15 and May 8 unless AAS and Research, Assessment and Grants have been notified via email using the district’s Local School Weekend Access form (from the Principal)
New Cell-Phone Guidelines • Students are not permitted to use, or bring into the testing environment, any electronic device that could allow them to access, retain, or transmit information (e.g., cell phone, smartphone, PDA, electronic recording, camera, or playback device, etc.). • Announcements must be made prior to testing that such devices are not allowed in the testing environment and that possession or improper use of such devices during testing may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the system's student code of conduct and/or test invalidation. • Devices such as those mentioned above that are brought into the testing environment must not remain in the student’s possession during testing. • Districts and schools must have a plan to collect and secure such devices so that they are not accessible during testing. • In the event a student brings such a device into the testing environment but does not have the device out during testing, the examiner and/or proctor must collect the device if they become aware of its presence and should allow the student to continue testing.
CRCT SECURITY CHECKLIST It will not be necessary to use this form to checkout materials each day of testing (use the Materials Verification Form); however, this form must accurately reflect to whom booklets are assigned. Cross-checks and confirmations should occur during testing by both the Test Examiner and Test Coordinator. The Test Examiner should sign prior to testing to acknowledge books assigned to him/her and a copy of this should be included with the Test Examiner’s materials each day. Test Examiners should check this form daily against booklets received.
Teacher Name Only CRCT-M SECURITY CHECKLIST Just as in the case for the CRCT Security Checklist, the same is true for the CRCT-M Security Checklist – use the Materials Verification Form; however, this form must accurately reflect to whom booklets are assigned. Cross-checks and confirmations should occur during testing by both the Test Examiner and Test Coordinator. The Test Examiner should sign prior to testing to acknowledge books assigned to him/her and a copy of this should be included with the Test Examiner’s materials. Test Examiners should check this form daily against booklets received.
Security Be sure to complete the School Inventory Checklist found in the Test Coordinator’s Manual (CRCT p15 – CRCT-M p17). Secure these documents with your school records.
Letter to Parents Please postmark the CRCT/CRCT-M Parent Letter to your school’s parents/guardians before April 1, 2014. Translated version will be added to DeKalb Discussions.
Local School Training • All schools must administer their local school workshops on April 16, 2014 – Principal should be present; • All schools will rotate Test Examiners for the 2014 CRCT/CRCT-M Main • Administration. No core teacher should administer any section of the • CRCT/CRCT-M to his/her own students (only exception is sign language • interpreters and/or IEP – “Test administered by certified educator familiar • to student” – notify RAG of these situations for approval). • Accurate records must be kept detailing which Test Examiner is assigned • to which group of students; • Test Examiners should be provided with a testing roster listing Test Examiner, Proctor (if necessary), assigned students, and any possible accommodations prior to the start of testing; • All staff members should have a firm understanding of any guidance or requirements concerning testing as well as what to do should they need to report any type of irregularity;
Local School Training Test Coordinators should provide a second training to all Test Examiners who will administer any accommodations found in an IEP, 504 Plan, and/or ELL/TPC Plan (especially take note of Read Aloud Guidelines & Tutorial on the GaDOE site and the GaDOE’s Accommodation Manual and Accommodations FAQ document at: http://archives.gadoe.org/DMGetDocument.aspx/CRCT%20Read%20Aloud%20Guidelines.pdf?p=6CC6799F8C1371F6A8C8A113250D27C8FED687038F114DDBD6697DB0D5FB84DD&Type=D and http://archives.gadoe.org/DMGetDocument.aspx/CRCT_Read-Aloud_Online_Tutorial.swf?p=6CC6799F8C1371F6152610E558D9BAE50B9A4797C129C6A91E65BBB472D72725&Type=D This separate training session should take place for those Test Examiners providing accommodation on any day prior to Thursday, April 17;
All Examiners providing accommodations must be familiar with those accommodations listed in IEPs, 504 Plans, ELL/TPC Plans As a general reminder, accommodations must: be required by the student in order to participate in the assessment be provided during routine instruction and assessment in the classroom Accommodations may not: alter, explain, simplify, paraphrase, or eliminate any test item, reading passage, writing prompt, or choice option provide verbal or other clues or suggestions that hint at or give away the correct response to the student Accommodations should not be seen for the first time during the administration of an assessment For Large Print and Braille, transpose student answers using two certified employees and complete the Transposing Documentation (one of the employees must be an administrator) Local School Training
Pre-ID Labels Pre-ID information was reported to GaDOE on Wednesday, February 5 (all students enrolling after this date will not have a label) If the Pre-ID Label is incorrect, do not use – it will override bubbled information! School’s data clerk/registrar should check to see if the student’s records need to be updated Pre-ID should be applied prior to testing Pre-ID labels should match student being testedEXACTLY(watch for similar names) If a student does not have a Pre-ID label, information must be bubbled on the answer document When bubbling demographic information, fill in the text boxes first, then bubble;
CRCT Pre-ID Labels • CRCT Pre-ID labels are included in each School Test Coordinator Kit. • Three (3) CRCT barcode labels are available for each student. CRCT labels should not be used for the CRCT-M (CRCT-M will have its own labels). • Visible information includes: • Student name & GTID • School and System names & codes • Grade • Student birthday & gender • Ethnicity, Race and Primary SRC (PSRC) • Barcode number
CRCT Pre-ID Labels • Three barcode labels for each student • Do not use if inaccurate • Barcodes override bubbling • Additional labels can be used on test booklet Spare (Do not use for CRCT-M) CRCT Answer document CRCT Test booklet
CRCT-M Pre-ID Labels • Pre-ID labels will come with CRCT-M School Test Coordinator Kit. • Two barcode labels for each student come with CRCT-M for use on the answer document only (one for the answer document and one spare). • Visible information includes: - Student name & GTID - School and System names & codes - Grade - Student DOB and gender - Ethnicity, Race, and Primary SRC (PSRC) - Barcode number
CRCT-M Pre-ID Labels • Do not use if inaccurate • Barcodes override bubbling
If Barcode applied incorrectly If answers have been gridded: - Transcribe student answers & demographics onto a replacement answer sheet. - Write VOID over the original booklet/answer sheet, and return it with non-scorable materials. If answers have not been gridded: - Write VOID over the original answer sheet, and return it with non-scorable materials. If student transfers Barcode not applied to an answer document: - Destroy the barcode. Barcode applied to an answer document: - Write VOID over the original booklet/answer sheet, and return it with non-scorable materials if no answers gridded Pre-ID Labels
Coding Instructions: CRCT • *Each line of section 1 as well as section 9 must be completed for every student with or without a label • Classroom Teacher = Teacher of Record(not Test Examiner) • *For students without labels, complete Sections 2 – 8 • Student Name • Leave all blank spaces empty • Date of Birth • Don’t forget to bubble “month” • Gender • Ethnicity • Race • GTID • Listed in eSIS as State Ministry Number • FTE Student # • Listed in eSIS as SSN • Form # • Critical and must be coded
Coding Instructions: CRCT Remember: Demographic data must be completed for the student on page three of CRCT Answer Document
CRCT Additional Coding Bubble current SRC even if it is included on label; however, if the current SRC is not on the label or does not match, discard the label and bubble all demographic information. If an ACCOMMODATION is bubbled, an Accommodation Type; must be bubbled also along with the Conditional status.
CRCT Additional Coding • Section 10 – Complete for all appropriate students – with or without labels • SRC • Code for all students whether or not they receive accommodations • For the student’s primary classification, only one circle should be filled in for SRCs • 1–12, 14, or 15. • Additional circles for SRCs 13 and 16–19 may be filled in as applicable. • Code Title I Reading and Math for Targeted Assisted Schools only. • ACCOMMODATIONS • Code only for students who have accommodations for the CRCT • ACCOMMODATION TYPE/CONDITIONAL ADMINISTRATION • Refer to the GaDOE Accommodations Chart for the definition of Setting, • Presentation, Response, and Scheduling accommodations. • There are no Conditional Accommodations for ELA, Science, and Social Studies
CRCT Additional Coding • Complete Section 11 – 14 • for all students as needed – with or without labels. • First Year ELL Deferred • ELL students enrolled for the first time in a school in the United States may receive a one-time deferment from assessments in content areas other than mathematics and science. • PTNA • If a student was present for the test administration but did not attempt any items in one or more content areas, this must be coded in the appropriate circle under “PTNA.” • BRAILLE/LARGE-PRINT • If a student was tested with a Braille or Large-Print version on the CRCTs, this must be coded in the appropriate circle under “BRAILLE/LARGE-PRINT • EIP SERVED • If a student has received services from the state’s Early Intervention Program (EIP) at any time during the current school year, this must be coded in the circle under “EIP SERVED” (relevant to grades 3 through 5 only)
CRCT Additional Coding • Complete Section 15 – 17 • for all students – with or without labels as appropriate/directed. • Local Optional Coding • (See slide 44 for special program codes) • GNETS • For DeKalb-Rockdale Program and the satellite GNETS sites • 17. IR, IV, and PIV Coding • To be completed only as directed by Research, Assessments, and Grants
CodingInstructions: CRCT-M • Each line of section 1 must be completed for every student with or without a label • Classroom Teacher = Teacher of Record(not Test Examiner) • For students without labels, complete Sections 2 – 9 (remember February 5) • Student Name • Print name and bubble correspondingly • Leave all blank spaces empty • GTID • Listed in eSIS as State Ministry Number • FTE Student # • Listed in eSIS as SSN • Date of Birth • Gender • Grade • Ethnicity • Race
CRCT-M Answer Document Front Cover Inside Front
CRCT-M Answer Document Back Cover Inside Back
CRCT-M Additional Coding Front page of Answer Document (different than CRCT) Bubble current SRC even if it is included on label; however, if the current SRC is not on the label or does not match, discard the label and bubble all demographic information. Bubble in all ACCOMMODATION info if applicable
CRCT-M Additional Coding • Complete Section 12 – 16 • for all students – • with or without labels as appropriate. • 12. GNETS • For DeKalb-Rockdale Program and the satellite GNETS sites • 13. Local Optional Coding • (See slide44 for special program codes) • Bubble for all students who receive reading or math service • Bubble for Braille or Large Print • 16. IR, IV, and PIV Coding • To be completed only as directed by Research, Assessments, and Grants
CRCT-M Additional Coding • FORM NUMBERS must be bubbled, even though DeKalb will only receive one form. • PTNA should be bubbled for students who actually sit for the test but refuse to participate. If even one answer is bubbled, PTNA can not be marked. • ELL Deferred coding will appear on both Reading and ELA sections rather than as a single entry on the Answer Document (as seen on the CRCT) • SPECIAL NOTE: Coding ELL Deferred on CRCT-M is different from CRCT process.
ENTER 0033 = Middle School students enrolled in Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A during 2013 - 2014. ENTER 0044 = Elementary students participating in the DeKalb Montessori Program in 2013 – 2014 (Briar Vista, Huntley Hills, & Midway). ENTER 0055 = Elementary & Middle School students participating in the High Achievers Magnet Program in 2013 – 2014 (Code all students in “whole school models” – such as Kittredge and Wadsworth or only “magnet students” in “school within a school” models such as Chapel Hill MS and Chamblee MS). ENTER 0056 = Middle School students enrolled in High Achievers Magnet Program AND Accelerated Math 6/7A, Accelerated Math 7B/8, Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry ENTER 0077 = Students participating in Flexible learning Programs – FLP. (14 schools) ~ Required for state and/or federal reporting~ LOCAL OPTIONAL CODES BOXCRCT & CRCT-M
Test Preparation Remove or cover instructional materials that may prompt student responses Arrange seating to promote individual work Post a “Testing: Do Not Disturb” sign on the outside of the classroom door: One proctor is recommended for up to 30 students and required for more than 30 Examiner Materials: Examiner’s Manual Test books (Gr. 3-8) & Answer sheets (Gr. 3-8) Scratch paper for Math Two No.2 pencils with erasers per student
Test Administration All standardized tests must begin within thirty minutes of the school’s official start time Students take one content area per day and should sign-in each day All sections from a single content area must be administered the same day Students can write in the test books(but Highlighters are not allowed!) Teachers must monitor students by circulating and checking to prevent cheating, use of calculators, going ahead, looking back, etc…. Teachers should not use cell phones, texting, working at computers, reading magazines, etc… Any incident worth noting should be recorded by the teacher in the Examiner’s Incident Log. The Examiner’sIncident Log should then be collected by the Test Coordinator and remain on file for five years. If the incident rises to the appropriate level, it should be reported as an irregularity Examiners should collect and count all materials each day before leaving the test environment
Students may take stretch breaks between sections. As a general rule, a student who leaves the room during Section 1 may not complete Section 1. They may resume testing in Section 2 once it starts. An exception relative to a restroom emergency is explained in restroom break guidance document. Known medication times/ fragile conditions/504 Plans, etc. must be planned for ahead of time. Test Administration
CRCT: Small Group Kits Small Group Kits will be provided to schools. These kits are for those students needing a special administration of the exam in a small group environment based upon an accommodation found in an IEP, 504 Plan, and/or ELL/TPC plan. Small Group Kits consist of 10 test books of the same grade and form and the appropriate examiners manual for that form. Schools can also use regular overage materials to create Small Group Kits using a common form.
School Test CoordinatorBest Practices Tips • Develop a method for tracking students alternating between CRCT and CRCT-M • Consider preemptively placing Post it notes over sections that should be left blank to be sure the student answers in the correct section • Develop a method to track and verify that, where necessary, students answers have been transposed from test books to answer sheets. 49
CRCT-M Small Groups • The CRCT-M is a test designed for small numbers of students • Schools will receive only one form for the CRCT-M • For this reason, schools will not receive any special packaging of small group materials • Because districts receive only one form, all test materials can be used for those students who need a special administration of the exam in a small group environment