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CFA 3 Collaboration Day

Join us for a collaborative day of uplifting education on February 29, 2012. Explore TEKS mastery, set norms, assess progress, and create effective teaching plans. Share best practices, provide feedback, and strategize together for student success.

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CFA 3 Collaboration Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CFA 3 Collaboration Day Uplift Education February 29, 2012

  2. What are we doing today? • Setting Norms • 10 minutes • What’s the end of the year vision? • 45 minutes • How are we doing? • 60 minutes • What is the best way to get there? • 45 minutes • CFA 3 Feedback Survey • 20 minutes

  3. What are our ‘Must Master’ TEKS? • Which 7-10 TEKS/concepts are the most important? • Endurance: Will the standard provide students with knowledge and skills beyond a single test date? • Leverage: Will the standard provide knowledge and skills that are of value in multiple disciplines? • Readiness for the Next Level: Will the standard provide the students with essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for their success in the next grade level?

  4. Sample ‘Must Master’ TEKS • K.3A: Students identify the common sounds letters represent • Endurance: Key in developing reading skills including blending and decoding • Leverage: Letter sound knowledge is important in both reading and writing • Readiness for the Next Level: Skill is necessary to build reading and writing fluency

  5. Developing our ‘Must Master’ TEKS • Going through a copy of the TEKS • Star the most important 7-10; students should know inside and out • Underline 3-5 that they are in the next level of priority – the nice-to-haves • Finalize list of must-haves

  6. How are we doing? • Using the group-created list of must-haves, see how your students have done on them from CFA 1 to 3. • Why is this important?

  7. Creating a Plan

  8. Creating a Plan

  9. Creating a Plan • Before creating your plan, think about why it was not mastered the first time. What was the misunderstanding? • Create your plan and strategies that will address those reasons. • Complete ‘must master’ TEKS re-teach/review plan • Complete 6 week instructional plan

  10. What is the best way to get there? • Sharing best practices • Clock partners • Results Meeting Protocol • 4 Rounds of 10 minutes each • The first 5 minutes: • 1 minute for Partner 1 to share about a standard, skill, or concept they are having a problem teaching or a classroom problem • 1 minute for Partner 2 to silently reflect about ideas • 2 minutes for Partner 2 to share out any possible ideas or strategies for the issue • 1 minute for Partner 1 to share out what they can take back and use • The second 5 minutes • Same procedures just switch roles

  11. Closure • Whip around • Share what you have learned from today OR • Share what your next steps are when returning to your campus • Complete feedback survey

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