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Workplace Safety Incidents Report Jan-Feb 2011

Learn from real workplace accidents & their consequences to prevent future occurrences. Follow safety protocols to ensure a safe work environment.

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Workplace Safety Incidents Report Jan-Feb 2011

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  1. LTI Notification LTI No 01 2011 9Th January Accident Location: 2KM South of Barik WHAT HAPPENED: During a Rig Move from Lekhwair to Karim West, approximately 2 km south of Barik, the convoy stopped for an ROP escort change-over. One of the vehicles (driven by the IP) failed to stop in time and collided into the back of the vehicle that was in front of him. RTA • RESULTS: • Broken upper limbs. • 42 Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • When a vehicle travelling in the same direction is • creating a dust cloud that makes it difficult to • see the road ahead, drivers must: • Slow down • Keep a safe distance (at least four seconds) from the rear of the dust cloud, far enough back to be able to identify and stop safely if the vehicle in front was to stop suddenly • Never enter the dust cloud; • Never overtake in the dust cloud. • All drivers must follow the Dust Code.

  2. LTI Notification LTI No 02 2011 2Nd January Accident Location: Fahud E Station WHAT HAPPENED: The Driver (IP) was cleaning the vehicle when it started moving forward due to slopped surface & the hand break was not applied. The IP tried to stop the vehicle using his hand by holding the tyre which resulted in his right hand middle finger getting trapped under the tyre. • RESULTS: • Hand and Finger Deep Cuts • 28 Work Days Lost LATERAL LEARNING: Engage the parking brake fully when parking a vehicle. IP’s Foot Trapped when the vehicle moved IP Trying to Stop the vehicle moving Position of the IP before the vehicle moved

  3. LTI Notification LTI No 03 2011 12Th January Accident Location: Hoist 11 Yibal WHAT HAPPENED: While changing a drill line, the Roustabout (IP) stood near the dead-end anchor. He was pulling the drill line when the sling twisted and trapped his right thumb. • RESULTS: • Broken hand. • 10 Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Supervisors should supervise the job instead of directly doing the job. • Do not unreel in the vertical position • Supervisors should stop the job and rethink when there is a change in the job conditions • Wooden spooling to be eliminated.   The wrong method of unspooling with the wooden reel on the vertical position.

  4. LTI Notification LTI No 04 2011 25Th January Accident Location: Rig 59 Bahja WHAT HAPPENED: An NCC water tanker was enroute from Bahja to Rig 59 near Hawqa to make a routine delivery. While the Driver was negotiating a sharp bend, the vehicle rolled over. The driver was rescued by a passerby but the helper remained trapped until a rescue team managed to extract him from inside the vehicle. RTA • RESULTS: • Driver sustained multiple lacerations on his head and left elbow • The Helper sustained fractures to his left arm and his right leg. • At least 30 Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Adhere to the signposted speed limits • Slow down when approaching a bend

  5. LTI Notification LTI No 05 2011 29Th January Accident Location: MaF Offices WHAT HAPPENED: Whilst attempting to climb on a chair to switch on the overhead projector, the chair moved and the IP lost balance and fell to the ground. • RESULTS: • Broken arm. • Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Ask for help when required • Only use the appropriate ladder or steps to reach a height

  6. LTI Notification LTI No 06 2011 12Th January Accident Location: Rig 90 Camp Mabrouk WHAT HAPPENED: This is to notify staff of LTI #06, which occurred on 12th January 2011 at Rig 90 in Mabrouk. The IP is a 25-year old Junior Kitchen boy working for Enafor, a sub-contractor to SOCAT LLC. The Junior Kitchen Boy (IP) was cleaning the bathroom at the campsite. He had his hand against the door frame when the door got pushed, trapping his finger between the door and the frame. • RESULTS: • Broken finger. • Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Always keep hands clear from hazard area while opening and closing doors. • Do not act in haste. • All incidents must be reported

  7. LTI Notification LTI No 07 2011 30Th January Accident Location: Rig 37 Lekhwair East WHAT HAPPENED: The Mechanic (IP) had completed servicing the Case Running tool (CRT) and was taking the CRT cup carrier back to the store when he tripped over a hose. He fell on the ground holding the CRT cup carrier in his hand. • RESULTS: • IP suffered a fracture on his right middle finger. • Work Days Lost. LATERAL LEARNING: Always ensure that housekeeping is done on continuous basis X √

  8. LTI Notification LTI No 08 2011 9Th February Accident Location: 7 km From Nahada booster Stn to Nizwa WHAT HAPPENED: A private saloon car lost control and hit the edge of a culvert, subsequently knocking down a Mason who was working nearby. The 35-year old Mason working for Star of Fahud, a sub-contractor to  IECC. • RESULTS: • Severe head injury • Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING: • Protect workers from vehicles when working near road sides. • Be alert of speeding vehicles and keep safe distance from the road

  9. LTI Notification LTI No 09 2011 21st February Accident Location: Blasting & Painting Yard - Nimr WHAT HAPPENED: A Welder working for Al-Hassan Engineering Co, a PDO contractorWhile dismantling a temporary barricading structure, the partition wall started to tilt and the top edge portion of the structure hit the IP. • RESULTS: • Broken leg. • Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Inadequate Supervision and HSE Coverage • Insufficient planning and Poor Hazard Identification

  10. LTI Notification LTI No 10 2011 21Th February Accident Location: MB Camp Saih Rawl WHAT HAPPENED: The Assistant Driver (IP) was standing by the TV room entrance, when the door slammed shut, trapping the IP’s right little finger between the door and the door frame. • RESULTS: • Broken finger. • Work Days Lost. LATERAL LEARNING Use the door handle to open or close the door

  11. LTI Notification LTI No 11 2011 4Th March Accident Location: Rig 49 – Ufuq 19 Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: After attending to a light fitting on the Rig floor, The IP was coming down the stairs when he slipped on the last 3-4 steps. He held the handrails by his right hand but dislocated his shoulder as a result of the sudden jerk. • RESULTS: • Shoulder Dislocation. • 3 Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Stairs should ascended or descended one step at a time and by using handrails – maintain 3 point of contact at all times. • Do not rush while ascending or descending the stairs

  12. LTI Notification LTI No 12 2011 4Th March Accident Location: Rig 46 in Nimr C WHAT HAPPENED: An Electrician, (IP), was trying to help the Mechanic to relocate the jack stopper on a mud boat while standing on an unsecured ladder. He slipped and fell from a height of 1 meter. • RESULTS: • Broken arm. • Work Days Lost • LATERAL LEARNING • Portable ladders shall not be used unless they have been physically secured. • When working at heights, helmets must always be worn with chain straps. • Do not rush to perform a task. STOP, THINK and ACT! • Use empowerment to STOP the unsafe acts and conditions.

  13. LTI Notification LTI No 13 2011 11Th March Accident Location: Yibal GGP WHAT HAPPENED: Four Mechanical Technicians were removing the end cover of a Solar mars compressor.  One of the Technicians, (IP), climbed  on top of the compressor casing (about 1.8 meters high) to release the lateral block. The end cover suddenly released from the compressor barrel causing the IP to lose his balance, falling on the grating below. The end cover then twisted and swung back hitting the IP on his head. • RESULTS: • Head Injuries • Face and scalp multiple lacerations. • 42 Work Days Lost

  14. LTI Notification LTI No 14 2011 30Th March Accident Location: Rima WHAT HAPPENED: A Mechanic, (IP), was attending a service call to fix a 50 Ton crane at Rima. While changing the water from the radiator, the IP slipped due to the wet surface on the crane platform. He fell down from the crane platform, landing on his left arm. • RESULTS: • Broken forearm. • Work Days Lost. • LATERAL LEARNING • Lack of due care and attention • Inadequate Supervision

  15. LTI Notification LTI No 15 2011 13Th April Accident Location: Saih Rawl HWO Units WHAT HAPPENED: The Painter, (IP), had just unhooked the crane from the BOP Stripping stack. As he stepped down from the lower BOP bonnet on to the platform, he placed his left foot onto a coiled up guy wire which caused his left leg to twist, dislocating his left knee cap. • RESULTS: • Leg Twist and Knee Cap Dislocation • 14 Work Days Lost

  16. LTI Notification LTI No 16 2011 17th April Accident Location: Rig 82 in Amal WHAT HAPPENED: During the process of making up  a 9 5/8’’ CSG float shoe,  two Roustabouts  attempted to lift the float shoe using a web sling and forklift when suddenly the float shoe fell down on the IP’s left foot from a 0.4 meter height. • RESULTS: • Broken Foot • Five Work Days Lost

  17. LTI Notification LTI No 17 & 18 2011 21st April Accident Location: Fahud to Qarn Alam Road WHAT HAPPENED: The IP’s were travelling from Fahud to Qarn Alam when both back tyres of the vehicle they were travelling in punctured within seconds of each other. The driver lost control and the vehicle rolled over. The driver was unhurt but the two passengers were injured. One broke his right leg and right arm while the other had a broken right collar bone. The incident occurred in a GSM black spot and they were unable to communicate with their Journey Manager. They spent the night at the incident location and were spotted the following morning by a passing vehicle. RTA • RESULTS: • Broken Leg and Arm • Broken Collar Bone • 12 Working Weeks Lost

  18. LTI Notification LTI No 19 2011 25th April Accident Location: Thulailat in Marmul WHAT HAPPENED: The IP was attempting to align the polish rod clamp with the Progressive Cavity Pump drive head Sheave. He noticed an uneven surface in the locating profile and attempted to file it. Whilst doing so the hydraulically controlled Hoist block, which was supporting the Polish Rod and clamp, decended a few centimeters trapping the IP’s left hand index finger between the polish rod clamp and the drive head Sheave, resulting in the amputation of the finger just above the knuckle joint. • RESULTS: • Finger Amputation. • 14 Work Days Lost.

  19. LTI Notification LTI No 20 2011 24th April Accident Location: Hoist 31 in Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: The IP and other two crew members were positioning the power swivel on its skid when it swiveled and turned slightly trapping the IP’s right ring finger between the arm and a steel post on the skid, breaking it. • RESULTS: • Broken Finger • Ten Work Days Lost

  20. LTI Notification LTI No 21 2011 9th February Accident Location: Rig-36 in Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: The Driver (IP) and a Helper were in the process of lowering an oxygen cylinder from the rack, in preparation for it to be loaded onto a truck. As the IP commenced lowering the cylinder he stepped back and lost his footing (due to stepping on a “Lock Bar” on the ground) causing his knee to give way. • RESULTS: • Knee Injuries. • 3 Work Days Lost

  21. LTI Notification LTI No 22 2011 13th May Accident Location: LR10, Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: The IP was working on a Stand Pipe Manifold on the new mast  when he fell landing on his right elbow on the rig floor. He dislocated and broke his elbow. • RESULTS: • Broken Elbow • 42 Work Days Lost

  22. LTI Notification LTI No 23 2011 14th May Accident Location: Rig 26, Rehab 93 WHAT HAPPENED: The IP was making-up Drill Pipe connection at the Rig floor. He was moving the manual tong when he misplaced his finger away from the plastic safety cap on the tong handle. The finger got trapped between the manual tong latch and lug jaws causing crash injuries. • RESULTS: • Finger Injuries • 3 Work Days Lost

  23. LTI Notification LTI No 24 2011 26th May Accident Location: Rig 88, Harweel WHAT HAPPENED: The IP was unscrewing a heavy cross-over when it dropped a few inches to the ground, trapping his fingers. He broke the tips of his middle and ring fingers. • RESULTS: • Broken Fingers • Ten Work Days Lost

  24. LTI Notification LTI No 25 2011 17th June Accident Location: Al-Noor to Nimr Road WHAT HAPPENED: A Maqshan Skip Truck was travelling from Al-Noor to Nimr with a driver and helper. On approaching the Nimr roundabout, the Driver lost control and the vehicle rolled over. The driver escaped without any injuries but his Helper sustained multiple laceration wounds and swelling to his hands and skull. RTA • RESULTS: • Lacerations Wounds and swelling to Hands and Skull • Five Work Days Lost

  25. LTI Notification LTI No 26 2011 9th May Accident Location: Rig 82 in Nimr WHAT HAPPENED: The injured party (IP) Assistant Driller was rigging up the torque tube in the mast of the rig. He was removing the shackle from the air tugger line holding the torque tube when it swiveled on the line and moved trapping and broke his thumb. • RESULTS: • Broken Thumb • 28 Work Days Lost

  26. LTI Notification LTI No 27 2011 23rd May Accident Location: Hoist 41 in Al-Huwaisah WHAT HAPPENED: The monkey boards in MIDWESCO units, have a shade house with a movable 3-sided hinge bar, which assists the Derrik man (DM) when wracking back stands. When the DM is not working on the monkey board, the hinge bar is secured by a hook & a chain. Before the DM starts running stands, the hinge bar needs to be lowered. At the time of the incident, the Derrik man was extending the diving board, while his hands were on the handrail of the shade house. The hinged bar which was fastened slipped from the hook trapping the IP’s right hand. • RESULTS: • Broken hand • 28 Work Days Lost

  27. LTI Notification LTI No 28 2011 8th Jun Accident Location: Rig 86 at Burhan WHAT HAPPENED: While picking up a drill collar from the pipe racks, the Roustabout and his foreman faced difficulty in rolling the 8.25” Drill collar from pipe rack to cat walk. The foreman decided to push the Drill collar with the forklift, the drill collar rolled to the opposite side of the cat walk and fell to the ground hitting the roustabout’s ankle, who was standing near the cat walk and trying to stop the Drill Collar.    • RESULTS: • Broken Ankle • 42 Work Days Lost

  28. LTI Notification LTI No 29 2011 13th Jun Accident Location: Rig 54 at Saih Nihada WHAT HAPPENED: The Roustabout (IP) was trying to flip a BOP ram over, to be able to attach the hook into the lifting eye. When he lifted the ram (Approx ram Wt=40 Kg) with his right hand, the BOP ram rolled over and caught his left hand breaking his thumb. • RESULTS: • Broken Thumb • 28 Work Days Lost

  29. LTI Notification LTI No 30 2011 13th Jun Accident Location: Nimr ODC workshop WHAT HAPPENED: The Al-Turki Pipe Fitter (IP) was attempting to separate two 18” cut pipe sections by rolling and he accidentally positioned his fingers between the two pipes. As the pipes rolled, the pipe sections came apart and one of the sections moved downwards, crushing the IP’s left index and middle fingers. • RESULTS: • Finger Injuries • 21 Work Days Lost

  30. LTI Notification LTI No 31 2011 16th Jun Accident Location: Rig-54 in Saih Nihayda WHAT HAPPENED: The Weatherford Junior Electrician (IP) was replacing a light fixture (height 2.2m) on the generator trailer. He positioned his right leg on top of the engine oil filter and his left leg on the hand rail. He lost his balance and fell, hitting his back and right leg against the trailer beams, finally landing on the ground. • RESULTS: • Broken Rib • 7 Work Days Lost

  31. LTI Notification LTI No 32 2011 26th Jun Accident Location: WPH-22, Nimr WHAT HAPPENED: MBPS Roustabouts were pulling and laying pipes when a joint of 4 1/2" tubing dropped due to a defective latching mechanism from a height of 7m above the Hoist work platform. It hit one of the roustabout’s wrist breaking it. • RESULTS: • Broken Wrist • 7 Work Days Lost

  32. LTI Notification LTI No 33 2011 4th July Accident Location: Malan-28 in Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED:  The Coil Tubing Operator, Working for Integrated Petroleum Services, was mixing calcium chloride brine in a batch mixer. The mixture splashed on his lower abdomen, hands and legs due to sudden overflow causing 2nd degree burns. • RESULTS: • 2nd Degree Burns • 14 Work Days Lost

  33. LTI Notification LTI No 34,35,36,37 2011 11th July Accident Location: Natih – Ibri Road WHAT HAPPENED: A PDO ambulance driven by Al-Khatma Driver, was taking a patient, an employee of Special Technical Services & Tebodin (STST) from Yibal to Ibri hospital, escorted by STST male nurse and STST employee. The driver lost control due to part of rear tyre getting detached from the main element. The driver and front seat passenger were wearing their seat belts. The male nurse and patient were thrown out from rear compartment of the ambulance.     RTA • RESULTS: • STST employee - very serious condition in the Intensive Care Unit with head injuries. • The male nurse - multiple minor injuries, may require surgery, but is stable. • The patient - multiple fractures to his pelvis and spine, and may receive surgery for his original abdominal condition, but is stable. • The driver - broken hand. A cast was applied and has been discharged from hospital. • 42 Work Days Lost.

  34. LTI Notification 13th June LTI No 38 2011 Accident Location: Nimr B Station WHAT HAPPENED: Al-Turki Enterprise (ATE) Pipe Fitter was adjusting the PIG inside the launcher. His hand was positioned between the loose nut and the flange. The flange moved trapping and crushing his finger. IP’s Hand Between Flange and Loose Nut • RESULTS: • Finger Injuries • 21 Work Days Lost.

  35. LTI Notification 17th July LTI No 39 2011 Accident Location: Lekhwair-218 well location on CTU-19 WHAT HAPPENED: The Integrated Petroleum Company (IPC), Assistant Operator was filling a transfer pump with diesel when the Injured Party (IP), a Trainee Assistant Operator walked over the diesel hose. He tripped and fell over his arm. He broke his wrist. • RESULTS: • Broken Wrist • 42 Work Days Lost.

  36. LTI Notification 14th July LTI No 40 2011 Accident Location: Rig-92 in Yibal WHAT HAPPENED: KCA DeutagLabourer (IP) was Running 7’’ casing on Catwalk. A joint of 7’’ casing was picked up to the Rig floor with a crane. As the crane slings were swinging back in order to leave the rig floor to pick up the following joint, the slings pushed the protector (7.5 Kg) from the rig floor down the V-door landimg on the catwalk where it jumped and hit the IP’s leg.  • RESULTS: • Leg Injuries • 3 Work Days Lost.

  37. LTI Notification 20th July LTI No 41 2011 Accident Location: Saih Rawl Master pit location WHAT HAPPENED: A PDO Assistant Technician was straightening the bent water hoses when he slipped and landed on his left arm breaking his elbow. IP Straightening the bent water hose IP fell and landed on his elbow • RESULTS: • Broken Elbow • 28 Work Days Lost.

  38. LTI Notification 24th July LTI No 42 2011 Accident Location: Well No. 38 in Saih Nihaida WHAT HAPPENED: A HalliburtonTorque unit Operator was adjusting the pressure of the torque unit. The Assistant Operator (IP) attempted to move the torque wrench when the Torque Operator started the unit the IP’s hand was trapped between the wrench and the wellhead riser spool (pinch point) resulting in a crush injury to his left thumb. • RESULTS: • Thumb Crush Injuries • 14 Work Days Lost.

  39. LTI Notification 8th August LTI No 43 2011 Accident Location: Rig-49 at Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: The Dalma Energy Driller, (IP), was standing on a homemade stool to reach and operate the power tong that was suspended at 2 m above the rig floor. As he was breaking out a connection, the power tong suddenly swung towards him impacting his right arm against the top drive torque tube. He broke his arm and damaged nerves. • RESULTS: • Broken Upper Arm • Upper Arm Nerve Damage • 56 Work Days Lost.

  40. LTI Notification 16th August LTI No 44 2011 Accident Location: Qarn Alam Steam Project WHAT HAPPENED: The Galfar Rigger at Qarn Alam Steam Plant (QASP)  was loading a batch of precast concrete Instrument Supports on the back of a truck using a HIAB. The rigger was manually shifting the supports when he leaned one of them on his foot. Although he was wearing his safety shoes, the weight of the concrete block broke his foot. • RESULTS: • Broken Foot • 28 Work Days Lost. Rigger Manually Shifting supports Rigger Leaned the concrete support on his foot.

  41. LTI Notification 25th August LTI No 45 2011 Accident Location: Rig 59 Lekhwair WHAT HAPPENED: Dalma Energey Roustabout was preparing tools to spud the well, while the forklift operator was offloading the 9 1/2" Drill Collar (DC) to the ground at Rig-59 in Lekhwair. The IP was standing away from the load. The IP broke his leg when he tried to stop the rolling Drill Collar with his leg as it rolled over it. • RESULTS: • Broken Leg • 56 Work Days Lost.

  42. LTI Notification 19th September LTI No 46 2011 Accident Location: Rig 92 Burhan WHAT HAPPENED: A Floorman working for KCA Duetag, a PDO contractor, was attempting to put the pin in, to align with the pin holes when a movement of the gin pole resulted in his finger getting  trapped between the pin and Gin pole beam.  • RESULTS: • Finger Injury • 14 Work Days Lost.

  43. LTI Notification 13th October LTI No 57 2011 Accident Location: RAH Development Project WHAT HAPPENED: Al-Bustan Al-Jadeed heavy Truck Driver, working on a sub contract to Target on the RAH Development Project was moving his loaded tipper on the asphalt road when he missed the dedicated ramp. The vehicle lost stability and tilted towards the right. The driver was trying to release the seatbelt when he injured his wrist. RTA • RESULTS: • Broken Arm • 42 Work Days Lost.

  44. LTI Notification 18th October LTI No 58 2011 Accident Location: Al-Turki Industrial Yard in Marmul WHAT HAPPENED: The ATE rigging crew were offloading 4” hook up pipes from a trailer and stacking them on to racks. The pipes were in bundles of tens, secured by only some metal strips, used in packaging. The lifting was done using 3-side hooks. During the off-loading operation, at one stage, as the pipes were being positioned on the rack, the metal strips broke and the pipes fell from the rack on to the IP’s leg. • RESULTS: • Broken Foot • 42 Work Days Lost.

  45. LTI Notification 19th October LTI No 61 2011 Accident Location: Rig 53 Nimr WHAT HAPPENED: Baker Hughes Engineer was making up a connection between 2 pipes, lying horizontally on the ground, by using a 48" pipe wrench. IP At the final torque up, the pipe wrench slipped and hit the ground trapping the tip of his right hand ring finger between the pipe wrench handle and ground. • RESULTS: • Broken Finger • 14 Work Days Lost.

  46. LTI Notification 14th October LTI No 62 2011 Accident Location: Burhan Qarn Alam WHAT HAPPENED: EMC contractor, Special Technical Services & Tebodin (STST) Tipper Driver and a passenger (IP) were travelling from Burhan to Qarn Alam when tilted over to its right while the driver was negotiating a bend. The passenger injured his elbow and an operation was performed to remove a piece of glass embedded into the elbow. RTA • RESULTS: • Elbow Injuries • 3 Work Days Lost.

  47. LTI Notification 26th October LTI No 63 2011 Accident Location: Rig 53 Nimr WHAT HAPPENED: Dalma Energy Roustabout working as Floorman was lifting a 1.8m long, 6 ¾” diameter Sperry Directional measurement tool to the rig floor when the lifting wire rope sling slipped and trapped his finger on the pipe causing crash injuries. • RESULTS: • Broken Fingers • 28 Work Days Lost.

  48. LTI Notification 30th October LTI No 64 2011 Accident Location: Hoist 12 Natih WHAT HAPPENED: A Midwesco Roustabout was opening the shoulder type elevator while POOH7” CSG. He slipped and his hand was trapped between the eye of the bails and the elevators. The 7” casing moved down, which in turn caused the elevators to rotate round in the eye of the bails. His finger got caught between the elevator and the bails causing crush injuries. • RESULTS: • Finger Injuries • 14 Work Days Lost.

  49. LTI Notification 3rd December LTI No 53 2011 Accident Location: Hoist 11 – Qarn Alam WHAT HAPPENED: A Midwesco Floorman injured his finger while installing a handrail on its support. The finger got trapped between the handrail & the support; when he applied force with his foot to push the handrail into its socket. • RESULTS: • Finger Injuries • 5 Work Days Lost.

  50. LTI Notification 30th November LTI No 54 2011 Accident Location: Rig-88 – Marmul WHAT HAPPENED: NDSC Mechanic was doing routine checks in the engine room at the camp site when he tripped over the crude hose & twisted and broke his ankle. • RESULTS: • Broken Ankle • 42 Work Days Lost.

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