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User Guide Supplier Website. Accounts Payable Center. Conferencia de Prensa | 27 de mayo de 2010. June 2013. User Guide 2 de 15. Index Página Accessing the System 1.1 Log in 3 1.2 Log out 4 2. Sign in 5 3. Recover your password 6 4. Invoices 7 5 . Invoice Status 8
User Guide SupplierWebsite Accounts Payable Center Conferencia de Prensa | 27 de mayo de 2010 June 2013
User Guide2 de 15 Index Página • AccessingtheSystem 1.1 Log in 3 1.2 Log out 4 2. Sign in5 3. Recoveryourpassword6 4. Invoices7 5. InvoiceStatus8 5.1. Reception and registry9 5.2. InvoiceProcessing9 5.3. Payment 10 5.4. PaymentProgress 11 6. SupplierService Ticket12 7. Updateyourinformation13-14 8. Individual InvoiceChecking 15 Casa Matriz |
Back User Guide3 de 15 1. AccessingtheSystem 1.1. Log in To log intothesystem, pleaseselectyourCompany ‘s nacionality (select “national” forchileancompanies, or “foreign” otherwise) . Thenenteryour Codelco code, whichisindicated in thecontract ,and finallyenteryourpassword. ClickonINGRESAR. Visit the website • Beforeloging in, youmustsign in. Tosign in clickonRegístrese Aquí. • Ifyouforgotyourpassword, you can recoverit. clickingonOlvidó su Contraseña.
Back User Guide4 de 15 1.2 Log out Once you have finished checking your invoice status on the website, do not forget to log out clicking on the upper right bottom “Cerrar Sesión”.
Back User Guide5 de 15 2. Sign in Beforeaccesingthesystem, youneedtosign in. Clickontheupperbottom “Regístrese Aquí” andfilltheform. Theinformationmarkedwith * ismandatory. Youwill be abletosign in yourcompanyonly once and thatiswhyitis so importanttoupdateyour data permanently, especiallythecontact email.
Back User Guide6 de 15 3. Recoveryourpassword Ifyouhaveforgottenyourpassword, you can recoveritclickingontheupperbottom“Olvidó su Contraseña” Writeyour Codelco code and theregistered email contact: your new passwordwill be senttoit. Thisproveshowimportantistokeepupdatedthe email contact. If you dont remember the email contact or it does not exist anymore, please call our Help Desk (56-2) 28185766. Once you log in again you will be able to change the password clicking on “Actualización de Datos”
Back User Guide7 de 15 4. Invoices After loging in, you will be able to look for your invoice by its number, status, Codelco Division or invoice date. To search by the invoice date, you must not exceed a month range. If you look by the invoice number, the invoice date range will be ignored (these one will be showed in a light grey color). Once the invoices found are listed, click on one of them to see more information.
Back User Guide8 de 15 5. Invoice Details The invoice detail is showed by the following way: Thisisthemaininformation of theinvoice. Itincludes a link toseetheinvoice in PDF format. Invoice status. Theinvoice status will be showed in orange. Invoicedetail. Forfurtherinformationclickon+ A Link toseetheinvoicepaymentprogress
Back User Guide9 de 15 5.1. Reception and registry In thissectionyouwillfindtheinvoicereception date. Thisis a keyinformationbecausefromthis date on Codelco willprocesstheinvoiceaheadtopayment. Youwill be abletofollow up theinvoice status and be informed of anyinconvient in thepaymentprocess. 5.2. Procesamiento del documento 5.2. InvoiceProcessing In thesection “Procesamiento de Documento” youwillfindthree status: • En proceso: Thismeanstheinvoiceisstillwaitingto be checked. • Rechazado: Thismeanstheinvoicewasrejected and youwillfindthereasonbydoingclickon + • Contabilizado: Theinvoice has beenanalized and can be readyforpaymentor be blocked. Italso shows the probable payment date and/orthereasonwhytheinvoiceisblocked.
Back User Guide10 de 15 5.3. Payment When an invoice is in the status “Pago”, you will be able to check the payments and discounts related, with its detail, the effective payment date, the payment reciever, the payment way (electronic tranfer, check, etc…) and the recipient bank account.
Back User Guide11 de 15 5.4. PaymentProgress Clickingon “Estado de la Obligación y Autorización” youwillseetheservice/purchaseorderrelatedtotheinvoicewhich has to be referencedonit. Theseones are: - Purchaseorder: Itisthenumber of a contractcelebratedbetweentheSupplier and Codelco thatallowsustoconfirmiftheinvoiceiscorrectorifthereis a difference. - SEP: Itis anumberthat Codelco givestotheSupllierforeverymiscellanypurchaseorservice. - HES: Itis a numberthatreferences a requiredservice and acts as a PurchaseOrder. Thisonedetailsanspecificservicewithanauthorizedamount. - ConsignmentAgreement: Numbergivenby Codelco formerchandise and storage on consignment . Iftheinvoicedoesnothaveany of thesereferences, thesystemwill show thatthereis no paymentauthorization. This is an example of a purchase order, which is aproved, ready to be payed.
Back User Guide12 de 15 6. SupplierService Ticket Togenerate a Service Ticket youhaveto log in. ClickonConsulta y creación ticket de atención mesa de ayuda, locateddownwards. Youwill be abletogenerate a ticket, whichwillregisteryourquestions and claims. Every ticket isattendedbyourHelpDesk. IftheHelpDesk can notsolvethe ticket, itwill be senttotherightperson in theAccountsPayable Center. Theproblemshould be solved in threeworkdays. Click here for further information
Back User Guide13 de 15 7. Update your information Inside your account you can modify your information by clicking “Actualización de datos” where you will find the following form. The information with * is mandatory. This changes will be effective only if you click on “Actualizar”.
Back User Guide14 de 15 To change your password, click on the left menu “Cambiar contraseña”. The system will ask you the present password and to enter the new one twice. This change will be effective only if you click on “Actualizar”.
Back User Guide15 de 15 8. Individual InvoiceChecking Thissectionallowsyoutocheck a specificinvoicewithoutknowingthepassword and justhavingyour Codelco Code and theinvoicenumber. Clickon“Consultar” . Theinformationdisplayedwill be thesameoneexplained in item 5.
User Guide SupplierWebsite Accounts Payable Center Conferencia de Prensa | 27 de mayo de 2010 June 2013